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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国财产保险合同条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


If there are separate items with separate insured amounts the insurer's maximum liability shall not exceed the insured amount of each item of the subject-matter insured.


In compensating for loss of or damage to the insured property, the Insurer shall deduct from the amount of compensation the salvage value of such property and the amount recovered by the Insured from third parties.

    第十七条  投保方为了避免或者减少保险责任范围内的损失而进行施救、保护、整理以及诉讼所支出的必要的合理费用,以及为了确定保险责任范围内的损失所支付的对受损标的检验、估价、出售的合理费用,按照保险合同的规定,由保险方负责偿还,但最高以保险金额为限。

Article 17. The Insurer will according to the stipulations of the contract of insurance be liable for reasonable costs necessarily incurred by the Insured for salving, safeguarding, reconditioning or litigation to mitigate a loss within the scope of cover and for reasonable expenses incurred for inspecting, assesing or selling of the damaged subject-matter insured for the purpose of ascertaining the loss falling under the scope of cover, provided that such costs and expenses shall not exceed the sum insured.

    第十八条  投保方要求保险方赔偿时,应当提供损失清单和施救等费用清单以及必要的帐册、单据和证明。

Article 18. The Insured shall when lodging a claim submit to the Insurer a statement of claim and statements for salvage charges, etc. as well as necessary accounts, vouchers and documentary evidence.


Upon receipt of the documents for such claim, the Insurer shall decide whether or not to admit liability, and where an agreement on the amount payable is reached with the Insured, shall effect payment within ten days from the date of such agreement.


In case of failure to pay within the prescribed time, the Insurer shall be liable for breach of the contract and subject to a penalty commencing from the eleventh day following the date on which the amount of indemnity is determined, according to the interest rate then prevailing for short term loans to enterprises as set by the People's Bank of China.

    第十九条  保险标的发生保险责任范围内的损失,应当由第三者负责赔偿的,投保方应当向第三者要求赔偿。

Article 19. If the insured property sustains a loss within the scope of cover for which a third party shall be held liable, the Insured shall file a claim with such third party.

如果投保方向保险方提出赔偿要求时, 保险方可以按照保险合同规定,先予赔偿,但投保方必须将向第三者追偿的权利转让给保险方,并协助保险方向第三者追偿。

The Insurer may make compensation in advance according to the provisions of the contract if the Insured claims against him, in such case, however, the Insured shall subrogate to the Insurer the right of recovery against the third party and assist the latter in pursuing such recovery.



    第二十条  公民个人同保险方签订的保险合同,参照本条例执行。

Article 20. The Present Regulations shall apply to contracts of insurance concluded between the Insurer and individuals.

    第二十一条  涉外财产保险合同参照本条例执行。

Article 21. The Present Regulations shall apply to contract of insurance on property involving foreign elements.

    第二十二条  海上保险合同,除法律另有规定外,适用本条例的规定。

Article 22. Unless otherwise stipulated by The Law, the present Regulations shall apply to contracts of marine insurance.

    第二十三条  本条例自颁布之日起施行。

Article 23. The present Regulations comes into force on the day of promulgation.

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