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  [图文]火车相撞Railway reopens to traffic after fatal accident         ★★★ 【字体:

火车相撞Railway reopens to traffic after fatal accident

作者:soosun    新闻来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-4-29    


Rescuers work at the site of the trains colliding accident, in east China
Rescuers work at the site of the trains colliding accident, in east China's Shandong Province, on April 28, 2008.

The Qingdao-Jinan Railway reopened to traffic at 2:16 Tuesday morning after more than 20 hours of interruption caused by train collision that kills 70 people.

At 2:16 a.m., a cargo train of 1,185 metric tons rolled over the repaired section at Zibo of east China's Shandong Province, followed by passenger train T196 at 2:41 a.m.

A high-speed passenger train jumped the track here on Monday morning, striking another train and leaving 70 dead and 416 injured.

(Xinhua News Agency April 29, 2008)

新闻录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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