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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国科学技术进步法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Law of the People's Republic of China on Science and Technology Progress


adopted at the Second Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on July 2,1993, is hereby promulgated and shall enter into force as of October 1,1993.

第一章 总则

Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为了促进科学技术进步,在社会主义现代化建设中优先发展科学技术,发挥科学技术第一生产力的作用,推动科学技术为经济建设服务,根据宪法,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated in  accordance with the Constitution with a view to promoting science and technology progress, assigning priority to the development of science and technology and bringing the role of science and technology as the primary  productive force into full play in socialist modernization drive, so as to improve the service of science and technology to economic construction.

第二条 国家实行经济建设和社会发展依靠科学技术,科学技术工作面向经济建设和社会发展的基本方针。

Article 2 The State practices a basic guideline of basing economic construction and social development on science and technology and orienting science and technology undertakings to economic construction and social development.

第三条 国家保障科学研究的自由,鼓励科学探索和技术创新,使科学技术达到世界先进水平。

Article 3 The State shall protect the freedom of scientific research; encourage scientific exploration and technological innovation so as to raise its science and technology to an advanced level in the world.


The State and the whole society shall respect knowledge, esteem talent, value the creative work of scientific and technological personnel, and protect intellectual property rights.

第四条 国家根据科学技术进步和社会主义市场经济的需要,改革和完善科学技术体制,建立科学技术与经济有效结合的机制。

Article 4 The State shall, in compliance with the demands of scientific and technological progress and the socialist market economy, restructure and improve science and technology system, and establish a mechanism capable of effectively integrating science and technology with economy.

第五条 国家鼓励科学研究和技术开发,推广应用科学技术成果,改造传统产业,发展高技术产业,以及应用科学技术为经济建设和社会发展服务的活动。

Article 5 The State shall encourage scientific research and technology development, popularize and apply the achievements made in science and technology, transform traditional industries, develop high-tech industries, and enhance activities employing science and technology to serve economic construction and social development.

第六条 国家普及科学技术知识,提高全体公民的科学文化水平。

Article 6 The State shall disseminate scientific and technological knowledge to raise the scientific and cultural level of all the citizens.


The State shall encourage government, organs, enterprises, institutions, social organizations and citizens to participate in and support activities aimed at science and technology progress.

第七条 国务院制定科学技术发展规划,确定科学技术和重大项目、与科学技术密切相关的重大项目,保障科学技术进步与经济建设和社会发展相协调。

Article 7 The State Council shall formulate science and technology development programmes, determine major science and technology projects and other major projects closely related to science and technology, and secure the coordination of science and technology progress with economic construction and social development.


Opinions from scientific and technological workers shall be fully solicited in the course of formulating science and technology development programmes and important policies and determining major science and technology projects and major projects closely related to science and technology, and a principle of scientific decision-making process shall be followed.

第八条 国务院科学技术行政部门,负责全国科学技术工作的宏观管理和统筹协调。

Article 8 The administrative department in charge of science and technology under the State Council shall be responsible for the macroscopic management and overall coordination of the nationwide science and technology work.


 Other administrative departments concerned under the State Council shall be responsible for the relevant science and technology progress work within the scope of their functions and responsibilities as prescribed by the State Council.


Local people's governments at various levels shall adopt effective measures to promote science and technology progress.


The State shall render assistance to minority nationality regions and remote and poor areas to accelerate the development of science and technology thereof.

第九条 中华人民共和国政府积极发展同外国政府、国际组织之间的科学技术合作与交流,鼓励研究开发机构、高等院校、社会团体和科学技术工作者与国外科学技术界建立多种形式的合作关系。

Article 9 The Government of the people's Republic of China shall actively promote science and technology cooperation and exchanges with foreign governments and international organizations, encourage research and development agencies, institutions of higher learning, social organizations and scientific and technical workers to establish cooperative relations of various forms with foreign science and technology circles.

第二章 科学技术与经济建设和社会发展

Chapter   Science and Technology in Economic Construction and Social Development

第十条 国家鼓励研究开发新技术、新产品、新材料、新工艺,开展合理化建议、技术改进和技术协作活动,不断提高产品质量,提高劳动生产率和经济效益,发展社会生产力。

Article 10 The State shall encourage research and development of new technologies, new products,  new materials and new techniques, and promote activities of advancing rationalization proposals, and enhancing technological innovation and technical collaboration so as to steadily improve product quality, labour productivity and economic returns, and

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