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中英对照法律资源--关于外商参与打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物管理办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

<}0{>Article 11. The submission of contracts for joint salvaging or cooperative salvage enterprises to departments in charge for approval must be accompanied by the submission of documents issued by port supervisory agencies of PRC (hereinafter referred to as port authority) on their approval of the salvage operational projects. <0}

{0>涉及渔港水域的,应当提交渔政渔港监督机关的有关核准文件;涉及海上军事禁区、军事管理区的,应当提交军事主管部门的有关核准文件。<}0{>If salvage operations affect water areas of finishing ports, approval documents issued by fishing and port supervisory agencies should be submitted. If salvage operations affect restricted military zones or areas under military control, approval documents issued by military departments in charge should be submitted.<0}

{0>审查批准机关应当自接到上述合同审批申请之日起45日内决定批准或者不批准。<}0{>The department in charge of examination and approval of the aforementioned contracts should decide to approve or disapprove within 45 days of receiving the request for approval.<0}

{0>第十二条共同打捞合同批准后,外商应当自接到批准证书之日起30日内向中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局申请营业登记,领取营业证;并应当在领取营业证之日起30日内向当地税务机关办理税务登记手续。<}0{>Article 12. After a joint salvage contract is approved, the foreign business should apply to PRC State Administration for Industry and Commerce for business registration and acquire a business license within 30 days of receiving the document of approval, and make tax registration at the local taxation office within 30 days of receiving the business license.<0}

{0>第十三条外商参与在中华人民共和国内海或者领海内打捞沉船沉物,应当承担打捞作业期间的全部费用和经济风险。中方打捞人负责与有关部门的协调,办理必要的手续及打捞作业期间的监护。<}0{>Article 13. In the case of foreign businesses taking part in salvaging sunken ships and sunken articles in the inland sea or territorial sea of PRC, the foreign businesses should bear all the coasts and economic risks involving throughout the period of salvage operations. Chinese salvage operators are responsible for coordination work with the departments concerned, attend to the performance of necessary procedures and exercise supervision and protection of salvage operations.<0}

{0>外商参与在中华人民共和国内海、领海外属中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域内打捞沉船沉物,应当承担扫测探摸阶段的全部费用和经济风险。需要打捞的,由中外双方按照合同规定实施打捞。<}0{>In the case of foreign businesses taking part in salvaging sunken ships and sunken articles in sea areas outside PRC inland or territorial sea but under PRC jurisdiction, the foreign businesses should bear all costs and economic risks involved in scanning, measuring, surveying and probing operations. If a decision is taken to carry out a salvage operation, the Chinese and foreign operators will proceed with the operations in accordance with their contracts.<0}

{0>第十四条外商为履行共同打捞合同所需船舶、设备及劳务,在同等条件下应当优先向中方打捞人租用和雇佣。<}0{>Article 14. With conditions being equal, foreign businesses should give preference to Chinese salvage operators from whom to rent ships and equipment and hire labor services needed in the implementation of the joint salvage contract.<0}

{0>第十五条外商参与打捞中国沿海水域沉船沉物的捞获物(以下简称捞获物)应当按照下列方式处理:<}0{>Article 15. The objects retrieved through salvage operations with the participation of the foreign businesses on sunken ships and sunken articles in China's coastal waters (hereinafter referred to as retrieved objects) should be disposed of in the following manners:<0}

{0>()在中华人民共和国内海或者领海内捞获的沉船沉物,属中华人民共和国所有,外商根据共同打捞合同或者中外合作打捞企业合同的规定,从捞获物或者其折价中取得收益;<}0{>(1) Sunken ships and sunken articles raised in PRC inland sea or territorial sea belong to PRC, and foreign businesses will share the benefits from the retrieved objects or their value in price in accordance with relevant stipulations in the joint salvage or cooperative salvage enterprise contracts.<0}

{0>中方打捞人根据国家有关规定或者中外合作打捞企业合同的规定从捞获物或者其折价中取得收益。<}0{>Chinese salvage operators will share the benefits from the retrieved objects or their value in price in accordance with State regulations or the cooperative salvage enterprise contract.<0}

{0>()在中华人民共和国内海、领海外属中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域内捞获的沉船沉物,由参与打捞的中外双方按照合同规定的比例对捞获物或者其折价进行分成。<}0{>(2) Sunken ships and sunken articles retrieved from sea areas under PRC jurisdiction outside its inland or territorial sea, their value in price will be shared by the Chinese and foreign salvage operators in proportions as stipulated in the contract.<0}

{0>()捞获物中夹带有文物或者在打捞作业活动中发现文物的,应当立即报告当地文物行政管理部门,由文物行政管理部门按照中华人民共和国有关文物保护的法律、法规处理,并给有关人员适当的奖励。<}0{>(3) The finding of cultural relics among retrieved objects or discoveries of new cultural relics in the process of salvage operations should immediately be reported to local departments in charge of cultural relics administration which will handle the matter in accordance with PRC laws and regulations on the protection of cultural relics, and reward the personnel concerned.<0}

{0>第十六条外商依法取得的捞获物可以按照国际市场价格由中国政府有关部门收购或者由外商依法纳税并办理海关手续后运往国外。<}0{>Article 16. The retrieved objects legitimately obtained by foreign business can be purchased by Chinese government departments concerned at international market prices or shipped out of the country by foreign business after fulfilling taxation and customs procedures.<0}

{0>外商所得外汇收入或者其他收益,可以在纳税后依法汇往国外。<}0{>Foreign exchange receipts or other income of foreign business can be remitted out of the country after tax payments.<0}

{0>第十七条打捞作业者在实施打捞作业前,应当按照《中华人民共和国海上交通安全法》的有关规定申请发布航行警告。<}0{>Article 17. Before the start of their salvage operations, the operators should request the issue of the warning signal for navigation in accordance with relevant stipulations in the Law of PRC on Sea Navigation Safety.<0}

{0>中华人民共和国交通部应当将打捞作业的起止时间、地理位置等情况通报国家海洋局等有关部门。<}0{>The Ministry of Communications should inform the National Bureau of Oceanography and other departments concerned of the time of beginning and ending the salvage operations and their geographic position.<0}

{0>打捞作业者实施打捞作业时,必须在港务监督核准的作业区域内进行,并按照港务监督的要求报告有关活动情况。<}0{>Salvage operators must restrict their salvage operations within the operational areas permitted by the port authority, and report their related activities as required by the port authority. <0}

{0>实施打捞作业不得使用危害海洋资源、海洋环境、海底设施、海上军事设施和其他损害中华人民共和国利益的方法<}0{>The salvage operators shall not in their operations use methods which would damage marine resources, maritime environment, undersea installations and naval installations or harm the interests of PRC.<0}

{0>第十八条实施打捞作业应当自始至终有参与打捞的中外双方的有关人员参加,双方共同负责捞获物的登记和保管工作。<}0{>Article 18. Chinese and foreign salvage operators should together take part in the salvage operations throughout the process from beginning to end, and together take charge of the registration and preservation of retrieved objects.<0}

{0>第十九条所有捞获物应当在中国政府主管部门指定的地点接受有关部门的检查。<}0{>Article 19. All retrieved objects should be inspected by departments concerned at places designated by Chinese

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