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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国行政复议条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

may, within 10 days after the obstacle is removed, apply for an extension of the time limit: the administrative body that has jurisdiction shall decide whether to approve the aforesaid application or not.

第三十条 公民、法人或者其他组织向人民法院起诉,人民法院已经受理的,不得申请复议。

Article 30. Where a citizen, a legal person or any other organization brings a suit before the people's court and the people's court has accepted the case, then he/she or it may not apply for reconsideration.


Where a citizen, a legal person or any other organization applies for reconsideration to an administrative body and the administrative body for reconsideration has accepted the application, then the applicant may not bring a suit before the people's court within the statutory time limit for conducting reconsideration.

第三十一条 申请复议应当符合下列条件:

Article 31. The following requirements shall be met when an application is made for reconsideration:


(1) the applicant shall be a citizen, a legal person, or any other organization that holds that a specific administrative act has directly infringed upon his/her or its lawful rights and interests;


(2) there must be a specific defending party or parties of an applications;


(3) there must be a specific claim for reconsideration and a corresponding factual basis;


(4) the case must fall within the scope for application for reconsideration;


(5) the case must fall under the jurisdiction of the administrative body that accepts the said case; and


(6) other requirements stipulated by the laws and regulations.

第三十二条 申请人向行政机关申请复议应当递交复议申请书。

Article 32. An applicant, while applying to an administrative body for reconsideration, shall submit a written application for reconsideration.

第三十三条 复议申请书应当载明下列内容:

Article 33. The written application shall contain the following contents:


(1) the name, sex, age, occupation and address of the applicant (the name and address of the legal person or any other organization and the name of its legal representative);


(2) the name and address of the defending party of the application for reconsideration;


(3) the claim and reasons for applying for reconsideration;


(4) the date of filing the application for reconsideration.

第三十四条 复议机关应当自收到复议申请书之日起十日内,对复议申请分别作出以下处理:

Article 34. The administrative body for reconsideration shall, within 10 days from the date of receiving the written application for reconsideration, handle the reconsideration applications respectively as follows:


(1) reconsideration applications that are in conformity with the provisions of these Regulations shall be accepted;


(2) applications for reconsideration that are not in conformity with one of the provisions in Article 31 of these Regulations shall not be accepted and the applicant shall be notified of the reasons for this decision;


(3) where a written reconsideration application fails to include one item of the contents as prescribed in the provisions of Article 33 of these Regulations, the written application shall be returned to the applicant and a time limit for making up the said contents shall be set. If the applicant fails to fulfil this, the above-mentioned application shall be considered to have not been made.

第三十五条 公民、法人或者其他组织依法提出复议申请,复议机关无正当理由拒绝受理或者不予答复的,上一级行政机关或者法律、法规规定的行政机关应当责令其受理或者答复。

Article 35. Where a citizen, a legal person, or any other organization has filed an application for reconsideration according to the law, but the administrative body for reconsideration refuses, without any justification, to accept the application or fails to respond, the administrative body at the next higher level, or the administrative body prescribed by the laws and regulations, shall instruct the said administrative body for reconsideration to accept the said application or to respond.

第三十六条 法律、法规规定应当先向行政机关申请复议,对复议不服再向人民法院提起诉讼的,申请人对复议机关不予受理的裁决不服,可以在收到不予受理裁决书之日起十五日内,向人民法院起诉。法律、法规另有规定的除外。

Article 36. Except as otherwise provided by the laws and regulations, in circumstances where, in accordance with the provisions of pertinent laws and regulations, a person concerned shall first apply to an administrative body for reconsideration and then bring a suit before a people's court if the person concerned does not accept the reconsideration decision, if the applicant does not accept the decision made by the administrative body for reconsideration to reject the application, the applicant may, within 15 days from the date of receiving the written decision on rejection of the application, bring a suit before the people's court.

第七章 审理与决定

Chapter VII. Hearing and Decision

第三十七条 行政复议实行书面复议制度,但复议机关认为有必要时,可以采取其他方式审理复议案件。

Article 37. Administrative reconsideration shall be conducted by applying the system of reconsideration by written documents; however, when the administrative body for reconsideration deems it necessary, other forms for hearing of reconsideration cases may be adopted.

第三十八条 复议机关应当在受理之日起七日内将复议申请书副本发送被申请人。被申请人应当在收到复议申请书副本之日起十日内,向复议机关提交作出具体行政行为的有关材料或者证据,并提出答辩书。逾期不答辩的,不影响复议。

Article 38. The administrative body for reconsideration shall, within 7 days from the day of filing the case, deliver a copy of the written application for reconsideration to the defending party of the said application. T

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