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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国保险法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Notwithstanding the foregoing, with the consent of the insured to enter into a contract for the insured, the applicant shall be regarded as having an insurable interest on the insured.

   第五十三条 投保人申报的被保险人年龄不真实,并且其真实年龄不符合合同约定的年龄限制的,保险人可以解除合同,并在扣除手续费后,向投保人退还保险费,但是自合同成立之日起逾二年的除外。

Article 53 If the age of the insured is not correctly given by the applicant, and the actual age of the insured does not fall within the age range specified by the contract, the insurer may terminate the contract and return the premiums to the applicant after deducting expenses therefrom. However, this does not apply to contracts which have been in force for two (2) years or more.


In the event that the applicant has misstated the age of the insured, thus underpaying the premiums, then the insurer shall have the right to correct the misstatement and request the applicant to pay the balance, or to reduce the payment of the insurance benefits in proportion to the amount of premiums actually paid to the amount that should have been paid.


In the event that the applicant has misstated the age of the insured, thus overpaying the premiums, then the insurer shall return the overpaid portion to the applicant.

   第五十四条 投保人不得为无民事行为能力人投保以死亡为给付保险金条件的人身保险,保险人也不得承保。

Article 54 An applicant shall not apply for and the insurer shall not underwrite an insurance of persons that stipulates death as a prerequisite for the payment of the insurance benefits on a person without civil legal capacity.


The restriction stipulated in the preceding paragraph shall not apply to the case where parents apply for insurance of persons on minor children. However, the total amount of the death benefits shall not exceed the limit as stipulated by the financial supervision and regulation department.

   第五十五条 以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同,未经被保险人书面同意并认可保险金额的,合同无效。

Article 55 A contract stipulating death as the prerequisite for the payment of the insurance benefits is not valid unless its amount is consented to in writing by the insured.


An insurance policy stipulating death as the prerequisite for the payment of the insurance benefits shall not be transferred or mortgaged without the written consent of the insured.


If parents apply for an insurance of persons on their minor children, the restriction stipulated in paragraph one of this Article shall not apply.

   第五十六条 投保人于合同成立后,可以向保险人一次支付全部保险费,也可以按照合同约定分期支付保险费。

Article 56 After the establishment of the contract, the applicant may pay the premium by a single premium or by installments in accordance with the terms of the contract.


If the contract stipulates that the premium is to be paid by installments, the applicant shall pay the first installment at the inception of the contract and the other installments as scheduled.

   第五十七条 合同约定分期支付保险费,投保人支付首期保险费后,除合同另有约定外,投保人超过规定的期限六十日未支付当期保险费的,合同效力中止,或者由保险人按照合同约定的条件减少保险金额。

Article 57 If the contract specifies payment of the premiums by installments and the applicant has paid the first installment but fails to pay any subsequent installments within a sixty (60) days grace period, the contract shall lapse, or the insurer shall reduce the insured amount in accordance with the contract, unless specified otherwise in the contract.

   第五十八条 依照前条规定合同效力中止的,经保险人与投保人协商并达成协议,在投保人补交保险费后,合同效力恢复。但是,自合同效力中止之日起二年内双方未达成协议的,保险人有权解除合同。

Article 58 A contract which lapses in accordance with the preceding Article can be reinstated provided that the insurer and the applicant have reached an agreement and that the applicant has paid the outstanding premiums. However, the insurer has the right to terminate the contract if no agreement has been reached by both parties within two (2) years from the date of the lapse of the contract.


When an insurer terminates the contract in accordance with the preceding paragraph, and the applicant has paid the premiums for two years or more, the insurer shall return the cash value of the policy to the applicant in accordance with the contract. In the event that the applicant has paid the premiums for less than two years , the insurer shall return the premiums to the applicant with the expenses deducted therefrom.

   第五十九条 保险人对人身保险的保险费,不得用诉讼方式要求投保人支付。

Article 59 The insurer shall not resort to legal proceeding to demand the payment of the insurance premiums of insurance of persons from the applicant.

   第六十条 人身保险的受益人由被保险人或者投保人指定。

Article 60 The beneficiary of the insurance of persons shall be designated by the insured or the applicant.


The designation of the beneficiary by the applicant is subject to the approval of the insured.


If the insured is a person without civil legal capacity or a person with limited civil legal capacity, the beneficiary may be designated by the guardian of the insured.


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