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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国刑法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

innovations to his credit;
  (四)在日常生产、生活中舍己救人的; (4) coming to the rescue of another in everyday life and production at the risk of losing his own life;
  (五)在抗御自然灾害或者排除重大事故中,有突出表现的; (5) performing remarkable services in fighting against natural disasters or curbing major accidents; or
  (六)对国家和社会有其他重大贡献的。 (6) making other major contributions to the country and society.
  减刑以后实际执行的刑期,判处管制、拘役、有期徒刑的,不能少于原判刑期的二分之一;判处无期徒刑的,不能少于十年。 After commutation, the term of punishment actually to be served by those sentenced to public surveillance, criminal detention or fixed-term imprisonment may not be less than half of the term originally decided; for those sentenced to life imprisonment, it may not be less than 10 years.
 第七十九条 对于犯罪分子的减刑,由执行机关向中级以上人民法院提出减刑建议书。人民法院应当组成合议庭进行审理,对确有悔改或者立功事实的,裁定予以减刑。非经法定程序不得减刑。 Article 79 If punishment to a criminal is to be commuted, the executing organ shall submit to a People's Court at or above the intermediate level a written proposal for commutation of punishment.  The People's Court shall form a collegiate panel for examination and, if the criminal is found to have shown true repentance or performed meritorious services, issue an order of commutation. However, no punishment shall be commuted without going through legal procedure.
 第八十条 无期徒刑减为有期徒刑的刑期,从裁定减刑之日起计算。 Article 80 A term of fixed-term imprisonment that is commuted from life imprisonment shall be counted from the date the order of commutation is issued.
 第八十一条 被判处有期徒刑的犯罪分子,执行原判刑期二分之一以上,被判处无期徒刑的犯罪分子,实际执行十年以上,如果认真遵守监规,接受教育改造,确有悔改表现,假释后不致再危害社会的,可以假释。如果有特殊情况,经最高人民法院核准,可以不受上述执行刑期的限制。 Article 81 A criminal sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment who has served more than half of the term of the original sentence or a criminal sentenced to life imprisonment who has served not less than 10 years of the term may be granted parole if he conscientiously observes prison regulations, accepts education and reform through labor, shows true repentance and will no longer cause harm to society.  If special circumstances exist, upon verification and approval of the Supreme People's Court, the above restrictions relating to the term served may be disregarded.
  对累犯以及因杀人、爆炸、抢劫、强奸、绑架等暴力性犯罪被判处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑的犯罪分子,不得假释。 No parole shall be granted to recidivists or criminals who are sentenced to more than 10 years of imprisonment or life imprisonment for crimes of violence such as homicide, explosion, robbery, rape and kidnap.
 第八十二条 对于犯罪分子的假释,依照本法第七十九条规定的程序进行。非经法定程序不得假释。 Article 82 Parole shall be granted to a criminal through the procedure prescribed in Article 79 of this Law. No parole shall be granted without going through legal procedure.
 第八十三条 有期徒刑的假释考验期限,为没有执行完毕的刑期;无期徒刑的假释考验期限为十年。 Article 83 The probation period for parole in the case of fixed-term imprisonment shall be equal to the portion of the term that has not been completed; the probation period for parole in the case of life imprisonment shall be 10 years.
  假释考验期限,从假释之日起计算。 The probation period for parole shall be counted from the date the criminal is released on parole.
 第八十四条 被宣告假释的犯罪分子,应当遵守下列规定: Article 84 Any criminal who is granted parole shall observe the following:
  (一)遵守法律、行政法规,服从监督; (1) observe laws and administrative rules and regulations, and submit to supervision;
  (二)按照监督机关的规定报告自己的活动情况; (2) report on his own activities as required by the supervising organ;
  (三)遵守监督机关关于会客的规定; (3) observe the regulations for receiving visitors stipulated by the supervising organ; and
  (四)离开所居住的市、县或者迁居,应当报经监督机关批准。 (4) report to obtain approval from the supervising organ for any departure from the city or county he lives in or for any change in residence.
 第八十五条 被假释的犯罪分子,在假释考验期限内,由公安机关予以监督,如果没有本法第八十六条规定的情形,假释考验期满,就认为原判刑罚已经执行完毕,并公开予以宣告。 Article 85 Any criminal who is granted parole shall be subject to supervision by a public security organ during the probation period for parole.  If he is not found in any of the circumstances prescribed in Article 86 of this Law, the punishment originally decided shall be considered executed upon the expiration of the probation period for parole, which shall be made known publicly.
 第八十六条 被假释的犯罪分子,在假释考验期限内犯新罪,应当撤销假释,依照本法第七十一条的规定实行数罪并罚。 Article 86 If a criminal who is granted parole commits another crime during the probation period for parole, the parole shall be revoked, and he shall be given a combined punishment for several crimes as provided in Article 71 of this Law.
  在假释考验期限内,发现被假释的犯罪分子在判决宣告以前还有其他罪没有判决的,应当撤销假释,依照本法第七十条的规定实行数罪并罚。 If a criminal who is granted parole is discovered to have committed, before the judgment is pronounced, other crimes for which no punishment is imposed, the parole shall be revoked and a combined punishment for several crimes shall be given according to the provisions of Article 70 of this Law.
  被假释的犯罪分子,在假释考验期限内,有违反法律、行政法规或者国务院公安部门有关假释的监督管理规定的行为,尚未构成新的犯罪的,应当依照法定程序撤销假释,收监执行未执行完毕的刑罚。 If a criminal who is granted parole, during the probation period for parole, violates laws, administrative rules and regulations or other regulations relating to supervision and control over parole stipulated by the department of public security under the State Council but the violation does not constitute a new crime, the parole shall be revoked in accordance with legal procedure and he shall be put back into prison to serve the remaining part of criminal punishment.
 第八十七条 犯罪经过下列期限不再追诉: Article 87 Crimes shall not be prosecuted if the following periods have elapsed:
  (一)法定最高刑为不满五年有期徒刑的,经过五年; (1) five years, when the maximum punishment prescribed is fixed-term imprisonment of less than five years;
  (二)法定最高刑为五年以上不满十年有期徒刑的,经过十年; (2) 10 years, when the maximum punishment prescribed is fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but less than 10 years;
  (三)法定最高刑为十年以上有期徒刑的,经过十五年; (3) 15 years, when the maximum punishment prescribed is fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years; and
  (四)法定最高刑为无期徒刑、死刑的,经过二十年。如果二十年以后认为必须追诉的,须报请最高人民检察院核准。 (4) 20 years, when the maximum punishment prescribed is life imprisonment or death penalty. If after 20 years it is considered necessary to prosecute a crime, the matter shall be submitted to the Supreme People's Procuratorate for examination and approval.
 第八十八条 在人民检察院、公安机关、国家安全机关立案侦查或者在人民法院受理案件以后,逃避侦查或者审判的,不受追诉期限的限制。 Article 88 No limitation on the period for prosecution shall be imposed with respect to a criminal who escapes from investigation or trial after a People's Procuratorate, public security organ or national security organ files the case or a People's Court accepts the case.
  被害人在追诉期限内提出控告,人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关应当立案而不予立案的,不受追诉期限的限制。 No limitation on the period for prosecution shall be imposed with respect to a case which should have been but is not filed by a People's Court, People's Procuratorate or public security organ after the victim brings a charge within the period for prosecution.
 第八十九条 追诉期限从犯罪之日起计算;犯罪行为有连续或者继续状态的,从犯罪行为终了之日起计算。 Article 89 The limitation period for prosecution shall be counted from the date the crime is committed; if the criminal act is of a continual or continuous nature, it shall be counted from the date the criminal act is terminated.
  在追诉期限以内又犯罪的,前罪追诉的期限从犯后罪之日起计算。 If further crime is committed during a limitation period for prosecution, the limitation period for prosecution of the old crime shall be counted from the date the new crime is committed.
 第九十条 民族自治地方不能全部适用本法规定的,可以由自治区或者省的人民代表大会根据当地民族的政治、经济、文化的特点和本法规定的基本原则,制定变通或者补充的规定,报请全国人民代表大会常务委员会批准施行。 Article 90 Where the provisions of this Law cannot be completely applied in national autonomous areas, the people's congresses of the autonomous regions or the provinces concerned may formulate adaptive or supplementary provisions on the basis of the political, economic and cultural characteristics of the local ethnic groups and the basic principles stipulated in this Law, and these provisions shall go into effect after they have been submitted to and approved by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
 第九十一条 本法所称公共财产,是指下列财产: Article 91 "Public property" as mentioned in this Law refers to the following;
  (一)国有财产; (1) property owned by the State;
  (二)劳动群众集体所有的财产; (2) property owned collectively by working people; and
  (三)用于扶贫和其他公益事业的社会捐助或者专项基金的财产。 (3) public donations or special funds used for elimination of poverty or for other public welfare undertakings.
  在国家机关、国有公司、企业、集体企业和人民团体管理、使用或者运输中的私人财产,以公共财产论。 Private property that is being managed, used or transported by State organs, State-owned companies and enterprises, or enterprises owned by collectives, or people's organizations shall be treated as public property.
 第九十二条 本法所称公民私人所有的财产,是指下列财产: Article 92 "Citizens' privately owned property" as mentioned in this Law refers to the following;
  (一)公民的合法收入、储蓄、房屋和其他生活资料; (1) citizens' lawful earnings, savings, houses and other means of subsistence;
  (二)依法归个人、家庭所有的生产资料; (2) any means of production that is under private or family ownership according to law;
  (三)个体户和私营企业的合法财产; (3) property lawfully owned by self-employed workers or private enterprises; and
  (四)依法归个人所有的股份、股票、债券和其他财产。 (4) shares, stocks, bonds and other property that are under private ownership according to law.
第九十三条 本法所称国家工作人员,是指国家机关中从事公务的人员。 Article 93 "State functionaries" as mentioned in this Law refers to persons who perform public service in State organs.
  国有公司、企业、事业单位、人民团体中从事公务的人员和国家机关、国有公司、企业、事业单位委派到非国有公司、企业、事业单位、社会团体从事公务的人员,以及其他依照法律从事公务的人员,以国家工作人员论。 Persons who perform public service in State-owned companies or, enterprises, institutions or people's organizations, persons who are assigned by State organs, State-owned companies, enterprises or institutions to companies, enterprises or institutions that are not owned by the State or people's organizations to perform public service and the other persons who perform public service according to law shall all be rega

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