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  [图文]抗氧化剂可能在癌症治疗中助纣为虐       ★★★ 【字体:


作者:Dani Coo…    新闻来源:ABC editing by xiaoniu    点击数:    更新时间:2009-8-20    


Antioxidants could give cancer a hand

The cancer-fighting power of antioxidants has been thrown into doubt by US research that shows they can also help cancer cells to survive and thrive.

But, Australian experts say the findings should not alarm cancer patients as the research is laboratory based and the results may not replicate in people.

Antioxidants, which are common in fruit and vegetables, include beta-carotene, and vitamins A, C and E.

According to the US National Cancer Institute, antioxidants protect against cancer by stabilising molecules, known as free radicals, which can cause damage to cells.

In a study published online today in the journal Nature, Harvard Medical School Professor Joan Brugge says antioxidants can help cancer cells to stay alive and sometimes encourage tumour development.

Fruit and vegetables

Experts say the findings should not cause alarm and may not replicate in people (Source: iStockphoto)

Tumour independence

Normal epithelial cells die off if they become detached from a supporting structure known as the extracellular matrix.

Tumour cells overcome this by developing 'anchorage independence', which allows them to survive outside the matrix.

It has previously been known that in breast cancer, cancer-causing genes such as erbB2 help detached tumour-generating cells to survive.

But Brugge's team found that antioxidants also help promote this characteristic in tumour-causing cells.

They also found the antioxidants allow new tumours to develop by helping cells that are metabolically damaged during detachment.

Brugge says the antioxidants seem to do this by boosting the energy levels of the damaged cells through the oxidation of fatty acids.

Dr Mark Waltham, head of the Pharmacogenomics Laboratory at St Vincent's Institute in Melbourne, says the study further "muddies the water" on the benefits of antioxidants for people with advanced cancer.

"Despite a lot of belief that antioxidants are cancer suppressing, this is raising the possibility that consuming antioxidants may make cancers more malignant," he says.

Waltham says one of the main causes of death from cancer is metastasis where the cancer spreads to secondary sites.

"In order for a tumour to get to a secondary site it has to survive as a sole entity," says Waltham.

"This study raises the possibility that antioxidants are permitting tumour cells to have increased survivability when they detach from the primary site."

Beyond the lab

Although Brugge says the findings are important in better understanding cancer biology, she says there are no immediate implications for cancer patients.

Associate Professor John Boyages, of the Westmead Breast Cancer Institute in Sydney, agrees.

He says the research's impact is limited because it is done in cell cultures in a laboratory setting.

"One of the classic dilemmas we find is that something that works in the Petri dish doesn't translate to what is happening in the real world where conditions can't be controlled," he says.

"I wouldn't recommend anyone changing their behaviour or reducing their intake of antioxidants as a result of this study."

A US study published in the June edition of the journal Cancer showed antioxidant supplements are widely used by women with breast cancer.

The survey of 764 women with breast cancer, showed 60% of women receiving treatment including chemotherapy, radiation or tamoxifen were using antioxidant vitamins.

Boyages says numerous studies have shown antioxidants have a positive effect in slowing or preventing cancers, although more recent studies are showing less conclusive positive effects.

Further research

He says the question of antioxidants' effect on cancer is now under investigation in the US in a series of large, clinical trials.

Waltham says the next step in Brugge's work would be to replicate the finding in an animal model such as a mouse.

However he cautions against people with cancer panicking about the study.

"We are still a long way from demonstrating what she has found in a whole animal [such as a mouse] and even then the process might be completely different again in a human."

新闻录入:willgonow    责任编辑:51education 

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