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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国外汇管理条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 13 Foreign exchange owned by individuals can be held at their own discretion, deposited in banks or sold to the designated foreign exchange banks.


Individuals' foreign exchange savings deposit shall be placed with banks on a voluntary basis, withdrawn freely and bear interest with confidentiality for depositors' identity ensured.

  第十四条 个人因私用汇,在规定限额以内购汇。

Article 14 The purchase of foreign exchange for personal travel abroad and other miscellaneous expenses shall be granted within the specified limit.


Individuals may apply for the purchase of foreign exchange over and above the limit at the government agencies in charge of foreign exchange. And the request for such purchase shall be approved if it proves to be for bona fide transactions.


Individuals carrying foreign exchange into or out of China shall declare their foreign exchange in the customs office. Individuals shall present to the customs office valid documents for carrying a large sum of foreign exchange exceeding the specified limit.

  第十五条 个人移居境外后,其境内资产产生的收益,可以持规定的证明材料和有效凭证向外汇指定银行购汇汇出或者携带出境。

Article 15 The remittance and/or carrying of foreign exchange abroad for such income derived from the possession of assets in China shall be granted upon the presentation of the specific certifying documents at the designated foreign exchange banks.

  第十六条 居住在境内的中国公民持有的外币支付凭证、外币有价证券等形式的外汇资产,未经外汇管理机关批准,不得携带或者邮寄出境。

Article 16 Foreign assets held by Chinese citizens residing in China in the form of payment instruments and securities denominated in foreign currency etc.shall not be taken or sent abroad without authorization of the exchange administration agencies.

  第十七条 驻华机构和来华人员的合法人民币收入,需要汇出境外的,可以持有关证明材料和凭证到外汇指定银行兑付。

Article 17 The purchase of and payment in foreign exchange abroad for the legitimate income in Renminbi for foreign establishments and foreign nationals in China shall be granted upon the presentation of the supporting documents and statement of charges at the designated foreign exchange banks.


Article 18 Foreign exchange sent or carried in by foreign establishments and foreign nationals in China can be held at their own discretion, deposited in designated banks or sold to the designated foreign exchange banks. Such foreign exchange can also be remitted or taken abroad upon the presentation of valid documents.

第三章 资本项目外汇

Chapter III Foreign exchange for capital account transactions

    第十九条 境内机构的资本项目外汇收入,除国务院另有规定外,应当调回境内。

Article 19 Unless otherwise specified by the State Council, all foreign exchange receipts for capital account transactions shall be repatriated.

  第二十条 境内机构的资本项目外汇收入,应当按照国家有关规定在外汇指定银行开立外汇帐户;

Article 20 All foreign exchange receipts for capital account transactions shall be placed in the foreign exchange account at the designated foreign exchange banks in accordance with the relevant government regulations;


such receipts can be also sold to the designated foreign exchange banks upon the approval by the exchange administration agencies.

  第二十一条 境内机构向境外投资,在向审批主管部门申请前,由外汇管理机关审查其外汇资金来源;经批准后,按照国务院关于境外投资外汇管理的规定办理有关资金汇出手。

Article 21 The source of foreign exchange for overseas investment by domestic entities shall be reviewed by the exchange administration agencies before the application for such investments is filed for approval by the relevant government agencies. If approval is granted, remittance of funds shall then take place in accordance with the regulations on overseas investment issued by the State Council.

  第二十二条 借用国外贷款,由国务院确定的政府部门、国务院外汇管理部门批准的金融机构和企业按照国家有关规定办理。

Article 22 External borrowing in loans shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant regulations by the government agencies designated by the State Council, financial institutions and other enterprises duly authorized by government agencies of the State Council in charge of exchange administration.


External borrowing in loans by foreign-funded enterprises shall be filed with the exchange administration agencies for records.

  第二十三条 金融机构在境外发行外币债券,须经国务院外汇管理部门批准,并按照国家有关规定办理。

Article 23 The issue of bonds abroad denominated in foreign currency by financial institutions requires the approval by the government agencies of the State Council in charge of exchange administration before the issue proceeds in accordance with the relevant government regulations.

  第二十四条 提供对外担保,只能由符合国家规定条件的金融机构和企业办理,并须经外汇管理机关批准。

Article 24 External guarantee shall only be offered by qualified financial institutions and enterprises meeting the government requirements and subject to the approval by the exchange administration agencies.

  第二十五条 国家对外债实行登记制度。 境内机构应当按照国务院关于外债统计监测的规定办理外债登记。

Article 25 The government adopts a registration system for external debt. All domestic entities shall register external debt in accordance with the regulations formulated by the State Council on monitoring statistics of external debt.


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