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Lesson 152 它又快又方便            【字体:
Lesson 152 它又快又方便
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

M: Dàjiāhǎo! Huānyíng shōutōng Xiànzài Xué Hànyǔ, wǒshì ML.

S: Wǒshì Stuart. Jīn tiān shì fùxí kè, and we'll repeat most things we learned last week. Don't forget to say the sentences with us as loudly as you can, very important.

M: Now we start. Stuart, My parents gave me a computer as a birthday present! wǒde fùmǔ sònggěiwǒ yìtái diànnǎo zuòwéi shēngrì lǐwù. 我的父母送给我一台电脑作为生日礼物。

S: Fù is father and mǔ is mother, put them together and we get the word ‘parents', fùmǔ, 父母。

M: And remember the word ‘zuòwéi'? Right, it means ‘as', as in ‘he does very well as a teacher', 作为一个老师,他做的很好。

S: And these days, ML is crazy about surfing the web. Zhèjǐtiān, ML míshàngle shàngwǎng. 这几天,曼丽迷上了上网。Míshàng, means to be fascinated by, engrossed in, or crazy about.

M: It's often used in the following structure: sb. míshàngle do sth. For instance, wǒ míshàngle kàn diànyǐng. I am addicted to movies. 我迷上了看电影。Remember? Diànyǐng, the electric shadow, means movie.

S: Wǒ míshàngle dǎwǎngqíu. I'm crazy about playing tennis. 我迷上了打网球。

M: And then I told Stuart, ‘I send emails, visit different websites, and chat quite often.' Wǒ fā diànzǐ yóujiàn, fǎngwèn bùtóngde wǎngzhàn, hái jīngcháng liáotiān. 我发电子邮件,访问不同的网站,还经常聊天。

S: ML sounds like a real netnurd!

M: Stuart, Do you like the Internet? 你喜欢互联网吗?Nǐ xǐhuān hùliánwǎng ma?

S: dāngrán. Wǒ xǐhuān hùliánwǎng. 我喜欢互联网。Wǒyě xǐhuān fā diànzǐ yóujiàn. Yīnwéi tā yòukuài yòufāngbian. 因为,它又快又方便。

M: Still remember the 又…又… structure? It means ‘both…and…'. For instance, Stuart is both clever and cute. Stuart yòucōngming yòu kě’ài.

S: A very good example! And if you feel both hungry and tired, you can say, wǒ yòulèi yòu’è. 我又累又饿。

M: One more. How do we say, the apple is both good to look at and to eat? Apple in Chinese is píngguǒ, PING GUO, second tone third tone, 苹果.

S: Very good! Hěnhǎo. Píngguǒ yòu hǎokàn yòu hǎochī. 苹果又好看又好吃。

S: Oh dear! Wǒbù xǐhuān zài wǎngshàng liáotiān. 我不喜欢在网上聊天. I don't like chatting on the net. My typing speed is too slow. Nàshì yīnwéi wǒde dǎzì sùdù tàimànle. 我的打字速度太慢了。

M: You can practice more! Nǐ kěyǐ duō liànxíliànxí.

S: No way! Méiménr! 没门儿!I prefer to save the time and find some more interesting things to do.

M: Lazy Stuart!

S: Not at all. I'm going home to do my spring cleaning. See you guys!

M: Míngtiānjiàn! we help you learning Chinese, remember to visit the site !
article录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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