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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国法官职业道德基本准则          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

第三十条 法官必须向其家庭成员告知法官行为守则和职业道德的要求,并督促其家庭成员不得违反有关规定。

Article 30.  A judge should inform his family members about the requirements for a judge mi judicial conduct and professional ethics and urge his family members not to violate relevant regulations.


Chapter 4: Observation of Judicial Decorum

第三十一条 法官应当严格遵守各项司法礼仪,保持良好的仪表和文明的举止,维护人民法院的尊严和法官的良好形象。

Article 31.  A judge should strictly observe the Judicial decorum and keep good appearance and conduct, so as to preserve the authority of the people's court and the good image of the judge.

第三十二条 法官应当尊重当事人和其他诉讼参与人的人格尊严,并做到:

Article 32.  A judge should respect the human dignity of the parties and other participants, and should:


(1) hear the parties and other participants carefully and patiently and should not interrupt or stop a party or other participants unless for the reason of protecting the order of the court or because of the requirement of a trial.


(2) use standard, correct and civilized language and should not admonish or say improper words to the parties or other participants.

第三十三条 法官开庭时应当遵守法庭规则,并监督法庭内所有人员遵守法庭规则,保持法庭的庄严,并做到:

Article 33.  A judge should comply with the rules of the court during the trial and should require all the staff of that court to do so and maintain the dignity of the court, and should:


(1) wear robe or uniform according to relevant regulations, wear badge and keep clean and tidy;


(2) appear to the court on time, do not be absent or late and do not leave early or enter or leave the court at his pleases;


(3) concentrate on the lawsuit and the hearing, do nothing irrelevant with the lawsuit.


Chapter 5: Enhance Self-Cultivation

第三十四条 法官应当加强修养,具备良好的政治、业务素质和良好的品行,忠实地执行宪法和法律,全心全意为人民服务。

Article 34. A judge should enhance his professionalism and should have high political and professional quality. A judge should implement the Constitution and laws faithfully and serve the people whole-heartedly.

第三十五条 法官应当具有丰富的社会经验和对社会现实的深刻理解。

Article 35. A judge should have rich social experience and profound understanding to the social reality.

第三十六条 法官有权利并有义务接受教育培训,树立良好的学风,精研法理,汲取新知识,提高驾驭庭审、判断证据、制作裁判文书等各项司法技能,具备审判工作所必需的知识和专业能力。

Article 36. A judge has the right and obligation to be trained and educated and should study the judicial theory and absorb new knowledge diligently so as to improve his abilities and skills of controlling a trial, deciding evidences and writing Judicial documents. A Judge should possess the necessary knowledge and professional ability to perform his function.

第三十七条 法官在日常生活中,应当严格自律,行为检点,培养高尚的道德操守,成为遵守社会公德和家庭美德的楷模。

Article 37. A judge should be self-disciplinary and without impropriety at his daily life.  A judge should cultivate a high standard moral criterion and act as a model of observing public and family virtues.


Chapter 6: Limitation of Extra-Judicial Activities

第三十八条 法官从事各种职务外活动,应当避免使公众对法官的公正司法和清正廉洁产生合理怀疑,避免影响法官职责的正常履行,避免对人民法院的公信力产生不良影响。

Article 38.  The extra‑judicial activities of a judge should cause no reasonable doubt of the public upon his impartiality and honesty, should not affect the performance of his functions and should not cause negative impact on the trustworthiness of the people's court.

第三十九条 法官必须杜绝与公共利益、公共秩序、社会公德和良好习惯相违背的,可能影响法官形象和公正履行职责的不良嗜好和行为。

Article 39.  A judge should refuse and stop any hobby or conduct which is against the public interest, public order, social virtue and customs and may influence the image of judge and his impartiality.

第四十条 法官应当谨慎出入社交场合,谨慎交友,慎重对待与当事人、律师以及可能影响法官形象的人员的接触和交往,以免给公众造成不公正或者不廉洁的印象,并避免在履行职责时可能产生的困扰和尴尬。

Article 40.  A judge should be careful in making social contacts and friends.  A judge should carefully handle the contacts with the parties, lawyers and other persons who are possible to influence the image of the judge, so as to avoid the impression of public that the judge is not impartial or not honest and avoid the possible confusion and embarrassment in the performance of his functions.

第四十一条 法官不得参加带有邪教性质的组织。

Article 41.  A judge should not join any organisation with a nature of evil religion.

第四十二条 法官在职务外活动中,不得披露或者使用非公开的审判信息和在审判过程中获得的商业秘密、个人隐私以及其他非公开的信息。

Article 42.  A judge should not disclose or use the judicial information of a close trial or business secret, personal privacy and other confidential information acquired during the process of a lawsuit.

第四十三条 法官不得参加营利性社团组织或者可能借法官影响力营利的社团组织。

Article 43.  A judge should not join any profit-making organisation or any organisation may make profit by using the influence of the judge.

第四十四条 法官可以参加有助于法制建设和司法改革的学术研究和其他社会活动。

Article 44.  A judge may participate in academic research and other social activities which are helpful in promoting judicial construction and judicial reform.


However, these activities should be in compliance with the law, construct no obstruction to Judicial impartiality and the preservation of judicial authority and will not conflict with the judge's judicial function.

第四十五条 法官发表文章或者接受媒体采访时,应当保持谨慎的态度,不得针对具体案件和当事人进行不适当的评论,避免因言语不当使公众对司法公正产

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