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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国科学技术进步法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 26 The State shall encourage and guide the enterprises engaged in development, production and transaction of high-tech products to establish management systems in conformity with international norms, produce high-tech products up to international standards, and participate in global market competition so as to advance the internationalization of high-tech products up to international standards, and participate in global market competition so as to advance the internationalization of high-tech industries.

第四章 基础研究和应用基础研究

Chapter    Basic Research and Applied Basic Research

第二十七条 国家保障基础研究和应用基础研究持续、稳定的发展,加强科学技术进步的基础。

Article 27 The State shall ensure the continuous and steady development of basic research and applied basic research, and consolidate the foundation for scientific and technological progress.


Funds for basic research and applied basic research shall account for an appropriate proportion in the total funds for research and development.

第二十八条 国务院科学技术行政部门对学科前沿和经济、社会发展中的重大基础性科学研究课题,应当有计划地组织实施。

Article 28 The administrative department in charge of science and technology under the State Council shall organize in a planned manner the implementation of major basic scientific research programmes in the frontier disciplines and in economic and social development.


Research and development entities, institutions of higher learning, other enterprises and institutions as well as citizens may select subjects on their own for basic research and applied basic research.

第二十九条 国家建立自然科学基金,按照专家评议、择优支持的原则,资助基础研究和应用基础研究。

Article 29 The State shall establish a Natural Science Fund to aid basic research and applied basic research in accordance with the principle of supporting only those with eligibility on the basis of appraisal and deliberation by experts.


The State shall support scientific research activities conducted by outstanding youths, and establish a Science Fund for Youths within the Natural Science fund.

第三十条 国家支持重点实验室的建设,建立基础研究和应用基础研究基地。

Article 30 The State shall support the buildup of key laboratories, and set up bases for basic research and applied basic research.


The State level key laboratories are open to both domestic and foreign researchers.

第五章 研究开发机构

Chapter   Research and Development Institutions

第三十一条 国家根据经济建设和科学技术进步的需要,统筹规划和指导科学技术研究开发机构的布局,建立现代化的科学技术研究开发体系。

Article 31 The State shall, in accordance with the demands of economic construction and scientific and technological progress, provide an overall planning and guidance for the layout of scientific and technological research and development institutions, and establish a modernized scientific and technological research and development system.

第三十二条 国家对从事基础研究和应用基础研究、高技术研究、重大工程建设项目研究、重大科学技术攻关项目研究、重点社会公益性科学技术研究的研究开发机构和高等院校,在经费、实验手段等方面给予支持。

Article 32 The State shall give support, in such aspects as financial expenses and experimental means, to research and development institutions and institutions of higher learning engaged in basic research and applied basic research, high-tech research, projects for tackling major scientific and technological problems, and research on science and technology for key social and public welfare undertakings.

第三十三条 国家鼓励和引导从事技术开发的研究开发机构单独或者与企业事业组织联合开发技术成果,实行技术、工业、贸易或者技术、农业、贸易一体化经营。

Article 33 The State shall encourage and guide research and development institutions engaged in technology development to develop their technological achievements independently or in collaboration with other enterprises and institutions, and carry out an integrated management of technology, industry and trade, or of technology, agriculture and trade.


The State shall encourage and guide research and development institutions engaged in scientific and technical consultation, scientific and technical information services and social and public welfare undertakings to gradually carry out enterprise management or to provide services nongratis.

第三十四条 研究开发机构实行院长或者所长负责制。

Article 34 Research and development institutions shall practise a system whereby the president or director takes responsibility.


Research and development institutions shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, enjoy decision-making power in their conduct of research and development, production management, use of funds, institutional setup and personnel recruitment.

第三十五条 国家鼓励社会力量自行创办研究开发机构,保障其合法权益不受侵犯。

Article 35 The State shall encourage various social forces to establish research and development institutions on their own and shall protect their legitimate rights and interests against any encroachment.

第三十六条 研究开发机构可以依法在国外投资,设立分支机构。

Article 36 Research and development institutions may, in conformity with the law, invest and establish branches abroad.


Foreign organizations or individuals may, in accordance with the law, establish research and development institutions within the territory of China, and may also set up, together with Chinese research and development institutions or other organizations, Chinese foreign equity or contractual research and development institutions.

第六章 科学技术工作者

Chapter  Scientific and Technical Workers

第三十七条 科学技术工作者是社会主义现代化建设事业的重要力量。国家采取各种措施,提高科学技术工作者的社会地位,通过各种途径,培养和造就各种专门的科学技术人才,创造有利环境和条件,充分发挥科学技术工作者的作用。

Article 37 Scientific and technical workers constitute an important force in the socialist modernization drive. The State shall take various measures to raise the social status of scientific and technical workers, cultivate and bring up through various channels scientific and technical professionals of various specialities and create favourable environments and conditions to bring the role of scientific and technical workers into full play.

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