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航海及海运专业英语词汇(O4)          【字体:


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output admittance 输出导纳
output amplifier stage 输出放大级
output amplifier 输出放大器
output amplitude 输出幅度
output amplitude 输出振幅
output amplitude 输出振幅输出幅度
output at the wheel rim 输周功率
output block 输出部件
output block 输出信息组
output buffer 输出缓冲器
output capacitance 输出电容
output channel 输出信道
output characteristic 输出特性
output choke 输出扼流圈
output circuit 输出电路
output coefficient 输出系数
output command 输出指令
output control lines 输出控制线路
output current 输出电流
output data 输出数据
output density 单位输出量
output density 单位输出量单位产量
output derivative feedback 输出微分反馈
output device 输出设备
output device 输出装置
output digit 输出数字
output digital data 输出数字数据
output element 输出元件
output end 输出端
output equipment 输出设备
output error rate 输出的差错率
output factor 输出因数
output file 输出文件
output filter 输出滤波器
output format 输出格式
output governor 输出功率调节器
output horsepower 输出功率
output impedance 输出阻抗
output indicator 输出指示器
output information 输出信息
output instruction 输出指令
output jack 输出插孔
output jack 输出塞孔
output level 输出电平
output line 输出线
output meter 高频输出表
output meter 输出测量计
output multiplexer 输出多路调制器
output network 输出网路
output network 输出网络
output order 输出指令
output parameter 输出参数
output per manshift 每人每班产量
output polarity 输出端极性
output power control 输出功率控制
output power meter 输出功率计
output power 输出功率
output primary 次级线圈
output printer 输出打印机
output processing 输出处理
output program 输出程序
output pulse 输出脉冲
output puncher 输出穿孔器
output rate 输出率
output rating 输出功率
output reactance 输出电抗
output resistance 输出电阻
output resonator 输出谐振器
output routine 输出程序
output shaft 输出轴
output signal 输出信号
output stage 输出级
output system 输出系统
output table 图形显示面
output terminals 输端子
output transformer 输出变压器
output transformerless circuit 无输出变压器电路
output transformerless 无输出变压器
output translator 输出变换器
output trunk 输出中继线
output tube 输出管
output turbine 动力涡轮
output turbine 动力涡轮机
output typewriter 输出式印刷装置
output unit 输出单元
output voltage 输出电压
output well 输出井
output winding 输出绕组
output 输出
output 输出;输出信号;输出线;输出功率;效率;产量
output 输出量
output 输出量输出功率输出信号产量
output 输出量输出功率输出信号产量输出供给量
output 输出输出量
output-transformerless 无输出变压器
outrange 超出作用距离范围
outreach of derrik 吊杆跨度
outreach (吊杆
outreach 超过
outreach 跨距
outreach 外伸距
outrigged 带有舷外支杆的
outrigged 伸出舷外的
outrigger boom 舷外伸出杆
outrigger 舷外铁架;舷外斜木;舷外浮材;突杆
outrigger 支杆
outrigger 支杆突出舷外桨架
outsail 超越他船
outsail 航行得比…更快
outset 开头
outside admission 外进汽
outside air 室外空气
outside air-intake duct 室外进气管
outside atomization engine 外混合式发动机
outside banking 外倾
outside board 舷外
outside bracket knee 舭肘板
outside broadcast 实况转播
outside broadcasting 实况无线电广播
outside callipers 外卡
outside callipers 外卡钳
outside clinch 外转结
outside diameter of cable 电缆外径
outside diameter 外径
outside diameter 外径外径外直径
outside diameter 外径外直径
outside dimension 外部尺寸
outside dimension 外形尺寸
outside dimension 外形尺寸外部尺寸
outside drawing 外形图
outside fix 旁心分角线定位法
outside gearing pump 外啮合齿轮泵
outside lap 外余面
outside light 室外灯
outside link 外拉杆
outside micrometer 外径千分尺
outside of ship's bottom 船底外部
outside paint 外表漆
outside partial beam 外舷宽
outside plank 外板
outside planking 外板
outside plate 外板
outside plating  外板
outside plating 外板
outside port 过驳港
outside post type container 外柱式集装箱
outside primary 初级外端
outside race 外套圈
outside radius 外半径
outside reference 外部基准
outside rim 窗座
outside ring of the hawse pipe opening 锚链筒口外唇
outside rolling hitch 外转结
outside screw 外螺纹
outside seal 外部密封
outside secondary 次级线圈外端
outside sheel 外壳
outside shell 外壳
outside skin type container 内柱式集装箱
outside skintype container 内柱式集装箱
outside source 外部信号源
outside source 外源
outside staging 舷外作业架板
outside strake 外列板
outside surface 外表面
outside temperature 外界温度
outside transmitter 室外发射机
outside view 外形图
outside water 舷外水
outside weld 外焊缝
outside wiring 室外布线
outside 外部的
outside 外侧的
outside 在外面
outsideplater 外部包板装配工
outsider 非会员;局外人;门外汉
outsider 非会员局外人门外汉
outstanding account 未结帐目
outstanding account 未结帐目未清帐
outstanding account 未清帐
outstanding account 未清帐目
outstanding balance 待结款项
outstanding balance 未清余额
outstanding case 悬案
outstanding cheque 未兑现支票
outstanding claims advance 未决索赔通知
outstanding debt 未偿债务
outstanding expense 未付费用
outstanding obligation 未了债务
outstanding recommendation against class 有关船级遗留问题
outstanding 凸出的杰出的
outstanding 未付款的
outturn clause 卸货数量条款
Outturn List for Container Cargo 集装箱货物溢短残损单
Outturn List for Containers 集装箱溢短残损单
outturn quantity 卸出数字
Outturn Report 卸货报告
outturn report 卸货报告集装箱)溢短、残损单
outturn report 溢短、残损单
outturn 产量
Outturn 产量卸货报告
outturn 卸货产量
Outward and Inward Bills Financing 押汇
outward bound 出海
outward bound 开往国外
outward bound 开往国外的
outward bounder 外航船
outward bulging 船外腹
outward cargo 出口货物
outward cargo 出口货物外运货物出口货
outward charge 出港费
outward clearance certificate 开航结关证书
outward clearance 出口许可证
outward current 输出电流
outward declaration 出口报告
outward declaration 轮船出口报告
outward documentary bill 出口押汇
outward flange 外法兰
outward freight 外运货物
outward freight 外运运费
outward heeling 外倾
outward journey 出航
outward manifest 出口舱单
outward passage 出口航道
outward passengers 出发港旅客
outward passengers 出境旅客
outward pilotage 出口引航
outward service 对外业务
outward stores list 出航物料清单
outward turning  外旋式
outward turning propeller 外旋螺旋桨
outward turning 外旋
outward turning 外旋式
outward turning 外转
outward voyage 出国航行
outward voyage 出国航行;外航
outward voyage 出国航行出航
outward voyage 出航
outward  外部的
outward 出口税
outward 外部的
outward-bound ship 外航船
ouv 
ouvrel l'oeil 危险可疑点
oval belt fastener 椭圆皮带扣
oval boiler 椭圆锅炉
oval countersunk rivet 椭圆埋头铆钉
oval countersunk screw 椭圆埋头螺钉
oval file 椭圆锉
oval flange 椭圆法兰
oval head rivet 椭圆头铆钉
oval head screw 椭圆头螺钉
oval ladder step 两端椭圆的绳梯板
oval lamp cover 盆形灯罩
oval manhole jointing 椭圆人孔垫圈
oval pin shackle 扁销卸扣
oval plate 椭圆盘
oval tube 椭圆管
oval 卵形线
oval 椭圆形
oval 椭圆形卵形的
ovality 椭圆度
oven 炉烘箱恒温器
over  length 全长
over age vessel 超龄船
over aged vessel 超龄船
over all dimension 总尺寸
over all height 总高
over all 全部的
over and-under relay 过和低继电器
over bending 过度弯曲
over bending=overbending 过度弯曲
over cap 顶盖
over carrier 余载户(班轮工会分配货运定额中
over carrier 余载户(资本主义国家班轮工会分配货运定额中
over charge 计费过多
over commutation 过度整流
over commutation=overcommutation 过度整流
over compensation 过度补偿
over compensation=overcompensation 过度补偿
over compound 使)过复励
over control 超调
over cooling 过度冷却
over coupling 过耦合
over coupling=overcoupling 过耦合
over current cutting-off 过电流切断
over current ground relaying system 过电流接地继电保方式
over current overdraught 透支
over current protection 过电流保
over current relay 过电流继电器
over current release 过电流释放
over current time relay 过电流时间继电器
over current trip 过电流脱扣
over current 过电流
over damping 过阻尼
over design 保守设计
over dimensioned 超尺寸的
over discharge 过放电
over draft 超过许可吃水
over draft 超过许可吃水超载吃水
over draft 超载吃水
over drawn 透支
over drive 超速传动
over drive 超速传动增速过度过激励vt.使超速传动使增速过度使激励过度
over excitation 过激励
over excitation=overexcitation 过激励
over excited 过激励的
over expansion 过度膨胀
over expansion=overexpansion 过度膨胀
over fender length 包括护舷材的总长度
over frequency protection 过频保
over gain control 过增益控制
over hanging bow 飞剪式船头
over hanging stern 悬伸船尾
over heat 过热
over in dispute 溢货有争议
over insurance 超额保险
over insurance 超额保险超值保险
Over Insurance 超值保险
over load point 过载点
over load protection 过载保
over load relay 过载继电器
over load 使)过载
over logging 计程偏多
over modulation 过调制
over modulation=overmodulation 过调制
over paid 超额支付
over power 给…)过度功率
over proof 超过标准的
over proof 超过标准的超过标准的
over proof=overproof 超过标准的
over protection 过保
over range protection 过量程保
over rich 过浓
over run 走过头了
over run 走过头了;超限运转
over run 走逾
over saturation 过饱和
over sea containers Ltd. 海外集装箱运输公司
over sea 经过海道
over sea 经过海道;到海外;住在国外的
over sea's container 海上运输集装箱
over seal  顶封
over seal 顶封
over shipped two packages 溢装两件
over shipped…packages 溢装…件
over short landed cargo report 货物溢短卸货报告单
over speed test 超速试验
over speed 超速
over speed 超速a.超速运行的
over synchronous 超同步的
over temperature alarm of a electric machine 电机超温报警
over the ground 对地
over the ground 经过陆运;对地
over the ground 经过陆运对地对地
over the horison 超地平
over the horizon 地平以上
over the side 在舷外
over time 超时
over turn 倾覆
over turn 倾复
over voltage alarm  过压报警
over voltage alarm 过压报警
over voltage fuse 过电压熔断器
over voltage protection 过电压保
over voltage protective device 过电压保装置
over voltage relay 过电压继电器
over voltage release 过电压释放
over voltage 过电压
over voltage 过压
over voltage 过压超电压
over waterline 超载水线
over waterline 超载水线干舷线以上
over wear 过度磨损
over wear=overwear 过度磨损
over worn 过度磨损的
over 表示在…上面
over 越过…
over 越过……
over 在…上面越过过分外加跳过
over 转换信息流方向
over- 上、外、过度、超过的意思
over-landed 溢卸
over-lap type hatchcover 背载型舱口盖
over-proof 超过标准的
over-rake 浪越船首
over-rake 锚泊中浪从船首打上
over-the-horizon communication 超视距通信
over-the-side propulsion machinery 船舷推进机械
over-voltage protection 过压保
overage vessel 超龄船
overage 超额的货载
overage 过老的
overage 过老的超龄的
overagevessel 超龄船
overall accuracy 总体精度
overall amplification 总放大率
overall bandpass response 整机的带通特性
overall breadth 总宽
overall characteristic 总特性
overall characteristic 总特性综合特性
overall check 全面检查
overall coefficient of heat transfer 总传热系数
overall coefficient 总系数
overall compression ratio 总压缩比
overall depth 外型舷高
overall diameter 全直径
overall dimension 总尺寸
overall dimension 最大尺寸
overall dimensions 总尺寸
overall drag 总阻力
overall effectiveness factor 总有效系数
overall efficiency 总效率
overall error 综合误差
overall expansion ratio 总膨胀比
overall external dimension 外侧最大尺寸
overall gain 总增益
overall heat transfer coefficient 总传热系数
overall height of crane 起重机全高
overall height 全高
overall height 总高
overall hight of crane 起重机全高
overall hight of crane 起重机全高(从构成起重机的机械部分下端算起
overall instability 总体失稳
overall intermodulation 总互调
overall layout 总布置
overall layout 总布置图
overall length 船体)总长全长总长
overall length 全长
overall length 全长度
overall length 总长
overall level 总电平
overall load 总负荷
overall load 总负载
overall loading 总载荷
overall loading 最大负载
overall loss 总损耗
overall merit 总评价
overall model 总体模型
overall noise 总噪声
overall plan 总体规划
overall plant efficiency 装置总效率
overall power 总功率
overall pressure ratio 总压比
overall propulsive efficiency 总推进效率
overall rating 总评
overall refrigerating effect 总产冷量
overall running cost 总运行费用
overall size 外形尺寸
overall size 总尺寸
overall sound pressure level 总的声压级
overall strength 总强度
overall structure 总体结构
overall submerged length 船体水下部分最大长度
overall system adjustment 全程调整
overall system 整个系统
overall temperature rise 总温升
overall test 总体测试
overall weight estimate 总重估算
overall weight 总重
overall wheel diameter 明轮最大直径
overall width of crane 起重机全幅(有可动部分时
overall width 外廓宽度
overall width 总宽
overall 工装裤
overall 工装裤a.全部的
overall 工装裤全部的全面的
overall 全部的;全体
overall 总的
overalls 工装裤
overannealing 过度退火
overarm 横杆
overbalance 超平衡
overbalance 失去平衡
overbalance 使失去平衡
overbending 过度弯曲
overblow blowdown 溢流排污
overboard ad. 向船外
overboard blow-off valve for boiler 锅炉舷外排污阀
overboard connection 舷外接头
overboard deck discharge 甲板舷侧排出口
overboard discharge line 舷外排出管
overboard discharge valve 舷侧排水阀
overboard discharge valve 舷外排出阀
overboard discharge 排出船外
overboard discharge 舷外排出
overboard discharge 向船外排水
overboard fall 吊货杆牵索
overboard falls 横桁滑车组
overboard pump 排出泵
overboard pump 舷外排出泵
overboard scupper 排水孔
overboard scupper 舷外排出孔
overboard scupper 舷外排水孔
overboard toilet drain line 舷外〓洗放泄管路
overboard toilet drain line 舷外盥洗放泄管路
overboard toilet drain line 盥洗污水舷外泄管
overboard urinal drain line 小便池舷外疏泄管
overboard whip 吊货杆牵索
overboard 落水;向船外
overboard 向船外
overboard 向船外的
overboard 向外的
overboard-dump 卸载
overburden 超负荷
overburden 超负载
overburden 过载
overcapacity 容积过大超负载
Overcarriage of Passengers 超额载客
overcarriage 超载;错港货
overcarriage 越港运输
overcarry ried cargo 前港漏卸货物
overcarry 超载
overcarry 越港运输
overcast 多云
overcast 阴
overcast 阴多云
overcast 阴天
overcharge 超载要价太高
overcharge 过载
overcharge 过载;过量充电;计费过多;装裁过多
overcharge 过载超载过量充电过量充气超载索价过高要价太高索费太多
overcommutation 过度整流
overcompensation 过度补偿
overcompound dynamo 过复励发电机
overcompound generator 过复励发电机
overcompound n. 过复励
overcompound n. 使)过复励
overcompound (使过复励
overcompound 过复励
overcompound 使过复励
overcompounded 超复励的
overcompounded 过复励的
overcompounding 超复励
overcompounding 过复励
overcooling 过度冷却
overcooling 过冷却
overcorrection 过校正
overcoupling 过耦合
overcritical 超临界的
overcurrent trip coil 过电流脱扣线圈
overcurrent 过电流
overcurrent 过电流@n.过电流
overdamping 强衰减过阻尼
overdraft  透支
overdraft 透支
overdrive clutch 超速离合器
overdrive condenser 过激励用电容器
overdrive gear 超速传动齿轮
overdrive gear 超速传动齿轮增速装置
overdrive idler 超速空转齿轮
overdrive n. 超速传动
overdrive n. 超速传动增速过度过激励vt.使超速传动使增速过度使激励过度
overdrive 超速传动
overdrive 超速传动驱动过度
overdrive 增速驱动过度超速传动增速过度过激励使超速传动使增速过度使激励过度
overdue list 误期表
Overdue Payment of Customs Duties 关税滞纳金
overdue vessel 误期船
overdue vessel 误期船舶
overdue vessel 误期船只
overdue 过期的
overdue 逾期
overexcitation 超激励过激励
overexcitation 过激励
overexpansion 过度膨胀
overfall dike 溢流坝
overfall 潮流
overfall 急流;瀑布;扰流;运河储水处;突升海水深度
overfalls 急流浪花(急流通过浅滩
overfed jet 过给气流
overfeed stoker 燃烧层上机械加煤机
overfill alarm 过满信号器
overfill 装得太满满得溢出
overfire 过度燃烧
overflood stage 漫坪水位
overflow alarm bit 溢出报警位
overflow alarm 溢流信号
overflow alarm 溢流信号器
overflow alarm 溢流信号溢流信号器
overflow bit 溢出位
overflow blowdown 溢流排污
overflow call 溢呼
overflow control device 溢流控制装置
overflow control system 溢油控制系统
overflow control 溢流控制
overflow device 溢流装置
overflow fuel oil tank 燃油溢油舱
overflow indicator 溢出指示器
overflow lip 溢口
overflow main line 溢流总管
overflow main pipe 溢流总管
overflow oil tank 溢油舱
overflow pipe 回流管溢流管
overflow pipe 溢流管
overflow plate 溢流板
overflow pulse 溢出脉冲
overflow pulse 溢流脉冲
overflow rule 超量规则;最少运费确定规则
overflow rule 超量规则最少运费确定规则
overflow rule 最少运费确定规则
overflow safety device 溢流安全装置
overflow tank 溢流柜
overflow tank 溢油柜
overflow tap 溢流旋塞
overflow tube 溢流管
overflow type pump 溢流泵
overflow valve 溢流阀
overflow weir 溢流孔
overflow 溢流
overflow 溢流;泛滥;充溢
overflow 溢流溢流管
overfreight 过载
overfreight 盈舱运费;载货过多
overhand knot 反手结
overhand wharf tie 反手系扎
overhand 反手
overhang crane 悬臂起重机
overhang crane 悬挂起重机
overhang echo 悬垂回波
overhang wheel 外伸轮
overhang 吊在……上
overhang 外伸
overhang 外伸部分悬垂物
overhanging beam 悬壁梁
overhanging beam 悬臂梁
overhanging coast 突出海岸
overhanging counter 悬伸尾
overhanging deck 伸出甲板
overhanging deck 悬伸甲板
overhanging pendant switch 外伸悬垂式开关
overhanging portion 悬空部分
overhanging stern 悬伸船尾
overhanging 突出的
overhanging 悬伸的
overhatch loading 舱口装载
overhaul a rope 检查绳索
overhaul a ship 追越一船
overhaul a tackle 清理绞辘
overhaul and repair 检查与修理
overhaul facilities 大修设备
overhaul inspection 大修检查
overhaul life 大修期限
overhaul life 两次大修间的使用期
overhaul manual 拆检说明书
overhaul manual 检修手册
overhaul manual 检修说明书
overhaul manual 检修指南
overhaul period 拆检周期
overhaul period 大修周期
overhaul period 检修周期
overhaul schedule 拆检进度表
overhaul schedule 大修计划表
overhaul schedule 检修进度表
overhaul shop 机修车间
overhaul 拆检
overhaul 大修
overhaul 检修
overhauling weight 清理吊货绞辘重铁
overhauling 拆检
overhauling 检修
overhead  crane 桥式起重机
overhead bits 附加位
overhead bucket dredger 高架链斗式挖泥船
overhead cable 架空电缆
overhead cable 架空电缆悬吊电缆
overhead cam shaft 上凸轮轴
overhead cam shaft 上凸轮轴上部凸轮轴
overhead cam 上凸轮
overhead charge 管理费
overhead charges 管理费用
overhead clearance 净空高度
overhead coil 顶上盘管
overhead compass 倒挂罗经
overhead conductor 架空电线
overhead conductor 架空线
overhead crane 高架起重机
overhead ground wire 架空地线
overhead guard 顶棚
overhead line 架空线
overhead loader 架空装载机
overhead pipe 悬吊管线
overhead position 仰焊位置
overhead power transmission line 架空电力线
overhead rate 间接费分摊率
overhead sonar 回音测冰仪
overhead static cable 地线
overhead system 高架式
overhead tank 高置柜
overhead transporter 单塔式架空缆车
overhead transporter 单塔式架空缆车;架空电缆车
overhead travelling crane 架空移动起重机
overhead valve 顶阀
overhead valve 顶阀上置阀门
overhead warning line 拦河线
overhead weld 仰焊缝
overhead welding 仰焊
overhead 开销
overhead 上部的悬吊的
overhead 天花板
overhead 天花板;顶板;overheads
overhead 在上在正前方
overheadcrane 桥式起重机
overheads 管理费
overheadwelding 仰焊
overheat alarm 过热报警器
overheat control 过热安全控制
overheat control 过热控制
overheat 过热使过热vi.变得过热
overheat 过热使过热变得过热
overheated steam 赤热蒸汽
overheated zone 过热区
overheated 过热的
overheater 过热器
overheating protection 过热保
overheating 过热
overheight cargo 超高货物
overhours 加班工作时间;空余的时间
overhours 加班工作时间空余的时间
overhung crank 外伸曲柄
overhung rudder 悬吊舵
overhung turbine 悬挂式燃气轮机
overhung turbine 悬挂式涡轮机
overhung type motor 悬挂式电动机
overhung 悬伸的
overinsurance 超值保险
overladen 超载
overland and short-landed report 溢卸、短卸报告
overland bill of lading 水陆联运提单
overland cable 陆地电缆
overland cargo 溢卸货
Overland Common Point Cargo 内陆公共点货物
Overland Common Point 内陆公共点
Overland Common Point 内陆公共点水陆联运转运点
overland common point 水陆联运转换点
overland common point 水陆联运转运点
Overland Common Points Freight Rate 内陆公共点运费费率
overland propagation 地面传播
overland route 陆运路线
overland transit empty 外地回空
overland transit empty 外地回空运输的外地回空
overland transit empty 运输的外地回空
overland transit full 外地装箱回送
overland transit full 外地装箱回送外地装箱回送
overland transportation 集装箱内陆运输内陆运输
overland transportation 内陆运输
overland transportation 内陆运输集装箱内陆运输内陆运输
overland 陆上的
overlanded and short-landed report 溢卸
overlanded cargo 溢卸货
Overlanded 溢卸
OverlandedShortlanded Cargo List 货物溢短单
overlap butt 搭接
overlap butt 端搭接
overlap cut 重叠切削
overlap days 超出天数
overlap joint 搭接
overlap propellers 迭叶螺旋桨
overlap propellers 叠叶螺旋桨
overlap ratio 重合度
overlap type hatch cover 层叠型舱口盖
overlap 交搭
overlap 重叠;叠加
overlapping angle 重叠角
overlapping area 覆盖重叠区
overlapping curve 交叉网纹
overlapping insurance 重复保险
overlapping propellers 迭叶螺旋桨
overlapping propellers 叠叶螺旋桨
overlapping pulse 重迭脉冲
overlapping pulse 重叠脉冲
overlapping strake 搭接外列板
overlapping weld 搭接焊缝
overlapping welding 搭接焊
overlapping 交搭
overlapping 重叠
overlapping 重叠交搭
overlay 涂
overlay 重叠;镀;把作轮廓的纸贴在……上
overlaying welding 熔焊
Overlength Cargo Packing 超长型装载
overload alarm control 过载警报控制
overload alarm test 过载警报试验
overload alarm 过载报警
overload breaker 过载断路器
overload capacity 超载容量
overload capacity 过载容量
overload circuit breaker 过载断路器
overload coefficient 过载系数
overload coil 过载线圈
overload detector 过载探测器
overload device 过载装置
overload displacement 超载排水量
overload efficiency 过载效率
overload factor 过载因数
overload indicator 过载指示器
overload level 过载电平
overload light 超荷 标志灯
overload light 超荷标志灯
overload light 过载指示灯
overload meter 过载测量计
overload n. 过载
overload n. 使)过载
overload nozzle 超载荷喷口
overload output 超负荷功率
overload preventing device 防过载设备
overload protection 过载保
overload protective device 过载保装置
overload rating 额定过载量
overload rating 过载容量
overload recovery time 过载恢复时间
overload relay 过载继电器
overload release 过载释放
overload relief valve 过载安全阀
overload running 过载运行
overload safety device 过载安全装置
overload switch 过载开关
overload test 超载试验
overload test 过载试验
overload time relay 过载限时继电器
overload trial 超载试验
overload trial 过载试验
overload valve 过载阀
overload 过载
overload 使过载
overloadbreaker 过载断路器
overloaded vessel 超载船
overloading 过载
overloadvalve 超载阀
overlond alarm control 过载报警控制
overlond alarm test 过载报警试验
overlond breaker 过载断路器
overlond capacity 过载容量
overlond capacity 过载容量过载能力
overlond characteristic 过载特性
overlond circuit breaker 过载断路器
overlond coil 过载线圈
overlond coupling 过载联轴器
overlond detector 过载探测器
overlond device 过载装置
overlond efficiency 过载效率
overlond factor 过载因数
overlond indicator 过载指示器
overlond meter 过载测量计
overlond nozzle 超负荷喷嘴
overlond output 超负荷输出功率
overlond power 超负荷功率
overlond protection 过载保
overlond protective device 过载保装置
overlond rating 额定过载量
overlond recovery time 过载恢复时间
overlond relay 过载继电器
overlond release 过载释放器
overlond relief valve 过载安全阀
overlond running 过载运行
overlond setting 过载调整
overlond switch 过载开关
overlond test 过载试验
overlond trial 过载试验
overlond trip 过载脱扣
overlond valve 过载阀
overlond 过载
overlook 忽略
overlook 监督
overlooker 管理员
overlooker 管理员监督员
overman 监工
overmeasure 高估
overmeasure 余量
overmoded waveguide 多模波导
overmodulation 过调制
overnight service 通宵检修
overnight 过夜的
overocean communications 海上通信
overocean communications 海上通信海洋通信
overocean communications 海洋通信
overpaid entry certificate 退回超额进口税证书
overpay 多付
overpayment 多付
overpower n. 给…)过度功率
overpower n. 过度功率
overpower protection 功率过载保
overpower protection 过功率保
overpower relay 过功率继电器
overpower valve 超力阀
overpower 过度功率
overpowering 过功率的
overpressure valve 过压阀
overpressure 过压
overpriming 过量注入
overprint 加印;复印
overprint 加印复印
overproof 超过标准的
overproof 超过定额的
overrake 浪过船首
overrate 过定额过量率
overrate 过定额过量率逾限率对…估计过高
overregulate 使…受到过调节
overregulation 过调节
overrich mixture 过浓混合气
overrich 过浓的
override 代理佣金
override 代理佣金快速通过对…使用过度
override 额外酬金对消代理佣金快速通过对…使用过度
overrider 转分保手续费
overrider 转分保手续费转分手续费
overriding automatic shutoff device 超控自动关闭装置
overriding commission 补偿佣金
overriding terrestrial control 地面超越控制
overriding 快速通过
overriding 快速通过过载
overrigged 过多的装备
overrisen 高干舷的
overrun 超船速
overrun 超过额定范围
overrun 超过额定范围超过vi.超过限度超速
overrun 过量;超支
overrun 过量超支
overrunning clutch 超速离合器
oversapeed n. 超速a.超速运行的
oversea broadcast 海外广播
oversea Chinese 华侨
oversea department 海外处
oversea range 海上工作有效距离
oversea range 海上作用范围
oversea shipping trade 远洋运输业
oversea vessel 远洋船
oversea 海外的
oversea 来自海外的
overseaChinese 华侨
overseacompany 海外公司
overseadepartment 海外处
overseas and domestic telecommunication services 国内外电信业务
Overseas Commodities Ltd. v. Style 海外物资公司诉斯达尔案
Overseas Company 外国公司
Overseas Container Line 海外集装箱运输公司
overseas discharge and replacement depot 海外卸货及代换站
Overseas Economic Co-operation Fund 海外经济协作基金
Overseas Intelligence Data System 海外情报数据系统
overseas port 海外港口
Overseas Research Council 海外研究委员会
overseas ship 远洋船
overseas shipping 海运
overseas tariffs and regulations 海外关税及规则
Overseas Telecommunication Commission 澳大利亚海外电信委员会
overseas telegram 海外电报
overseas trade 海外贸易对外贸易
Overseas Transportation Office 海外运输局
overseas transportation 远洋运输
overseashipping trade 远洋运输业
overseavessel 远洋船
overshadow 遮蔽
overshoot clipper 过电压限制器
overshoot 超出规定;过调节;逸出;过渡特性上的上冲
overshoot 超调量
overshoot 过调量
overshoot 过调量过冲量
overshort landed cargo report 货物溢短卸货报告单
overshort landed cargo report 溢短卸货报告单
overside conveyer 舷边装卸传送机
overside delivery clause 船边到达港交货条款
overside delivery clause 船边交货条款
overside delivery clause 船边交货条款吊钩下交货条款
overside delivery clause 吊钩下交货条款
overside delivery to lighter 外档驳船卸载
overside delivery 船边交货
overside delivery 船侧交货
overside delivery 过驳交货
overside discharging 过驳卸货
overside goods 过驳货
overside loading 过驳装货
overside port 驳船卸货港
overside port 装卸口
overside 从船边
overside 从船边的ad.从船边
overside 从船边的从船边舷外
overside 舷外从船边
oversight 监督
oversight 失察
oversize piston 加大活塞
oversize 尺寸过大
overspeed and axial displacement trip 超速和轴向位移脱扣
overspeed condition 超速状态
overspeed emergency trip 超速应急脱扣
overspeed governor 超速调节器
overspeed governor 超速限制器
overspeed limit 超速极限
overspeed limiter 超速限制器
overspeed limiter 限速器
overspeed power 超速功率
overspeed protection 超速保
overspeed protective device 超速保装置
overspeed relay 超速继电器
overspeed safety cut-out system 超速安全切断系统
overspeed test 超速试验
overspeed trial 超速试验
overspeed trial 超速试验超速试航
overspeed trip mechanism 超速脱扣机构
overspeed trip striker 超速脱扣撞针
overspeed trip 超速脱扣
overspeed tripping device 超速脱扣装置
overspeed tripping ring 超速脱扣环
overspeed 超速
overspeed 超速a.超速运行的
overspeed 超速超速超速运行
overspeed 超速超速运行的超速运行使超速运行
overspill protection 溢出物保
overspill 溢出物
overstep 违犯;逾越
overstep 违犯逾越
overstock 进过多过多存货
overstow 叠装
overstowage 不良装载
overstowage 装载失序
overstowing 过载
overstrain 过度应变使应变过度
overstress 过度应力使应力过度
overswing angle 超越角
overswing 过摆
overswing 过摆过摆
overtake 追上
overtake 追越
overtaken vessel 被超越船
overtaken vessel 被超越船被追越船
overtaken vessel 被追越的船
overtaken 被追越的
overtaking light 船尾灯
overtaking light 船尾灯船)尾灯
Overtaking Prohibited Area 禁止追越区
overtaking situation 追越局面
overtaking vessel 超越船
overtaking vessel 追越船
overtaking wave 尾浪
overtaking wave 追浪
overtaking 赶上
Overtaking 追越
overtaking 追越的
overtax 起额征税;使负担过度
overtax 起额征税使负担过度
overtemperature alarm 超温报警
overtempering 过度回火
overtension 电压过高
overtide 倍潮(浅水潮的简谐部分
overtime charges 加班费
overtime goods 过期货物
overtime pay 加班费
Overtime Surcharge 加班费
overtime work 加班
overtime 超过规定的时间
overtime 加班(在海上
overtime 加班在规定时间之外
overtone 泛音
overtorque protection device 超扭保装置
overtorque 超转矩
overtrades 高空信风
overtravel 过调超程
overturn 推翻
overturning moment 倾覆力矩
overturning of vessel 船只倾覆
overturning 船只翻倒
overturning 推翻
overvoltage protection device 过电压保装置
overvoltage relay 过电压继电器
overvoltage =over-voltage过电压
overvoltage 过电压
overvoltage 过压
overvulcanization 过度硫化
overvulcanization 过度硬化
overwear vt. 过度磨损
overwear 过度磨损
overweight 超重a.超重的使过重
overweight 超重超重的使过重
overweight 过重
overwinding 附加绕组
overwork 对…使用过度
overwork 对…使用过度额外的工作
overwork 使用过度
ovoid grip 卵状柄
ovoid 卵形物a.卵形的
ovoid 卵形物卵形的
Owen bridge 一种测电感用交流惠斯登电桥
owing to 由于
owing 由于
owler 走私者
owling 违禁品的走私;晚上捕鱼
owling 违禁品的走私晚上捕鱼
own board angle 本船弦角
own code 扩充工作码
own risk 自保
own risk 自我风险
own ship heading 我船首向
own ship side travel 本船侧位移
own ship 本船
own ship's course 本船航向
own ship's course 本船航向我船航向
own ship's course 我船航向
own ship's speed 本船速度
own 占有
own 自己的
own 自认
own-course plotter 本船航线标绘仪
own-ship path 我船航迹
own-ships noise 船舶自身噪声
owner and cargo identification 船东和货物识别
Owner Code 箱主代号
owner code 业主标志
owner furnished equipment 船东提供的设备
owner furnished equipment 船东提供的设备船东提供设备
owner furnished equipment 船东提供设备
owner furnished equipment 业主提供设备
owner identification 船东证明
owner inspector 船方监造员
owner of the goods 货物所有人
owner of the goods 货主
owner trial 使用部门试航
owner 船主
owner 物主
owner 物主;船舶所有人
owner 物主船主
owner's agent 船主代理
owner's inspector 船东监造员
owner's inspector 船方监造员
owner's inspector 订货部门监造员
owner's option 船东选择
owner's responsibility clause 船东责任条款
owner's risk of breakage 货主自负破损风险
owner's risk of breakage 货主自负破损危险
owner's risk of breakage 货主自负破损险
Owner's Risk of Breakage 所有人承担损坏风险
owner's risk of chafing 货主自负擦损险所有人自负磨损风险
owner's risk of chafing 货主自负磨损风险
owner's risk of damage 货主自负海损风险
owner's risk of damage 货主自负海损险所有人自负损坏风险
owner's risk of deterioration 货主自负腐烂变质险
owner's risk of deterioration 货主自负腐烂变质险所有人自负变质风险
Owner's Risk of Deterioration 所有人自负变质风险
Owner's Risk of Fire 船东或货主自负火灾风险
owner's risk of fire 货主自负火险
owner's risk of freezing 货主自负冻坏险
owner's Risk of Freezing 货主自负冻损风险
Owner's Risk of Leakage 货主自负漏损风险
owner's risk of leakage 货主自负渗漏险
Owner's Risk of Rates 货主自负运价风险
owner's risk of shifting 货物移动由货主负责
Owner's Risk of Wetting 货主自负潮湿风险
owner's risk of wetting 受湿由货主负责
owner's risk 船舶所有人承担风险
Owner's Risk 船东或货主承担风险船东承担风险
owner's risk 自负风险
owner's risk 自负风险船舶所有人承担风险船东或货主承担风险船东承担风险
owner's trial 船东试航
owner's trial 船东自行试航
owner's trial 使用部门试航
owner's wagon 货主的货车
Owner's Wharf 货主码头
ownercode 业主标志
ownerinspector 船方监造员
owners pro bac vice 法定船东代表
owners 船东货主
ownership certificate 船舶执照
ownership of property 物权
Ownership of Ship 船舶所有权
ownership 所有权
ownership 所有权;所有制
Ownerships Conflict of Law 所有权法律冲突
ownersowner's 所有人所有人的
ownertrial 使用部门试航
ox ball 旗杆顶球
ox ball 桅顶球
ox eye 牛眼云
oxalic acid 草酸
oxbow 江河的U形弯曲处
oxidant 氧化剂
oxidation inhibited oil 抗氧化油
oxidation inhibitor 防氧化剂
oxidation inhibitor 抗氧化剂
oxidation reduction system 氧化还原系统
oxidation resistance 抗氧化能力
oxidation resistance 抗氧化阻力
oxidation resistant oil 抗氧化油
oxidation resisting 抗氧化的
oxidation stability 氧化稳定性
oxidation test 氧化试验
oxidation treatment 氧化处理
oxidation type semiconductor 氧化型半导体
oxidation 氧化
oxidation 氧化作用
oxidation-inhibited oil 氧化抑制油
oxidation-inhibitedoil 氧化抑制油
oxide coated filament 敷氧化物灯丝
oxide coating 氧化物敷层
oxide film capacitor 氧化膜电容器
oxide film protection 氧化膜保
oxide film 氧化膜
oxide iron 氧化铁
oxide layer 氧化层
oxide layer 氧化膜
oxide lead 氧化铅
oxide of chromium 氧化铬
oxide of tin 氧化锡
oxide paint 氧化金属漆
oxide paint 氧化金属涂料
oxide 氧化物
oxide-coated 涂氧化物的
oxidixation 氧化作用
oxidizable 可氧化的
oxidization 氧化作用
oxidize 氧化使氧化
oxidized oil 氧化油
oxidizedoil 氧化油
oxidizer 氧化剂
oxidizing flame 氧化焰
oxidizing medium 氧化剂
oxidizing reaction 氧化反应
oxidizing substance 氧化物质
oxidizing 氧化的
oxidizing 氧化的氧化作用
oxidizing 氧化作用
oxter plate 船尾板
oxy- 表示氧化
oxy- 氧化
oxy-acetylene blow pipe 氧炔焊嘴
oxy-acetylene cutter 氧乙炔气割器
oxy-acetylene cutter 氧乙炔乙割器
oxy-acetylene cutting machine 氧炔切割机
oxy-acetylene cutting 氧乙炔气割
oxy-acetylene cutting 氧乙炔切割
oxy-acetylene cuttingmachine 氧炔切割机
oxy-acetylene flame 氧乙炔焰
oxy-acetylene gear 氧炔装置
oxy-acetylene grooving 氧乙炔焰开槽
oxy-acetylene hose 氧乙炔气软管
oxy-acetylene Oyashio 亲潮
oxy-acetylene welding 氧乙炔焊
oxy-acetylene 氧乙炔的
oxy-arc cutting equipment 氧弧切割设备
oxy-arc cutting 氧-电弧切割
oxy-cutting 氧气切割
oxy-cutting 氧切割
oxy-flux cutting 氧熔剂切割
oxy-hydrogen blowpipe 氢氧吹管
oxy-hydrogen cutting 氢氧切割
oxy-hydrogen torch 氢氧吹管
oxy-hydrogen torch 氧氢吹管
oxy-hydrogen welding 氢氧焊接
oxy-hydrogen 氢氧
oxy-plane machine 氧刨机
oxy-propane cutting 氧丙烷切割
oxy-welding 气焊
oxyacetylene cutting 氧乙炔切割
oxyacetylene process 氧乙炔切割程序
oxyacetylene welding equipment 气焊设备
oxyacetylene welding 氧乙块焊接
oxyacetylene 氧乙炔的
oxyacetylene 氧乙炔的@a.氧乙炔的
oxyarc cutting 氧弧切割
oxyfuel gas cutting 氧气切割
oxygas cutting torch 氧气割炬
oxygen analyser 含氧量分析仪
oxygen bottle 氧气瓶
oxygen breathing apparatus 氧气面具
oxygen canister 氧气罐
oxygen concentration cell 氧浓差电池
oxygen concentration corrosion 氧集中腐融
oxygen concentration corrosion 氧气集中腐蚀
oxygen content of condensate 冷凝水含氧量
oxygen content 氧气含量
oxygen cutter 氧切割器
oxygen cutting equipment 氧气切割设备
oxygen cutting 氧气切割
oxygen cutting 氧切割
oxygen cylinder 氧气瓶
oxygen decompression 吸氧减压法
oxygen depletion 氧气消耗
oxygen generating equipment 氧发生设备
oxygen generating equipment 氧气发生设备
oxygen generating plant 氧发生装置
oxygen generating plant 氧气发生装置
oxygen generator 氧发生器
oxygen generator 氧气发生器
oxygen gouging 火焰氧气刨
oxygen groove 氧割槽
oxygen inhaler 吸氧器
oxygen lance 氧切割器
oxygen manometer 氧压力表
oxygen meter 氧气测量仪
oxygen regulator 供氧调节器
oxygen respirator 供氧呼吸器
oxygen scavenger test 除氧剂试验
oxygen weld 氧气焊接
oxygen welding rubber hose 氧气焊接橡胶管
oxygen 氧
oxygen 氧气
oxygenbottle 氧气瓶
oxygenbreathing apparatus 氧气面具
oxygenconcentration corrosion 氧集中腐融
oxygencontent of condensate 冷凝水含氧量
oxygencutter 氧切割器
oxygencutting 氧切割
oxygencylinder 氧气瓶
oxygengenerating equipment 氧发生设备
oxygengenerating plant 氧发生装置
oxygengenerator 氧发生器
oxygenregulator 供氧调节器
oxygenrespirator 供氧呼吸器
oxygenscavenger test 除氧剂试验
oxyhydrogen welding 氢氧焰焊接
Oy 岛
Oya Siwo current 亲潮
Oya Siwo 亲潮
Oya 岛
Oyane 东方东方的
Oyashio current 亲潮
oyer and terminer 审理和判决
oyer 审理
oyster reef 蚝壳礁
oyster rock 蚝壳礁
oyster sloop 牡蛎捕捞船
oyster 深水炸弹;牡蛎
oysters 牡蛎
oysters 牡蛎;牡蛎底
ozero 湖
ozokerit 地蜡
ozone depleting agent 破坏臭氧剂
ozone generator 臭氧发生器
ozone layer 臭氧层
ozone layer 臭氧层(含大量溴氧的大气层
ozone proof 耐臭氧的
ozone resisting 抗臭氧的
ozone valve 臭氧阀
ozone 臭氧
ozonizer 臭氧发生器
ozonometer 臭氧计
ozonosphere 溴氧层
ozonosphere 溴氧层(含大量溴氧的大气层)实践证明经常访问无忧英语教育网 ,能迅速提高你的英语学习能力!积沙成塔,不断提高! 本站所提供的所有信息仅供学校课堂教学及英语学习者学习研究之用,其著作权归原作者及媒体所有。

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