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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国民用航空法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

e State Council.

第四十四条  民用航空器的操作由机长负责,机长应当严格履行职责,保护民用航空器及其所载人员和财产的安全。

 Article 44 The pilot-in-command is responsible for the operation of the civil aircraft, and shall strictly perform his duties to protect the safety of the civil aircraft and persons and property carried therein.


 Orders issued by the pilot-in-command within the scope of his functions and powers shall be implemented by all the persons carried by the civil aircraft.

第四十五条  飞行前,机长应当对民用航空器实施必  的检查;未经检查,不得起飞。

Article 45 The pilot-in-command shall carry out necessary inspection of the civil aircraft before flight; no civil aircraft shall takeoff unless inspected.


  Where and when a pilot-in-command discovers that the civil aircraft, airport and weather conditions do not conform to the requirements prescribed and cannot ensure flight safety, he has the right to refuse takeoff.

第四十六条  飞行中,对于任何破坏民用航空器、扰乱民用航空器内秩序、危害民用航空器所载人员或者财产安全以及其他危及飞行安全的行为,在保证安全的前提下,机长有权采取必要的适当措施。

 Article 46 The pilot-in-command has the right to take necessary and appropriate measures in flight, under the prerequisite of ensuring flight safety, against any acts which may destroy the civil aircraft, interfere with the order on board and jeopardize the safety of persons or property therein, and any other acts jeopardizing flight safety.


  In case of extraordinary circumstances in flight, the pilot-in-command shall have authority as to disposition of the civil aircraft so as to ensure the safety of the aircraft and the persons therein.

第四十七条  机长发现机组人员不适宜执行飞行任务的,为保证飞行安全,有权提出调整。

Article 47 The pilot-in-command has the right to ask for a change of crew member(s) in order to ensure flight safety if he discovers that the crew member(s) are not suitable for performing the flight mission.

第四十八条  民用航空器遇险时,机长有权采取一切必要措施,并指挥机组人员和航空器上其他人员采取抢救措施。

 Article 48 In case a civil aircraft is in distress, the pilot-in-command has the right to take all necessary measures, and direct the crew members and other persons on board the aircraft to take rescue measures.


  In case of emergency which necessitates evacuation from the civil aircraft in distress, the pilot-in-command must take measures first to organize passengers to leave the civil aircraft safely;


 no crew member shall leave the civil aircraft unless authorized by the pilot-in-command;  the pilot-in-command shall be the last to leave the aircraft.

第四十九条  民用航空器发生事故,机长应当直接或者通过空中交通管制单位,如实将事故情况及时报告国务院民用航空主管部门。

 Article 49 In case an accident occurred to a civil aircraft, the pilot-in-command shall report in time the state of the accident accurately to the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council directly or through air traffic control unit.

第五十条  机长收到船舶或者其他航空器的遇险信号,或者发现遇险的船舶、航空器及其人员,应当将遇险情况及时报告就近的空中交通管制单位并给予可能的合理的援助。

 Article 50 When a pilot-in-command received SOS signals from a ship or another aircraft, or discovered a ship or an aircraft and the persons therein in distress, he shall report the state of distress in time to the nearest air traffic control unit and give possible, rational assistance.

第五十一条  飞行中,机长因故不能履行职务的,由仅次于机长职务的驾驶员代理机长;

 Article 51 In case a pilot-in-command is unable to perform his duties in flight due to one reason or another, the pilot holding a post next only to him shall act on his behalf; 


the owner or lessee of the civil aircraft shall assign a new pilot-in-command to take over before the aircraft takes off at the next place of stop.

第五十二条  只有一名驾驶员,不需配备其他空勤人员的民用航空器,本节对机长的规定,适用于该驾驶员。

 Article 52 In the case of a civil aircraft with only one pilot and without the need to have other flight personnel, the provisions of this Section concerning the pilot-in-command shall be applicable to such pilot.

 第六章  民用机场

Chapter VI Civil Airport

第五十三条  本法所称民用机场,是指专供民用航空器起飞、降落、滑行、停放以及进行其他活动使用的划定区域,包括附属的建筑物、装置和设施。

 Article 53 The   civil airport   as referred to in this Law means a defined area, including any subsidiary buildings, installations and equipment, intended to be used for the takeoff, landing, taxiing, parking and other activities of civil aircraft.


 The civil airport referred to in this Law does not include temporary airfield.


 The measures for the management of airports used by both military and civil air operations shall be separately formulated by the State Council and the Central Military Commission jointly.

第五十四条  民用机场的建设和使用应当统筹安排、合理布局,提高机场的使用效率。

 Article 54 The construction and utilization of civil airports shall be subject to overall arrangement and rational distribution, and the efficiency of airport utilization shall be raised.


  The plan of distribution and construction of civil airports in the whole country shall be formulated jointly by th

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