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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

(1) where the shipowner is held responsible for a maritime claim and is the owner of the ship when the arrest is executed;


(2) where the bareboat charterer of the ship is held responsible for a maritime claim and is the bareboat charterer or the owner of the ship when the arrest is executed;


(3) where a maritime claim is entitled to a mortgage of the ship or right of the same nature;


(4) where a maritime claim relates to ownership or possession of the ship; or


(5) where a maritime claim is entitled to a maritime lien.


A maritime court may arrest other ships owned by the shipowner, bareboat charterer, time charterer or voyage charterer who is held responsible for a maritime claim, when the arrest is executed, with the exception of the claims related to ownership or possession of the ship.


No ship engaging in military or government duties may be arrested.


Article 24 A maritime claimant may not apply to arrest a ship having been arrested for the same maritime claim, except that any of the following circumstances exists:


(1) where the party who opposes the claim has not provided a sure guarantee;


(2) where the guarantor probably cannot perform his obligation of guarantee wholly or partly; or


(3) where the maritime claimant agrees to release the arrested ship or return the existing guarantee for justifiable reason; or cannot stop the release of the arrested ship or return of the existing guarantee by justifiable means.


Article 25 For a maritime claimant applying to arrest the involved ship, if the name of the party who opposes the claim cannot be ascertained at once, the filing of his application shall not be affected.


Article 26 A maritime court may issue the relevant departments with a notice for assistance in execution at the same time it issues or cancels an order for arrest of a ship, and the notice shall clearly set forth the scope and content of the assistance in execution and the relevant departments have the obligation to assist in execution.


 A maritime may directly dispatch personnel to board the ship for supervision if it deems necessary.


Article 27 After a maritime court orders to impose preservation upon a ship, with consent of the maritime claimant, it may allow the ship to continue the operation by ways of restraining the disposition or mortgage of the ship.


Article 28 The period of arresting a ship for maritime claim preservation shall be 30 days.


If a maritime claimant brings a law suit or applies for arbitration within 30 days, and applies for arrest of a ship in the course of the litigation or arbitration, the arrest of the ship shall not be restrained by the period stipulated in the preceding paragraph.


Article 29 If, on the expiration of the period of arresting a ship, the party who opposes the claim fails to provide guarantee, and the ship is not suitable for being arrested longer, the maritime claimant may apply to the maritime court arresting the ship for auction of the ship after bringing a law suit or applying for arbitration.


Article 30 A maritime court shall conduct examination after receiving the application for auction of a ship, and make an order approving or disapproving the auction of the ship.


If a party is not satisfied with the order, he may apply for reconsideration once within five days of the date of receiving the written order.


 The maritime court shall make a reconsideration decision within five days of receiving the reconsideration application.


 Execution of the order shall be suspended during the time of reconsideration.


Article 31 Where a maritime claimant, after filing an application for auction of a ship, applies for stopping the auction, whether or not to give a permission shall be ordered by the maritime court.


 If the maritime court orders to stop the auction of the ship, expenses incurred for auctioning the ship shall be paid by the maritime claimant.


Article 32 A maritime court that orders to auction a ship shall issue a public notice through newspapers or other new media.


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