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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

rded by the following security measures:


(1) They shall not be copied or extracted without approval by the state organ or unit that determined their categories or by superior departments;


(2) People shall be specially designated and necessary security measures taken for their dispatch, reception, delivery and carrying; and


(3) They shall be kept in perfectly equipped safes.


Security measures shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, for approved copies or extracts of documents and other material and objects classified as " most confidential " state secrets.

第十九条 属于国家秘密的设备或者产品的研制、生产、运输、使用、保存、维修和销毁,由国家保密工作部门会同中央有关机关制定保密办法。

Article 19. Security measures shall be formulated by the state secret-guarding department, together with the central organs concerned, for the trial manufacture, production, transportation, use, preservation, maintenance and destruction of equipment or goods classified as state secrets.

第二十条 报刊、书籍、地图、图文资料、声像制品的出版和发行以及广播节目、电视节目、电影的制作和播放,应当遵守有关保密规定,不得泄露国家秘密。

Article 20. In the publication and distribution of newspapers, journals, books, maps, material with illustrations and captions, and audio and video products and in the production and broadcast of radio and television programmes and films, the relevant security regulations shall be complied with and no state secrets shall be divulged.

第二十一条 在对外交往与合作中需要提供国家秘密事项的,应当按照规定的程序事先经过批准。

Article 21. When state secrets have to be furnished for the benefits of contacts and co-operation with foreign countries, approval must be obtained beforehand in line with the prescribed procedures.

第二十二条 具有属于国家秘密内容的会议和其他活动,主办单位应当采取保密措施,并对参加人员进行保密教育,规定具体要求。

Article 22. With regard to meetings and other activities that involve state secrets, the sponsor units shall take security measures, explain to the participants the need to guard secrets and set specific requirements for the purpose.

第二十三条 军事禁区和属于国家秘密不对外开放的其他场所、部位,应当采取保密措施,除依照国家有关规定经过批准外,不得擅自决定对外开放或者扩大开放范围。

Article 23. Military forbidden zones and places and locations that are state secrets not open to the public shall be protected by security measures; no one may decide to open them to the public or enlarge the area that is open to the public without approval obtained in accordance with the relevant state regulations.

第二十四条 不准在私人交往和通信中泄露国家秘密。

Article 24. No state secrets shall be divulged in private contacts or correspondence.


When carrying documents and other material and objects classified as state secrets on official tours, no one shall go against the relevant security regulations.


No state secrets shall be discussed in public places.

第二十五条 在有线、无线通信中传递国家秘密的,必须采取保密措施。

Article 25. Transmission of state secrets through wire or wireless communications shall be protected by security measures.


No state secrets shall be transmitted by plain code or by a secret code that has not been examined and approved by the central organs concerned.


No documents or other material and objects classified as state secrets shall be transmitted by ordinary mail.

第二十六条 未经有关主管部门批准,禁止将属于国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品携带、传递、寄运至境外。

Article 26. Without approval by competent departments, no documents or any other material or objects classified as state secret shall be carried, transmitted, posted or transported out of the country's territory.

第二十七条 国家秘密应当根据需要,限于一定范围的人员接触。

Article 27. State secrets shall, depending on the circumstances, be accessible only to a certain number of people.


The most confidential state secrets shall be accessible only to people who have obtained approval.

第二十八条 任用经管国家秘密事项的专职人员,应当按照国家保密工作部门和人事主管部门的规定予以审查批准。

Article 28. Personnel to be placed specially in charge of state secrets shall be examined and approved in accordance with the provisions of the state secret-guarding department and the competent personnel department.


Exit from the country's territory by personnel specially in charge of state secrets shall be approved by the organ that approved their appointment.


If the competent department under the State Council holds that the exit of any one of them from the country's territory will endanger state security or cause serious damage to national interests, no approval shall be granted for his exit.

第二十九条 机关、单位应当对工作人员进行保密教育,定期检查保密工作。

Article 29. State organs and units shall conduct education among their personnel in the need to guard secrets and checked up on secret-guarding work regularly.

第三十条 国家工作人员或者其他公民发现国家秘密已经泄露或者可能泄露时,应当立即采取补救措施并及时报告有关机关、单位;有关机关、单位接到报告后,应当立即作出处理。

Article 30. State functionaries and other citizens should, upon discovering that state secrets have been divulged or are in danger of being divulged, take remedial measures immediately and promptly report the matter to the state organs and units concerned, which shall, upon receiving such reports, deal with the matter without delay.

第四章 法律责任


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