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Lesson 129 我们想玩儿一会儿            【字体:
Lesson 129 我们想玩儿一会儿
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

M: Péngyoumen. Nǒmen hào! Huānyíng shōutīng Xiànzài Xué Hànyǔ. Wǒ shì Manli.

S: Wǒ shì Stuart. And now….

M: It's time for the end of our nerve-wracking story, 故事,story, gùshi.

S: The two large dogs said, come out, we want to play a while! 出来吧,我们想玩儿一会儿 chū lái ba, wǒmen xiǎng wánr yīhuǐr.

M: The cat said, Ok, one moment, then I'll come out 好,我一会儿就出来. Hǎo, wǒ yīhuǐr jiù chūlái.

S: Ok, we'll wait for you. 好, 我们等你。Hǎo, wǒmen děng nǐ.

M: Then the cat came out. 然后,那只猫就出来了。Ránhòu, nèi zhī māo jiù chūlái le.

S: The little bird ate the bread. 那只小鸟吃了面包 nèi zhī xiàoniǎo chī le miànbāo.

M: They were all very happy 它们都很高兴, tāmen dōu hěn gāoxìng.

S: And our story has ended 我们的故事结束了 wǒmen de gùshi jiéshù le.

S: What a wonderful ending. But, back to work, let's look at the new stuff.

M: The dogs said, 出来吧,我们想玩儿一会儿。Chū lái ba, wǒmen xiǎng wánr yīhuǐr. 一会儿 YI HUIR yī huìr, means ‘a little while' ‘a moment'.

S: So what does Wǒmen xiǎng wánr yī huìr mean? Mei2cuo. We want to play a while. Let's all say it together, wǒmen xiǎng wánr yī huìr. Again, wǒmen xiǎng wánr yī huìr.

M: And then, ránhòu, the cat said, nà zhī māo shuō, 好,我一会儿就出来

S: hǎo, wǒ yīhuìr jiù chūlái. Ok, one moment, and then I'll come out. Notice the 就 JIU jiù, which means ‘then', as in ‘and then I'll come out' wǒ jiù chū lái.

M: And the dogs said ….

S: 好, 我们等你

M: Hǎo, wǒmen děng nǐ. 等 DENG děng, remember, is ‘to wait'. Wǒmen děng nǐ. We await you.

S: So can you say, Wait a moment? Hěn hǎo. 等一会儿 děng yī huǐr.

M: And the only other new thing was…

S: 我们的故事结束了

M: Wǒmen de gùshi jiéshù le. 故事 GU SHI gùshi, ‘story' gu4shi. 结束 JIE SHU jiéshù, 2nd tone 4th tone, means ‘to end' jiéshù. Wǒmen de gùshi jiéshù le. Our story has ended.

M: Before we go, let's hear the end of our story again.

S: 出来吧,我们想玩儿一会儿 chū lái ba, wǒmen xiǎng wánr yīhuìr.

M: 好,我一会儿就出来 hǎo, wǒ yīhuìr jiù chūlái.

S: 好, 我们等你 hǎo, wǒmen děng nǐ.

M: 然后,那只猫就出来了。Ránhòu, nèi zhī māo jiù chūlái le.

S: 那只小鸟吃了面包。Nèi zhī xiǎoniǎo chī le miànbāo.

M: 它们都很高兴. Tāmen dōu hěn gāoxìng.

S: 我们的故事结束了 Wǒmen de gùshi jiéshù le.

M: Wǒmen de gùshi jiéshù le. Zài jiàn.

S: Zài jiàn!Lesson 129 我们想玩儿一会儿 we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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