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  [图文]阿汤哥三度做新郎 婚照扮高有绝招         ★★★ 【字体:

阿汤哥三度做新郎 婚照扮高有绝招

作者:admin    新闻来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-11-28    


When the groom is two inches shorter than the bride, it's difficult to see how a couple could carry off the cheek-to-cheek photograph. But if the newlyweds are Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, anything is possible.

阿汤哥三度做新郎 婚照扮高有绝招Maybe she was bending her knees or wearing flat pumps. Perhaps he was wearing lifts in his shoes. Because somehow, in their official wedding shots, the 5ft 7in actor became a touch taller than his 27-year-old wife.

However, it was not just the photographs that were other than they seemed

Note:groom n.新郎  carry off 对付 cheek-to-cheek 脸对脸
lift n.垫高物  ft=feet(英尺)

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