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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国技术进出口管理条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 24. The technology supplying party to a technology import contract shall ensure that he or it is the legitimate owner of the technology supplied or one who has the right to assign or license the technology.


Where the receiving party to a technology import contract is accused of infringement by a third party for using the technology supplied by the supplying party under the contract, the former shall immediately notify the latter; the latter, upon receipt of the notification, shall assist the former in removing the impediment.


Where the receiving party to a technology import contract infringes another person's lawful rights and interests by using the technology supplied by the supplying party, the supplying party shall bear the liability therefore.

第二十五条 技术进口合同的让与人应当保证所提供的技术完整、无误、有效,能够达到约定的技术目标。

Article 25. The supplying party to an technology import contract shall ensure the technology it supplies is complete, accurate, effective and capable of achieving the agreed technical object.

第二十六条 技术进口合同的受让人、让与人应当在合同约定的保密范围和保密期限内,对让与人提供的技术中尚未公开的秘密部分承担保密义务。

Article 26. The receiving and supplying parties to a technology import contract shall be under the obligation to keep confidential the undisclosed part of the technology the supplying party has supplied within the scope of confidentiality and time limit thereof as agreed in the contract.


Within the time of confidentiality, the obligation of one party to confidentiality shall terminate immediately after the confidential technology is disclosed for reasons not of his or its own.

第二十七条 在技术进口合同有效期内,改进技术的成果属于改进方。

Article 27. Within the term of validity of a contract for technology import, an achievement made in improving the technology concerned belongs to the party making the improvement.

第二十八条 技术进口合同期满后,技术让与人和受让人可以依照公平合理的原则,就技术的继续使用进行协商。

Article 28. After a technology import contract expires, the technology supplying and receiving parties thereto may negotiate on the continued use of the technology according to the principle of justice and equity.

第二十九条 技术进口合同中,不得含有下列限制性条款:

Article 29. A technology import contract shall not contain any of the following restrictive clauses:


(1) requiring the receiving party to accept any additional condition unnecessary for the technology import, including buying any unnecessary technology, raw material, product, equipment or service;


(2) requiring the receiving party to pay exploitation fee for a technology when the term of validity of the patent right in which has expired or the patent right of which has been invalidated, or to undertake other relevant obligations;


(3) restricting the receiving party from improving the technology supplied by the supplying party, or restricting the receiving party from using the improved technology;


(4) restricting the receiving party from obtaining technology similar to that supplied by the supplying party from other sources or from obtaining a competing technology;


(5) unduly restricting the receiving party from purchasing raw material, parts and components, products or equipment from other channels or sources;


(6) unduly restricting the quantity, variety, or sales price of the products the receiving party produces; or


(7) unduly restricting the receiving party from utilizing the channel for exporting products manufactured using the imported technology.

第三章 技术出口管理

Chapter III Administration of Technology Export

第三十条 国家鼓励成熟的产业化技术出口。

Article 30. The State encourages exporting well-developed industrialized technology.

第三十一条 有对外贸易法第十六条、第十七条规定情形之一的技术,禁止或者限制出口。

Article 31. Any technology that falls under any of the provisions of Articles 16 or 17 of the Foreign Trade Law is prohibited or restricted from export.


The competent foreign trade department under the State Council shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, formulate, regulate and publish catalogues of technologies which are prohibited or restricted from export.

第三十二条 属于禁止出口的技术,不得出口。

Article 32. Technology prohibited from export shall not be exported.

第三十三条 属于限制出口的技术,实行许可证管理;未经许可,不得出口。

Article 33. Technology restricted from export shall be subject to license administration; and shall not be exported without a license.

第三十四条 出口属于限制出口的技术,应当向国务院外经贸主管部门提出申请。

Article 34. To export any technology restricted from export, an application shall be filed with the competent foreign trade department under the State Council.


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