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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国水法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

 Where a party is unwilling to have the dispute resolved through consultation or mediation, or the consultation or mediation is unsuccessful, he may request the people's government at or above the county level or the competent department authorized by such a government to handle the dispute, or may directly institute legal proceedings in the people's court. Where a party is dissatisfied with the decision made by the people's government concerned or the competent department authorized by such a government, he may institute legal proceedings in the people's court within fifteen days of receiving the notification on the decision.


Pending a settlement of the dispute, no party may unilaterally alter the existing water regime.

  第三十七条 县级以上人民政府或者其授权的主管部门在处理水事纠纷时,有权采取临时处置措施,当事人必须服从。

Article 37. When handling any dispute concerning water, the people's government at or above the county level, or the competent department authorized by such a government, shall have the power to take temporary measures with which the parties must comply.

  第三十八条 各级人民政府应当加强领导,采取措施,做好防汛抗洪工作。任何单位和个人,都有参加防汛抗洪的义务。

Article 38. The people's governments at all levels shall strengthen their leadership and take effective measures to prevent and fight floods. It is the duty of every unit and individual to participate in the prevention of and the fight against floods.

  第三十九条 县级以上人民政府防汛指挥机构统一指挥防汛抗洪工作。

Article 39. The flood prevention headquarters under the people's governments at or above the county level shall exercise unified command over the work of preventing and fighting floods.


In cases of a flood emergency, the flood prevention headquarters shall have the power to requisition materials and equipment and employ personnel within their jurisdiction, which shall be returned or adequately compensated for without delay after the flood subsides.

  第四十条 县级以上人民政府应当根据流域规划和确保重点兼顾一般的原则,制定防御洪水方案,确定防洪标准和措施。全国主要江河的防御洪水方案,由中央防汛指挥机构制定,报国务院批准。

Article 40. The people's governments at or above the county level shall, on the basis of river basin plans and in accordance with the principle of ensuring defence at the major points and giving consideration to ordinary ones, formulate schemes for the prevention of floods, in which the standards and measures for the prevention of floods shall be specified. The schemes for the prevention of floods along major rivers throughout the country shall be formulated by the Central Flood Prevention Headquarters and submitted to the State Council for approval.


After a scheme for the prevention of floods is approved or formulated, the people's governments concerned must execute it.

  第四十一条 在防洪河道和滞洪区、蓄洪区内,土地利用和各项建设必须符合防洪的要求。

Article 41. Along floodways and in flood detention basins and flood storage basins, the utilization of land and the various construction projects must meet the requirements for the prevention of floods.

  第四十二条 按照天然流势或者防洪、排涝工程的设计标准或者经批准的运行方案下泄的洪水、涝水,下游地区不得设障阻水或者缩小河道的过水能力;上游地区不得擅自增大下泄流量。

Article 42. People in a downstream area may not hinder by blocking the flow of the flood water or excess water discharged according to the natural flow trend or the design standards of flood prevention or flood drainage projects, or an approved flood fighting plan, or reduce the carrying capacity of the river, while people in an upstream area may not increase without authorization the flow discharged downstream.

  第四十三条 在汛情紧急的情况下,各级防汛指挥机构可以在其管辖范围内,根据经批准的分洪、滞洪方案,采取分洪、滞洪措施。采取分洪、滞洪措施对毗邻地区有危害的,必须报经上一级防汛指挥机构批准,并事先通知有关地区。

Article 43. In case of a flood emergency, flood prevention headquarters at different levels may, within their jurisdiction, take measures to divert or detain the flood pursuant to the approved plans. Where these measures are detrimental to the adjoining districts, the adoption of such measures must be reported to the flood prevention headquarters at the next higher level for approval, and the districts concerned shall be notified in advance.


The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall separately formulate special administrative measures for the safety, evacuation, livelihood, production, rehabilitation, compensation for losses, etc. for the inhabitants in the flood detention basins and the flood storage basins within their respective jurisdiction.

第六章 法律责任


  第四十四条 违反本法规定取水、截水、阻水、排水,给他人造成妨碍或者损失的,应当停止侵害,排除妨碍,赔偿损失。

Article 44. Whoever, in violation of this Law, draws, intercepts, blocks or discharges water and thereby causes obstruction or losses to others shall stop his acts of infringement, remove the obstruction and compensate for the losses.

  第四十五条 违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门或者有关主管部门责令其停止违法行为,限期清除障碍或者采取其他补救措施,可以并处罚款;对有关责任人员可以由其所在单位或者上级主管机关给予行政处分:

Article 45. Whoever, in violation of this Law, commits any of the following acts shall be ordered, by the department of water administration or another competent department concerned of the relevant local people's government at or above the county level, to stop his illegal act and clear away the obstacles or take other remedial measures within the specified time limit, and may be concurrently fined; the person who is responsible may be given administrative sanctions by the unit to which he belongs or by the competent authority at a higher level:


(1) abandoning or piling objects which obstruct navigation or the passage of flood, or planting trees and growing crops of a long-stalk variety which obstruct the passage of flood in any river, lake, reservoir or canal, or abandoning sunken vessels, laying fishing gear which obstructs navigation, or growing aquatic plants in any navigable river;


(2) erecting buildings in any riverbed or flood land without approval;


(3) mining for sand and gravel or placer gold in any river course or navigable river without approval or not in conformity with the approved scope and operation procedures; or


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