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[图文]SMALL TALK / AUSTRALIAN SLANG       ★★★ 【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-23     

Australians speak in the formal type English that can be found in the U.K. and the U.S. Of course, the Australian accent is different and the spelling of particular words is different to the U.S. reflecting the country’s English heritage, for example, color and center (U.S.) compared with colour and centre (U.K. and Aus.).
The way in which Australians actually speak can be difficult to understand even for someone who has studied the English language for many years. Australians tend to run all the words in a sentence together. They will also borrow the sound of the last letter of the previous word when saying words that begin with ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’ and ‘u’ (vowels), for example, ‘How are you?’ will sound more like ‘Ho wr you?’. Australians will also tend to drop the last letter of words when speaking quickly, for example, ‘going’ sounds like ‘goin’.

Some common slang words and phrases
 • ‘G’day’ – Good day, this is a common greeting
 • ‘Hows it goin’?’ – ‘How is it going?’, this is slang for ‘How are you?’
 • ‘Ava go!’ – ‘Have a go!’, this is slang for ‘Try it.’
 • mate – this is slang for ‘friend’, used at the end of phrases, such as ‘G’day mate’, or ‘Hows it goin’ mate?’
 • Sheila – this is slang for a woman (not recommended to be used)
 • Bloke – this is slang for a man

(U.K. English)
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文章录入:soosun    责任编辑:51education 

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