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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国水法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

eeded for such facilities shall, except as otherwise provided for by the state, be borne by the transport department concerned.


Where any existing dam or sluice gate hinders navigation, the people's government at or above the county level shall order the original construction unit to take remedial measures within a prescribed time limit.

  第十八条 在鱼、虾、蟹洄游通道修建拦河闸坝,对渔业资源有严重影响的,建设单位应当修建过鱼设施或者采取其他补救措施。

Article 18. Where the building of a dam or sluice gate on the migration route of fish, shrimp or crabs has a serious impact on fishery resources, the construction unit shall build facilities for their passage or adopt other remedial measures.

  第十九条 修建闸坝、桥梁、码头和其他拦河、跨河、临河建筑物,铺设跨河管道、电缆,必须符合国家规定的防洪标准、通航标准和其他有关的技术要求。

Article 19. The building of any dam and sluice gate, bridge, wharf or any structure which blocks, crosses or borders a river channel, and the laying of a pipeline or a cable which crosses a river, must be in conformity with the standards for the prevention of floods and navigation and other related technical requirements set by the state.

  因修建前款所列工程设施而扩建、改建、拆除或者损坏原有工程设施的,由后建工程的建设单位负担扩建、改建的费用和补偿损失的费用,但原有工程设施是违 章的除外。

Where the building of any of the structures or facilities referred to in the preceding paragraph requires the extension, modification, removal or destruction of the original structures or facilities, the unit constructing the new project shall bear the expenses for extension or modification and the expenses for the compensation of losses, unless the original structures or facilities were built in violation of the relevant regulations.

  第二十条 兴建水工程或者其他建设项目,对原有灌溉用水、供水水源或者航道水量有不利影响的,建设单位应当采取补救或者予以补偿。

Article 20. Where the building of any water project or any other construction project has an adverse effect on the current use of water for irrigation, the existing source of water supply or the present flow of the navigation channel, the unit constructing the project shall adopt remedial measures or otherwise make compensation.

  第二十一条 兴建跨流域引水工程,必须进行全面规划和科学论证,统筹兼顾引出和引入流域的用水需求,防止对生态环境的不利影响。

Article 21. Where an interbasin diversion project is to be built, an overall plan and a scientific justification must be provided, and consideration given to the demand for water in the basin which supplies the water and in the basin which receives it, while adverse effects on the ecological environment shall be avoided.

  第二十二条 兴建水工程,必须遵守国家规定的基本建设程序和其他有关规定。凡涉及其他地区和行业利益的,建设单位必须事先向有关地区和部门征求意见,并按照规定报上级人民政府或者有关主管部门审批。

Article 22. The building of any water project must conform with the capital construction procedures and the other relevant provisions stipulated by the state. Where a project involves the interests of other regions and trades, the construction unit must first solicit opinions from the regions and departments concerned and, in accordance with the relevant provisions, report the project to the people's government at the higher level or the competent department concerned for approval.

  第二十三条 国家兴建水工程需要移民的,由地方人民政府负责妥善安排移民的生活和生产。安置移民所需的经费列入工程建设投资计划,并应当在建设阶段按 计划完成移民安置工作。

Article 23. Where a water project to be built by the state requires the resettlement of inhabitants, the local people's government shall be responsible for making proper arrangements for the livelihood and production of the inhabitants to be resettled. The funds needed for the resettlement of inhabitants shall be included in the investment plan for the project, and the resettlement shall be completed within the construction stage on schedule.

第三章 水、水域和水工程的保护


  第二十四条 在江河、湖泊、水库、渠道内,不得弃置、堆放阻碍行洪、航运的物体,不得种植阻碍行洪的林木和高杆作物。

Article 24. In any river, lake, reservoir or canal, no person may abandon or pile objects which block navigation or the passage of flood water, or plant trees or grow crops of a long-stalk variety which block the passage of flood water.


In any navigable channel, no person may abandon any sunken boat, lay any fishing gear which blocks navigation, or grow aquatic plants.


No person may erect any building in a riverbed or in flood land without the approval of the competent department concerned.


Anyone who wishes to mine for sand and gravel or placer gold within the extent of a river course through which flood water passes or into which water from water-logged areas is drained, or within the extent of a navigable river, must apply to the department of river administration for approval, and must conduct his mining within the approved confines and in conformity with the approved operation procedures. Where the mining relates to a navigable river, it shall be subject to approval by the department of river administration and the department of navigation.

  第二十五条 开采地下水必须在水资源调查评价的基础上,实行统一规划,加强监督管理。在地下水已经超采的地区,应当严格控制开采,并采取措施,保护地下水资源,防止地面沉降。

Article 25. The drawing of groundwater must be carried out by a unified plan based on the findings of a survey and assessment of water resources, and the supervision and management of the drawing must be strengthened. In areas where too much groundwater has been drawn, a strict control shall be imposed on the drawing and effective measures taken to protect the groundwater resources and to prevent the subsidence of the ground.

  第二十六条 开采矿藏或者兴建地下工程,因疏干排水导致地下水水位下降、枯竭或者地面塌陷,对其他单位或者个人的生活和生产造成损失的,采矿单位或者 建设单位应当采取补救措施,赔偿损失。

Article 26. Where mining or the construction of underground projects, because of water drainage, results in a lowering of the groundwater level, the depletion of groundwater or the subsidence of the ground and causes losses to the livelihood and production of units or individuals, the mining unit or the construction unit shall take remedial measures and compensate for the losses.

  第二十七条 禁止围湖造田。禁止围垦河流,确需围垦的,必须经过科学论证,并经省级以上人民政府批准。

Article 27. Reclaiming parts of a lake for use as farmland shall be prohibied. Reclaiming parts of a river for use as farmland shall also be prohibited. Where reclamation is necessary, a scientific justification must be provided and approval obtained from a people's government at or above the provincial level.

  第二十八条 国家保护水工程及堤防、 护岸等有关设施, 保护防汛设施、水文监测设施、水文地质监测设施和导航、助航设施,任何单位和个人不得侵占、毁坏。

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