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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国外汇管理条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Regulations on the Foreign Exchange System of the People's RepubLic of China

    第一条 为了加强外汇管理,保持国际收支平衡,促进国民经济健康发展,制定本条例。

Article 1 These regulations are formulated with a view to improving the management of the exchange system, maintaining an equilibrium in the balance of payments and promoting sound economic growth.

    第二条 国务院外汇管理部门及其分支机构(以下统称外汇管理机关),依法履行外汇管理职责,负责本条例的实施。

Article 2 The government agencies of the State Council in charge of the administration of the exchange system and their local offices (hereafter the exchange administration agencies for both) shall exercise exchange management in accordance with the law and assume the responsibility for the implementation of the regulations.

  第三条 本条例所称外汇,是指下列以外币表示的可以用作国际清偿的支付手段和资产:

Article 3 Foreign exchange as referred to in the regulations includes means of payments and assets denominated in foreign currency for international settlement as the following:


1. foreign currencies, including bank notes and coins;


2. payment instruments denominated in foreign currency, including bills, bank certificate of deposit and certificate of postal deposit etc.


3. securities denominated in foreign currency, including government bonds, corporate debentures and stocks etc.;


4. Special Drawing Rights and European Currency Units;


and 5. other assets denominated in foreign currency.

  第四条 境内机构、个人、驻华机构、来华人员的外汇收支或者经营活动,适用本条例。

Article 4 The payment in and transfer of foreign exchange for current international transactions shall not be subject to the government control or restriction.

  第五条 国家对经常性国际支付和转移不予限制。

Article 5 The regulations shall govern all activities related to the receipts and payments of foreign exchange as well as foreign exchange operations ofdomestic entities, individuals, foreign establishments, and foreign nationals in China.

  第六条 国家实行国际收支统计申报制度。凡有国际收支活动的单位和个人,必须进行国际收支统计申报。

Article 6 The government adopts a reporting system for balance of payments statistics. All entities and individuals involved in balance of payments transactions shall fulfill their obligations for reporting balance of payments statistics.

  第七条 在中华人民共和国境内,禁止外币流通,并不得以外币计价结算。

Article 7 Foreign currency is prohibited for circulation and shall not be quoted for pricing or settlement in the territory of the People's Republic of China.

  第八条 任何单位和个人都有权检举、揭发违反外汇管理的行为和活动。

Article 8 All entities and individuals shall have the right to reveal or expose any activities in violation of the regulations on exchange management.


All entities and individuals who reveal, expose or assist in stopping various activities in violation of exchange regulations on exchange management shall be rewarded and the confidentiality of their identity shall be ensured.

第二章 经常项目外汇

Chapter II Foreign exchange for current account transactions

    第九条 境内机构的经常项目外汇收入必须调回境内,不得违反国家有关规定将外汇擅自存放在境外。

Article 9 All foreign exchange receipts of domestic entities for current account transactions shall be repatriated and shall not be deposited abroad in violation of the relevant government regulations without authorization.

  第十条 境内机构的经常项目外汇收入,应当按照国务院关于结汇、售汇及付汇管理的规定卖给外汇指定银行,或者经批准在外汇指定银行开立外汇帐户。

Article 10 All foreign exchange receipts for current account transactions shall be sold to the designated foreign exchange banks in accordance with the regulations issued by the State Council on the sale and purchase of foreign exchange and making payments in foreign exchange, and such receipts may also be upon approval, deposited in the foreign exchange account at the designated banks for foreign exchange operations.

  第十一条 境内机构的经常项目用汇,应当按照国务院关于结汇、售汇及付汇管理的规定,持有效凭证和商业单据向外汇指定银行开立外汇帐户。

Article 11 Purchase of foreign exchange for current account transactions shall be conducted with the designated foreign exchange banks, in accordance with the regulations issued by the State Council on the sale and purchase of foreign exchange and making payments in foreign exchange, upon the presentation of valid documents and commercial bills.

  第十二条 境内机构的出口收汇和进口付汇,应当按照国家关于出口收汇核销管理和进口付汇核销管理的规定办理核销。

Article 12 The collection of export proceeds and the payments for imports in foreign exchange by domestic entities shall be processed in accordance with the relevant government regulations governing the verification procedures for export proceeds and import payments.

  第十三条 属于个人所有的外汇,可以自行持有,也可以存入银行或者卖给外汇指定银行。

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