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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国标准法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

第十七条 企业研制新产品、改进产品,进行技术改造,应当符合标准化要求。

Article 17 The development of new products,improvement of products or technical renovation by an enterprise shall conform to standardization requirements.

第十八条 县级以上政府标准化行政主管部门负责对标准的实施进行监督检查

Article 18 Departments of standardization administration under governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for supervision over and inspection of the implementation of the standards.

第十九条 县级以上政府标准化行政主管部门,可以根据需要设置检验机构,或者授权其他单位的检验机构,对产品是否符合标准进行检验。

Article 19 Departments of standardization administration under governments at or above the county level may,in accordance with needs,establish inspection organizations or authorize inspection organizations of other units to examine whether products conform to the standards.

法律、行政法规对检验机构另有规定的,依照法律、行政法规的规定执行。 处理有关产品是否符合标准的争议,以前款规定的检验机构的检验数据为准。

Where the laws and administrative rules and regulations provide otherwise on inspection organizations,such provisions shall apply. Disputes over whether a product conforms to the standards shall be handled in accordance with the inspection data provided by the inspection organizations as specified in the preceding paragraph.

第四章 法律责任

Chapter IV Legal Responsibility

第二十条 生产、销售、进口不符合强制性标准的产品的,由法律、行政法规规定的行政主管部门依法处理,法律、行政法规未作规定的,由工商行政管理部门没收产品和违法所得,并处罚款;造成严重后果构成犯罪的,对直接责任人员依法追究刑事责任。

Article 20 Whoever produces,sells or imports products that do not conform to the compulsory standards shall be dealt with according to law by the competent administrative authorities as prescribed by the laws and administrative rules and regulations.In the absence of such prescriptions,his products and unlawful proceeds shall be confiscated and he shall be concurrently fined by the administrative authorities for industry and commerce;where serious consequences are caused and crimes are constituted,the person directly responsible shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

第二十一条 已经授予认证证书的产品不符合国家标准或者行业标准而使用认证标志出厂销售的,由标准化行政主管部门责令停止销售,并处罚款;情节严重的,由认证部门撤销其认证证书。

Article 21 Where authentication marks are used on products leaving a factory for sale,for which authentication certificates have been issued but which do not conform to national or trade standards,the enterprise concerned shall be ordered by the department of standardization administration to stop the sale and shall be fined concurrently;where the circumstances are serious,the authentication certificates shall be revoked by the department that made the authentication.

第二十二条 产品未经认证或者认证不合格而擅自使用认证标志出厂销售的,由标准化行政主管部门责令停止销售,并处罚款。

Article 22 Whoever uses authentication marks,without authorization,on products leaving a factory for sale,which have not undergone authentication or have been found not up to the standards after the authentication proceedings,shall be ordered by the department of standardization administration to stop the sale and shall concurrently be fined.

第二十三条 当事人对没收产品、没收违法所得和罚款的处罚不服的,可以在接到处罚通知之日起十五日内,向作出处罚决定的机关的上一级机关申请复议;对复议决定不服的,可以在接到复议决定之日起十五日内,向人民法院起诉。当事人也可以在接到处罚通知之日起十五日内,直接向人民法院起诉。

Article 23 A party which refuses to accept the punishment of confiscation of its products and of its unlawful proceeds and a fine may,within 15 days of receiving the penalty notice, apply for reconsideration to the office immediately above the one that made the punishment decision;a party which refuses to obey the reconsideration decision may,within 15 days of receiving the reconsideration decision,bring a suit before a people's court.The party also may,within 15 days of receiving the penalty notice,directly bring a suit before a people's court.


If a party neither applies for reconsideration nor brings a suit before a people's court within the prescribed time nor complies with the punishment decision,the office that made the punishment decision shall apply to a people's court for compulsory execution.

第二十四条 标准化工作的监督、检验、管理人员违法失职、徇私舞弊的,给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 24 Personnel responsible for the supervision,inspection and administration of standardization who violate the law or neglect their duties,or are engaged in malpractices for personal gains,shall be given disciplinary sanctions; where crimes are constituted,their criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.


Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

第二十五条 本法实施条例由国务院制定。

Article 25 Rules for the implementation of this Law shall be formulated by the State Council.

第二十六条 本法自198941起施行。

Article 26 This Law shall go into effect as of April 1,1989.


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