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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国民法通则          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

第七十条 有下列情形之一的,法定代理或者指定代理终止:

Article 70 A statutory or appointed agency shall end under any of the following circumstances:


(1) when the principal gains or recovers capacity for civil conduct;


(2) when the principal or the agent dies;


(3) when the agent loses capacity for civil conduct;


(4) when the people's court or the unit that appointed the agent rescinds the appointment;


 or (5) when the guardian relationship between the principal and the agent ends for other reasons.

第五章 民事权利 第一节 财产所有权和与财产所有权有关的财产权

 Chapter V Civil Rights Section 1 Property Ownership and Related Property Rights

第七十一条 财产所有权是指所有人依法对自己的财产享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。

Article 71 "Property ownership" means the owner's rights to lawfully possess, utilize, profit from and dispose of his property.

第七十二条 财产所有权的取得,不得违反法律规定。

Article 72 Property ownership shall not be obtained in violation of the law.


Unless the law stipulates otherwise or the parties concerned have agreed on other arrangements, the ownership of property obtained by contract or by other lawful means shall be transferred simultaneously with the property itself.

第七十三条 国家财产属于全民所有。

Article 73 State property shall be owned by the whole people.


State property is sacred and inviolable, and no organization or individual shall be allowed to seize, encroach upon, privately divide, retain or destroy it.

第七十四条 劳动群众集体组织的财产属于劳动群众集体所有,包括:

Article 74 Property of collective organizations of the working masses shall be owned collectively by the working masses. This shall include:


(1) land, forests, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed land, beaches and other areas that are stipulated by law to be under collective ownership;


(2) property of collective economic organizations;


(3) collectively owned buildings, reservoirs, farm irrigation facilities and educational, scientific, cultural, health, sports and other facilities; 


and (4) other property that is collectively owned.


Collectively owned land shall be owned collectively by the village peasants in accordance with the law and shall be worked and managed by village agricultural production cooperatives, other collective agricultural economic organizations or villages' committees. 


Land already under the ownership of the township (town) peasants' collective economic organizations may be collectively owned by the peasants of the township (town). 


Collectively owned property shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual may seize, encroach upon, privately divide, destroy or illegally seal up, distrain, freeze or confiscate it.

第七十五条 公民的个人财产,包括公民的合法收入、房屋、储蓄、生活用品、文物、图书资料、林木、牲畜和法律允许公民所有的生产资料以及其他合法财产。

Article 75 A citizen's personal property shall include his lawfully earned income, housing, savings, articles for daily use, objects d'art, books, reference materials, trees, livestock, as well as means of production the law permits a citizen to possess and other lawful property. 


A citizen's lawful property shall be protected by law, and no organization or individual may appropriate, encroach upon, destroy or illegally seal up, distrain, freeze or confiscate it.

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