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  [图文]Romania-Bulgaria Welcomed by EU         ★★★ 【字体:

Romania-Bulgaria Welcomed by EU

作者:admin    新闻来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-9-28    


Leading European parliamentarians have expressed welcome for Romania and Bulgaria to become fully fledged members of the EU, the Romanian Rompres news agency reported yesterday.

"There are some shortcomings in Romania and Bulgaria, however, this is not the time or the place to talk about problems," said European Parliament Socialist Group leader Martin Schulz.

The EU itself will gain benefits from the membership of the two countries in terms of security along its borders, social cohesion and economic strength, said Schulz. He compared the joy of the two countries' EU accession to that experienced at Germany's reunification.

Also enthusiastic about their entry from January 1, 2007 was European Liberal Democrat leader Graham Watson. He felt the move would result in the two countries reaping benefits.

"The most important argument favoring EU accession of the two countries is the 22 million Romanians and 7.5 million Bulgarians," said Brian Crowley, an Irish parliamentarian and co-chairman of the Union for Europe of the Nations. He suggested the two countries be given the same opportunities as current EU states received when they were weaker and less developed.

The key word to be emphasized from now on was "transparency" said Bulgarian European parliamentarian Geoffrey van Orden. 

"The nationals of the two states should have confidence in the authorities serving their interests adequately," said a British Euro-lawmaker.

The European Commission on Tuesday gave the green light for the two becoming EU members in January 2007 rather than a year later but demanded that far-reaching reforms be implemented in the two countries.

EU leaders will meet next month to formally approve the membership. This will be the fifth enlargement of the EU grouping since it was founded.

(Xinhua News Agency September 28, 2006)

新闻录入:admin    责任编辑:admin 

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