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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国营业税暂行条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

 (2) Services provided on individual basis by the disabled.


 (3) Medical services provided by hospitals, clinics and other medical institutions.


 (4) Educational services provided by schools and other educational institutions; and services provided by students participating in work-study programs.


 (5) Agricultural mechanical ploughing, irrigation and drainage, prevention and treatment of plant diseases and insect pests, plant protection, insurance for farming and animal husbandry, and related technical training services; breeding and the prevention and treatment of diseases of poultry, livestock and aquatic animals.


 (6) Admission fees for cultural activities conducted by memorial hall, museum, cultural centre, art gallery, exhibition hall, academy of painting and calligraphy, library and cultural protective units; admission fees for cultural and religious activities conducted at places of religious worship.


 Except as stipulated in the above paragraphs, the Business Tax exemption and reduction items shall be regulated by the State Council.


Local governments or departments shall not regulate any tax exemption or reduction items.

    第七条  纳税人兼营免税、减税项目的,应当单独核算免税、减税项目的营业额;未单独核算营业额的,不得免税、减税。

Article 7  For taxpayers engaged in tax exempt or tax reduced items, the turnover shall be accounted for separately. if the turnover has not been separately accounted for, no exemption of reduction is allowed.

    第八条  纳税人营业额未达到财政部规定的营业税起征点的,免征营业税。

Article 8  For taxpayers whose turnover has not reached the Business Tax minimum threshold stipulated by the Ministry of Finance, the Business Tax shall be exempt.

    第九条  营业税的纳税义务发生时间,为纳税人收讫营业收入款项或者取得索取营业收入款项凭据的当天。

Article 9  The time at which a liability to Business Tax arises shall be the date on which the business proceeds are received or documented evidence of right to collect business proceeds is obtained by the taxpayer.

    第十条  营业税由税务机关征收。

Article 10  Business Tax shall be collected by the tax authorities.

    第十一条  营业税扣缴义务人:

Article 11  Business Tax withholding agents are as follows:


 (1) For financial institutions entrusted to grant loans, the entrusted financial institutions shall be the withholding agents.


 (2) For sub-contracting of construction and installation business, the main contractors shall be the withholding agents.


 (3) Other withholding agents as stipulated by the Ministry of Finance.

    第十二条  营业税纳税地点:

Article 12  The place for the payment of Business Tax is as follows:


 (1) Taxpayers providing taxable services shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the taxable services take place.


Taxpayers engaged in the transportation business shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the business establishment is located.


 (2) Taxpayers transferring land use rights shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the land is located.


Taxpayers transferring other intangible assets shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the establishment is located.


 (3) Taxpayers selling immovable properties shall report and pay tax to the local competent tax authorities where the immovable properties are located.

    第十三条  营业税的纳税期限,分别为五日、十日、十五日或者一个月。

Article 13  The Business Tax assessable period shall be five days, ten days, fifteen days or one month.


The actual assessable period of taxpayers shall be determined by the competent tax authorities according to the magnitude of the tax payable of the taxpayers; tax that cannot be assessed in regular periods may be assessed on a transaction-by-transaction basis.

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