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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国兵役法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

e who are not enlisted during the year shall remain eligible for active service until they are 22.


To meet the needs of the armed forces, female citizens may be enlisted for active service according to the provision of the preceding paragraph.


To meet the needs of the armed forces and on the principle of voluntary participation, male and female citizens who have not yet reached 18 years of age by December 31 of a certain year may be enlisted for active service.

 第十三条 每年十二月三十一日以前年满十八岁的男性公民,都应当在当年九月三十日以前,按照县、自治县、市、市辖区的兵役机关的安排,进行兵役登记。经兵役登记和初步审查合格的,称应征公民。

Article 13. Each year, male citizens who will be 18 years old by December 31 shall be registered for military service by September 30 according to the arrangements of the military service organs of counties, autonomous counties, cities or municipal districts. Those who have registered and have passed the preliminary examination are called citizens eligible for enlistment.

 第十四条 在征集期间, 应征公民应当按照县、自治县、 市、市辖区的兵役机关的通知,按时到指定的体格检查站进行体格检查。

Article 14. During the period of enlistment, citizens eligible for enlistment shall, upon notification by the military service organs of counties, autonomous counties, cities or municipal districts, go to the designated health centres in time for physical examination.


Citizens eligible for enlistment who are qualified for active service shall be enlisted for such service upon approval by the military service organs of counties, autonomous counties, cities or municipal districts.

 第十五条 应征公民是维持家庭生活的唯一劳动力或者是正在全日制学校就学的学生,可以缓征。

Article 15. The enlistment of a citizen eligible for enlistment may be deferred if he is the only worker in his family providing its means of subsistence or if he is a student in a full-time school.

 第十六条 应征公民被羁押正在受侦查、起诉、审判的或者被判处徒刑、拘役、管制正在服刑的,不征集。

Article 16. A citizen eligible for enlistment shall not be enlisted if he is detained for investigation, prosecution or trial, or if he has been sentenced to imprisonment, criminal detention or public surveillance and is serving his sentence.

第三章 士兵的现役和预备役


 第十七条 士兵包括义务兵和志愿兵。

Article 17. There shall be two types of soldiers: conscripts and volunteers.

 第十八条 义务兵服现役的期限:陆军三年;海军、空军四年。

Article 18. The term of service for conscripts shall be three years in the army and four years in the navy and the air force.


Upon the expiration of his active service, a conscript may, according to the need of the armed forces and on a voluntary basis, extend his service. The extended period of service shall be one to two years in the army and one year in the navy and the air force.

 第十九条 超期服现役的义务兵服现役满五年,已成为专业技术骨干的,由本人申请,经师级以上机关批准,可以改为志愿兵。

Article 19. A conscript on extended active duty who has completed five years of active service and who has become professionally or technically skilled may, by his application and upon approval by a division headquarters or a higher organ, change to a volunteer.


The term of active service for a volunteer shall be no less than eight years and no more than twelve years, counting from the day he changes to a volunteer, up to a maximum age of 35; the term may be extended appropriately upon approval by an army headquarters or a higher organ if the volunteer is specially needed in the armed forces and if he desires the extension.

 第二十条 士兵服现役期满,应当退出现役。因军队编制员额缩减需要退出现役的,经军队医院诊断证明本人健康状况不适合继续服现役的,或者因其他特殊原因需要退出现役的,经师级以上机关批准,可以提前退出现役。

Article 20. A soldier shall be discharged from active service upon the expiration of his term of active service. Those who have to be discharged from active service because of a reduction in the personnel of the armed forces, a condition of health unfit for continued service as diagnosed and certified by a hospital of the armed forces, or other special reasons may be discharged before the expiration of the terms of their active service upon approval by a division headquarters or a higher organ.

 第二十一条 士兵退出现役时,符合预备役条件的,由部队确定服士兵预备役;经过考核,适合担任军官职务的,服军官预备役。

Article 21. A soldier who is discharged from active service but is qualified for reserve service shall be assigned by his army unit to serve in the soldiers reserve; a soldier who is considered after assessment to be fit for the post of an officer shall serve in the officers reserve.


A soldier who is discharged from active service and assigned by his army unit to serve in the reserve shall, within thirty days of returning to his place of residence, register for reserve service with the military service organ of his county, autonomous county, city or municipal district.

 第二十二条 按照本法第十三条规定经过兵役登记的应征公民,未被征集服现役的,服士兵预备役。

Article 22. Citizens eligible for enlistment who have registered for military service according to the provisions of Article 13 of this Law but who have not been enlisted for active service shall serve in the soldiers reserve.

 第二十三条 士兵预备役的年龄,为十八岁至三十五岁。

Article 23. Persons serving in the soldiers reserve shall be aged between 18 and 35.

 第二十四条 士兵预备役分为第一类和第二类。

Article 24. Persons in the soldiers' reserve shall be divided into two categories:


Category One of the persons in the soldiers' reserve shall include:


(1) persons regimented into primary militia organizations pursuant to the provi

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