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lesson 7 护照哪里去了?            【字体:
lesson 7 护照哪里去了?
作者:无忧教育    article来源    点击数:    更新时间:2007-9-5 

 M: Hi everybody, dajia hao!
S: dajia hao! All together.
S/M: 大家好!
S: Pencil and paper ready? Here's what we said in the last lesson. English, Chinese, English, Chinese. See if you can say the Chinese with us.
M: Stuart, are you tired? Ni lei ma?
S: Yes, I'm very tired. Shide, wo hen lei.
M: Ok, let's go. Hao, women zou ba.
S: Good, let's go. Women zou.
M: Where's your luggage? Nide xingli zai nǎr?
S: My luggage is there. Wode xingli zai nàr.
M: Same again, but no English. Stuart, ni lei ma?
S: shi de, wo hen lei.
M: hao, women zou ba.
S: hao, women zou.
M. Nide xingli zai nǎr?
S: Wode xingli zai nàr?
M: Did you manage? Feichang hao, very, very good.
M: Now I'll ask Stuart where his passport is. Try to pick out the two words that mean passport. Stuart, 你的护照在哪儿? Ni de huzhao zai nar? Got it? Right. Hu zhao. Hù HU hù zhào ZHAO zhào. Huzhao passport huzhao. Out of interest, hù means to protect, and zhào here means photo, or permit. So, "protect permit", huzhao, passport. Stuart, ni de huzhao zai nǎr?
S: 我的护照在这儿. Wo de huzhao zai zhèr.
M: 他的护照在这儿。 His passport is here. Ta de huzhao zai zher.
S: Did you hear the words for ‘his'? Listen again.
M: Ta de huzhao zai zher. Ta de huzhao zai zher.
S: Sure you did. Ta de, ta de, ‘his'. So what does Ta TA ta, mean? Duì, correct, dui. Ta means ‘he', or ‘she', and also ‘it'. Tā tā, and tade tade, ‘his', ‘hers' or ‘its'.
M: And the words for ‘here'. Ta de huzhao zai zhèr. What does zài zhèr mean? Zài zhèr.
S: Aha! ‘here' is zai zher. Wo de huzhao zai zher.
M: Duì le. Ta de huzhao zai zher. Henhao.
M: Now listen to this: Stuart, 你的行李和护照在哪儿? Ni de xingli he huzhao zai nǎr?
S: wo de xingli zai nàr. Wo de huzhao zai zhèr.
M: Ni de xingli he huzhao zai nǎr? Did you hear the 和 HE Hé. xingli he huzhao. Guess what the Hé means? Dui le! It means ‘and'. Xingli he huzhao.
M: 天啊! We're still at the 机场, the airport, jī chǎng!
S: One more question. I want to wash my hands. 洗手间在哪儿? Xǐ shǒu jiān zài nǎr?
M: 洗手间在那儿? Xǐshǒu jiān zài nǎr? 
S: Xǐshǒu jiān.
M: xǐ XI XI xǐ, to ‘wash'. Shǒu SHOU shǒu, means ‘hand' or ‘hands'. Jian1 JIAN JIAN jiān, is ‘room'. So what is xishoujian, xishoujian. Duìle, it's…
S: ‘Wash hands room'. Very important word.
M: And a good place to finish. Just remember.
S: Wode huzhao zai zhèr. Wode huzhao zai zhèr.
M: Tade huzhao zai zhèr. Tade huzhao zai zhèr.
S: Xishoujian zai nǎr?
M: Xishoujian zai nàr. Xishoujian zai nàr. Till next time. Zaijian.
S: zaijian.



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