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  [图文]英国推新式客机 座位“面对面”         ★★★ 【字体:

英国推新式客机 座位“面对面”

作者:soosun    新闻来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-9-24    


英国设计公司Design Q最近正在研发一种与火车座位车厢类似的新型飞机客舱模式,乘客可以面对面而坐,如果乘客想要选择传统的朝前的座位,则需要支付额外的费用。这种新型的设计将增加50%的乘客运载量,每个座位的成本也可减少30%。不过,因为过道狭窄,这种新型客机将无法提供餐食分发服务。此外,由于新型的座位排列模式在舒适度上有所减弱,因此这种客机只面向航程在1小时以内的航班。与此同时,爱尔兰瑞安航空表示他们打算在某些航线飞机的尾部设置站立空间和酒吧凳,为飞行时间在一个半小时之内的乘客提供免费搭乘服务。

英国推新式客机 座位“面对面”

The interior of a plane with Design Q's new seating. A new aircraft design being developed in the UK where passengers are asked to sit facing each other in rows, could lead to cheaper travel.

A new aircraft design being developed in the UK where passengers are asked to sit facing each other in rows, could lead to cheaper travel, it is claimed.

Developers of the design, which is aimed at budget airline’s short haul flights, say it could lead to a 50 per cent increase in the number of passengers on board with a saving of up to a third per seat.

Under the concept short-haul travelers in future would be asked to trade cushioned comfort for a flip-up seat with its back to the window.

Food carts would be unlikely to pass down the plane because the aisles are too narrow, under the design being developed by UK-based company Design Q.

The company said it is loosely based on the way some soldiers travel to battle zones.

They added it was aimed at passengers flying for an hour or less where they are less concerned about comfort.

Design Q director Howard Guy said that aircraft using the design would be lighter, more fuel efficient and let passengers board and leave more quickly.

“It is taking the idea of traditional transport like a train or bus and asking: ‘Why can’t we do this on a plane’,” he told The Daily Express.

Passengers who want to face forwards will have to pay a little more, he added.

Under a separate scheme, Ryanair recently announced it was investigating having standing areas and bar stools at the back of some of flights, with passengers on flights of less than an hour and a half travelling for free.

新闻录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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