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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国法官职业道德基本准则          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

ugh proper procedures,


(2) should not ask about or interfere in the lawsuits being handled by the subordinate courts without authorisation.


(3) should not issue his personal views to the superior courts about the second instance cases.

第十四条 法官除履行审判职责或者管理职责外,不得探询其他法官承办案件的审理情况和有关信息。

Article 14.  A judge should not ask for information about the lawsuits being handled by other judges unless he is performing adjudicative or administrative duties.


A judge should not disclose or provide information about a lawsuit, the ways to contact the judge in charge or other related information to the parties, attorney and defendants. A judge should not introduce or contact the judge in charge for the parties, attorney and defendants.

第十五条 法官在审理案件的过程中,应当避免受到新闻媒体和公众舆论的不当影响。

Article 15.  A judge should avoid improper influence from the media or the public during the process of the lawsuit.

第十六条 法官在公众场合和新闻媒体上,不得发表有损生效裁判的严肃性和权威性的评论。如果认为生效裁判或者审判工作中存在问题的,可以向本院院长报告或者向有关法院反映。

Article 16.  A judge should refrain from giving any comments in public or to the media, which is detrimental to the seriousness and authority of a valid judgement. If a judge thinks there is something wrong with a valid judgement or the trial process, he may report to the president of the court or report to the relevant courts.

第十七条 法官根据获得的情况确信,其他法官有可能或已经违反法官职业道德,或者其他法律工作者有可能或已违反职业道德,影响司法公正的,应当采取适当的措施向有关部门或者有关机关反映。

Article 17.  A judge having definite evidence to believe other Judges may, or have already violated the professional ethics of judges, or other judiciary personnel may or have already violated their professional ethics and these conduct may influence the Judicial impartiality should take appropriate measures or inform the relevant authorities.


Chapter 2: Enhance Judicial Efficiency

第十八条 法官应当勤勉敬业,全身心地致力于履行职责,不得因个人的事务、日程安排或者其他行为影响职责的正常履行。

Article 18.  A judge should be diligent and devoted to the performance of his duties. A judge's personal matters, schedule or other activities should not conflict with his or her judicial duties.

第十九条 法官应当遵守法律规定的诉讼期限,在法定期限内尽快地立案、审理、判决。

Article 19.  A judge should abide by the time limit for lawsuit regulated by law and should accept the case, hear the proceeding and make judgement within the time limit.

第二十条 法官必须杜绝粗心大意、无故拖延、贻误工作的行为,认真、及时、有效地完成本职工作,并做到:

Article 20.  A judge should avoid carelessness and delay without proper reason and dispose his business seriously, promptly and efficiently, and should:


(1) enhance efficiency through proper arrangements of judicial business.


(2) pay enough attention to the performance of all judicial duties and handle every case with same attention and carefulness and devote reasonably enough time.


(3) with the precondition of high quality of judgement, save time for the parties, attorney and defendants and pay attention to the efficient cooperation with other judges and staffs.

第二十一条 法官在审判活动中应当监督当事人遵守诉讼程序和各种时限规定,避免因诉讼参与人的原因导致不合理或者不必要的延误。

Article 21.  A judge should supervise the parties to abide by the procedures and respect all the time limits, so as to avoid unreasonable or unnecessary delay caused by the parties.

第二十二条 法官在执行生效法律文书时,应当依法采取有效措施,尽快予以执结。

Article 22.  A judge should take effective measures to enforce the valid judgement as soon as possible.


Chapter 3: Keep Honest and Clean

第二十三条 法官在履行职责时,不得直接或者间接地利用职务和地位谋取任何不当利益。

Article 23.  A judge is not allowed to use his capacities directly or indirectly to obtain any improper benefit.

第二十四条 法官不得接受当事人及其代理人、辩护人的款待、财物和其他利益。

Article 24.  A judge is not allowed to accept entertainment, money, gifts or other benefit from the parties, attorney and defendants.

第二十五条 法官不得参与可能导致公众对其廉洁形象产生不信任感的商业活动或者其他经济活动。

Article 25.  A judge is not allowed to participate commercial or other economic activities which may lead the public to cast doubt on his image of being honest and clean.

第二十六条 法官应当妥善处理个人事务,不得为了获得特殊照顾而有意披露自己的法官身份;不得利用法官的声誉和影响为自己、亲属或者他人谋取私人利益。

Article 26.  A judge should handle his personal issues properly, and should not disclose his capacity as a judge intentionally for special treatment. A judge should not use the prestige and influence of a judge to seek personal interests for himself, his relatives or other people.

第二十七条 法官及其家庭成员的生活方式和水准,应当与他们的职位和收入相符。

Article 27.  The life style and standard of a judge and his family should consist with their position and income.

第二十八条 法官不得兼任律师、企事业单位或者个人的法律顾问等职务;不得就未决案件给当事人及其代理人、辩护人提供咨询意见和法律意见。

Article 28.  A judge cannot act as a lawyer or Judicial advisor for enterprises, organisations or individuals at the same time. A judge is not allowed to provide advice or Judicial suggestion on pending cases to the parties, attorney and defendants.

第二十九条 法官应当按照国家有关规定如实申报财产。

Article 29.  A judge should report his income and property according to relevant regulations.

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