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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国行政复议条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 21. Where citizens, legal persons and other organizations make a complaint to the correspondence and reception department within the time limit stipulated by law for filing an application for reconsideration, the correspondence and reception department shall notify the complainant in a timely manner to file an application for reconsideration to the administrative body that has jurisdiction for reconsideration.

第二十二条 其他复议管辖,依照法律、法规和规章的规定。

Article 22. Other cases involving jurisdiction for reconsideration shall be handled according to the provisions of the laws, regulations and rules.

第四章 复议机构

Chapter IV. The Reconsideration Office

第二十三条 复议机关应当根据工作需要,确立本机关的复议机构或者专职复议人员。

Article 23. The administrative body for reconsideration shall, in light of its work needs, establish the reconsideration office, or appoint full-time personnel that handle reconsideration cases, for the body itself.

第二十四条 县级以上的地方各级人民政府的复议机构,应当设在政府法制工作机构内或者与政府法制工作机构合署办公。

Article 24. Reconsideration offices of various local people's governments at or above the county level shall be established within the government's office of legislative affairs, or the government's office of legislative affairs will work in the name of the reconsideration office.

第二十五条 复议机构或者专职复议人员在复议机关的领导下工作,履行下列职责:

Article 25. The reconsideration office, or the full-time personnel that handle reconsideration cases, shall work under the leadership of the administrative body for reconsideration and carry out the following functions and duties:


(1) to review whether reconsideration applications are in conformity with the statutory requirements;


(2) to conduct investigations among, and collect evidence from, both parties to a dispute and relevant units and personnel and to consult relevant documents and materials:


(3) to organize the handling of reconsideration cases;


(4) to draft reconsideration decisions;


(5) to respond to litigation in court, as entrusted by the legal representative of the administrative body for reconsideration;


(6) to carry out other functions and duties stipulated by the laws and regulations.

第五章 复议参加人

Chapter V. Participants in Reconsideration

第二十六条 依照本条例申请复议的公民、法人或者其他组织,是申请人。

Article 26. Citizens, legal persons or other organizations that file an application for reconsideration pursuant to these regulations are applicants.


Where a citizen who has the right to apply for reconsideration is deceased, his/her nearest relatives may apply for reconsideration; where a citizen who has the right to apply for reconsideration is incompetent or has limited capacities, his/her legal representative may apply for reconsideration on his/her behalf.


Where a legal person or any other organization that has the right to apply for reconsideration becomes terminated, the legal person or any other organization that succeeds to its rights may apply for reconsideration.

第二十七条 同申请复议的具体行政行为有利害关系的其他公民、法人或者其他组织,经复议机关批准,可以作为第三人申请参加复议。

Article 27. Where any other citizen, legal person or organization has an interest in a specific administrative act, for the reconsideration of which an application has already been filed, he/she or it may, with the approval of the administrative body for reconsideration, file a request for participation in the reconsideration as a third party.

第二十八条 公民、法人或者其他组织对行政机关的具体行政行为不服申请复议的,该行政机关是被申请人。

Article 28. Where a citizen, legal person or organization applies for reconsideration against a specific administrative act undertaken by an administrative body, the said administrative body is the defending party of the application.


Where two or more administrative bodies have undertaken a specific administrative act in their combined name, the administrative bodies which have jointly undertaken the specific administrative act are the joint defending parties of an application.


Where a specific administrative act is undertaken by an organization authorized by the laws, regulations and rules, the said organization is the defending party of an application.


Where a specific administrative act is undertaken by an organization entrusted by an administrative body, the said commissioning administrative body is the defending party of an application.


Where a specific administrative act has been undertaken by an body which has already been abolished, the administrative body that continues to exercise the abolished body 's functions and powers is the defending party of an application.

第六章 申请与受理

Chapter VI. Application and Acceptance

第二十九条 公民、法人或者其他组织向有管辖权的行政机关申请复议,应当在知道具体行政行为之日起十五日内提出,法律、法规另有规定的除外。

Article 29. Where a citizen, a legal person or any other organization files an application for reconsideration with the administrative body that has jurisdiction over the case, he/she or it shall do so within 15 days from the day when he/she or it becomes aware of the specific administrative act, except as otherwise stipulated by the laws and regulations.


Where a citizen, a legal person or any other organization fails to observe the time limit prescribed by law due to force majeure or other special circumstances, he/she or it

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