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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国行政监察法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

(1) Conduct a preliminary examination of the matter that requires investigation and action; set up a case for the matter if it is believed there is an violation of administrative discipline and there is a need to determine the administrative disciplinary responsibility ;


(2) Organize and conduct an investigation to collect relevant evidence;


(3) Examine the evidence proving the violation of administrative discipline, which deserves administrative punishments or other actions;


(4) Make a decision or recommendation of supervision.


The set-up of an important and complicated case should be reported to people's governments at the corresponding levels and supervisory organs at the higher level for the record.

 第三十一条 监察机关对于立案调查的案件,经调查认定不存在违反行政纪律事实的,或者不需要追究行政纪律责任的,应当予以撤销,并告知被调查单位及其上级部门或者被调查人员及其所在单位。

Article 31. Where a supervisory organ determines that the fact of a violation of administrative discipline does not exist in an established case after investigation, or there is no need to determine the administrative disciplinary responsibility, it should withdraw the case and inform the unit being investigated and its higher department, or the individuals being investigated and their units, of the withdrawal.


The withdrawal of important and complicated cases should be reported to people's governments at the corresponding levels and supervisory organs at the higher level for the record

 第三十二条 监察机关立案调查的案件,应当自立案之日起六个月内结案;因特殊原因需要延长办案期限的,可以适当延长,但是最长不得超过一年,并应当报上一级监察机关备案。

Article 32. A case which is placed on file for investigation by supervisory organizations should be concluded in six months starting from the date the case was placed on file. Under special circumstances, if the case on file needs more time for investigation, the course of investigation and handling may be extended for a maximum period of one year and the extension of investigation and handing should be reported to the higher supervisory organization for record keeping.

 第三十三条 监察机关在检查、调查中应当听取被监察的部门和人员的陈述和申辩。

Article 33. In the course of inspection and investigation, the supervisory organization should hear statements and arguments by the unit or person under investigation.

 第三十四条 监察机关作出的重要监察决定和提出的重要监察建议,应当报经本级人民政府和上一级监察机关同意。国务院监察机关作出的重要监察决定和提出的重要监察建议,应当报经国务院同意。

Article 34. When a supervisory organization makes important supervisory decision or puts forward important supervisory recommendations, it should be approved by the people's government at the same level and supervisory organization at the higher level. The important supervisory decision and important supervisory recommendations made by supervisory organizations under the State Council should be approved by the State Council.

 第三十五条 监察决定、监察建议应当以书面形式送达有关单位或者有关人员。

Article 35. The decisions and recommendations made by the supervisory organization should be sent to related units or personnel in written form.

 第三十六条 有关单位和人员应当自收到监察决定或者监察建议之日起三十日内将执行监察决定或者采纳监察建议的情况通报监察机关。

Article 36. After receiving a written notice on supervisory decisions or recommendations. the concerned units should inform the supervisory organization within 30 days on the situation of implementing the supervisory decisions or accepting the supervisory recommendations.

 第三十七条 国家公务员和国家行政机关任命的其他人员对主管行政机关作出的行政处分决定不服的,可以自收到行政处分决定之日起三十日内向监察机关提出申诉,监察机关应当自收到申诉之日起三十日内作出复查决定;

Article 37. When government functionaries or staff members appointed by state administrative organs do not concur with the administrative punishment made by the organization in charge of personnel action, they may make appeals to the supervisory organization within 30 days from receiving the administrative decision. The supervisory organization should re-examine the decision with 30 days after receiving such a request.


If the government functionaries or staff members appointed by the state administrative organs still not do concur with the decision, they may request the higher supervisory organization to further examine the case within 30 days after receiving the results of the re-examination.


 The higher supervisory organizations should make a decision on the final examination within 60 days after receiving the request.


During the period of re-examination and final examination, the implementation of the original decision will not be stayed.

 第三十八条 监察机关对受理的不服主管行政机关行政处分决定的申诉,经复查认为原决定不适当的,可以建议原决定机关予以变更或者撤销;

Article 38. When handling appeals by units or individuals who do not agree with the administrative punishment made by their administrative units, the supervisory organizations may recommend changes or cancellation of the original decisions if the original decisions are found to be inappropriate after reinvestigation.


The supervisory organization may also, within their powers, directly make a decision on changing or canceling the administrative decisions


Other appeal cases prescribed by the law and administrative rules shall be handled in accordance with related laws and administrative regulations

 第三十九条 对监察决定不服的,可以自收到监察决定之日起三十日内向作出决定的监察机关申请复审,

Article 39. Those who do not concur with the decision of a supervisory organization, may request the supervisory organization to re-examine the case with 30 days after receiving the notice of decision.


The supervisory organization should examine the case within 30 days after receiving such requests and make a new decision.


Those who do not concur with the decision of the re-examination may ask the higher supervisory organization to investigate and decide on the case within 30 days after receiving the decision of the re-examination.


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