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Lesson 126 别紧张 bié jǐnzhāng            【字体:
Lesson 126 别紧张 bié jǐnzhāng
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

M: Péngyǒu. Nǐmen hǎo! Huānyīng shōutīng Xiànzài Xué Hànyǔ. Wǒ shì ML.

S: Wǒ shì Stuart. Time for Chapter five.

M: Stuart, I'm so tense 我很紧张 wǒ hěn jǐnzhāng. That poor cat!

S: Don't be nervous 别紧张 bié jǐnzhāng. The two big dogs are very cute. 那两只大狗很可爱 nà liǎng zhī dà gǒu hěn kěài,not a bit dangerous. 一点儿不危险 yī diǎnr bù wēixiǎn.

M: I hope it's like that 我希望是这样 wǒ xīwàng shì zhèyàng.

S: Certainly it's like that 肯定是这样 kěndìng shì zhèyàng. You listen, nǐ tīng. Chapter 5. The cat ran into a room and shut the door. 那只猫跑进房间,关上门. It thought, it's not dangerous here. So I'm not nervous. 它想,这里不危险了。所以,我不紧张 tā xiǎng, zhèli bù wèixiàn le. Suǒyǐ, wǒ bù jǐnzhāng. End of chapter 5!

M: What a long chapter!

S: Lots of very useful stuff in this lesson. Let's check it out. ML said:

M: 我很紧张. 紧张 JIN ZHANG jǐnzhāng, means ‘anxious' ‘nervous'. So, everybody say, and sound really worried, I'm very nervous. Hěn hǎo. 我很紧张 Wǒ hěn jǐnzhāng.

S: And can you guess what 时间 – time – shíjiān 时间很紧张 means? Méi cuò. Time is very tight, shíjiān hěn jǐnzhāng. Now look at your watch, feel worried, and say, shíjiān hěn jǐnzhāng shíjiān hěn jǐnzhāng. Good!

M: And Stuart said to me:

S: 别紧张

M: bié jǐnzhāng. 别 BIE bie, 2nd tone, means ‘don't'. Don't feel nervous, bié jǐnzhāng. Now calm someone down, say, bié jǐnzhāng, bié jǐnzhāng.

S: You could also say, You are very cute 你很可爱

M: nǐ hěn kěài 可爱 KE AI kěài ‘loveable', ‘cute'.

S: ML, I have several friends who are always saying, 你好!你很可爱。Nǐhaǎo, nǐ hěn kěài.

M: Have you said this, Stuart?

S: Once.

M: And what was the response?

S: She said, So are you 你也是 nǐ yě shì.

M: I don't believe it 我不相信 wǒ bù xiāngxìn.

S: Jealous!

S: Now, where were we? Right, I said, nà liǎng zhī dà gǒu hěn kěài,like me, kěài, 一点儿不危险

M: Yī diǎnr bù wēixiǎn 危险 dangerous wei1xian3. Not a bit dangerous yī diǎnr bù wēixiǎn.

S: 我希望是这样. wǒ xīwàng shì zhèyàng. 希望 XI WANG xīwàng, ‘to hope', xīwàng. wǒ xīwàng shì zhèyàng, literally, ‘I hope is this type, or kind'. Yàng, as in 一样 ‘one kind, the same' yíyàng.

M: Wǒ xīwàng shì zhèyàng, I hope it's like this. And Stuart assured me:

S: 肯定是这样. 肯定 KEN DING kěndìng, meaning ‘certainly' ‘for sure', kěndìng.

M: So what does ‘kěndìng shì zhèyàng' mean? Duìle. It means something like, ‘Of course this is the case!' kěndìng shì zhèyàng.

S: And I'll prove it next lesson.

M: 我希望是这样. Zài jiàn.

S: Zài jiàn! we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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