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中英对照法律资源--关于中华人民共和国加入的决定          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

ion or its scheduled date of termination.<}0{>(b)中国应将加入后仍然有效的所有许可程序和配额要求通知WTO,这些要求应按协调制度税号分别排列,并附与此种限制有关的数量(如有数量),以及保留此种限制的理由或预定的终止日期。 <0}

{0>(c) China shall submit the notification of its import licensing procedures to the Committee on Import Licensing.  <}0{>(c)中国应向进口许可程序委员会提交其关于进口许可程序的通知。<0}

{0>China shall report annually to the Committee on Import Licensing on its automatic import licensing procedures, explaining the circumstances which give rise to these requirements and justifying the need for their continuation. <}0{>中国应每年向进口许可程序委员会报告其自动进口许可程序的情况,说明产生这些要求的情况,并证明继续实行的需要。<0}

{0> This report shall also provide the information listed in Article 3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures.<}0{>该报告还应提供《进口许可程序协定》第3条中所列信息。 <0}

{0>(d) China shall issue import licences for a minimum duration of validity of six months, except where exceptional circumstances make this impossible.  <}0{>    (d)中国发放的进口许可证的有效期至少应为6个月,除非例外情况使此点无法做到。<0}

{0>In such cases, China shall promptly notify the Committee on Import Licensing of the exceptional circumstances requiring the shorter period of licence validity.<}0{>在此类情况下,中国应将要求缩短许可证有效期的例外情况迅速通知进口许可程序委员会。 <0}

{0>2. Except as otherwise provided for in this Protocol, foreign individuals and enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises shall be accorded treatment no less favourable than that accorded to other individuals and enterprises in respect of the distribution of import and export licences and quotas.<}0{>2.除本议定书另有规定外,对于外国个人、企业和外商投资企业在进出口许可证和配额分配方面,应给予不低于给予其他个人和企业的待遇。 <0}

{0>9. Price Controls<}0{>9 价格控制<0}

{0>1. China shall, subject to paragraph 2 below, allow prices for traded goods and services in every sector to be determined by market forces, and multi-tier pricing practices for such goods and services shall be eliminated.<}0{>1.在遵守以下第2款的前提下,中国应允许每一部门交易的货物和服务的价格由市场力量决定,且应取消对此类货物和服务的多重定价做法。 <0}

{0>2. The goods and services listed in Annex 4 may be subject to price controls, consistent with the WTO Agreement, in particular Article III of the GATT 1994 and Annex 2, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Agreement on Agriculture.  <}0{>2.在符合《WTO协定》,特别是GATT1994第3条和《农业协定》附件2第3、4款的情况下,可对附件4所列货物和服务实行价格控制。<0}

{0>Except in exceptional circumstances, and subject to notification to the WTO, price controls shall not be extended to goods or services beyond those listed in Annex 4, and China shall make best efforts to reduce and eliminate these controls.<}0{>除非在特殊情况下,并须通知WTO,否则不得对附件4所列货物或服务以外的货物或服务实行价格控制,且中国应尽最大努力减少和取消这些控制。 <0}

{0>3. China shall publish in the official journal the list of goods and services subject to state pricing and changes thereto. <}0{>3.中国应在官方刊物上公布实行国家定价的货物和服务的清单及其变更情况。 <0}

{0>10. Subsidies<}0{>10 补贴<0}

{0>1. China shall notify the WTO of any subsidy within the meaning of Article 1 of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures ("SCM Agreement"), granted or maintained in its territory, organized by specific product, including those subsidies defined in Article 3 of the SCM Agreement.  <}0{>1.中国应通知WTO在其领土内给予或维持的、属《补贴与反补贴措施协定》(“《SCM协定》”)第1条含义内的、按具体产品划分的任何补贴,包括《SCM协定》第3条界定的补贴。<0}

{0>The information provided should be as specific as possible, following the requirements of the questionnaire on subsidies as noted in Article 25 of the SCM Agreement. <}0{>所提供的信息应尽可能具体,并遵循《SCM协定》第25条所提及的关于补贴问卷的要求。 <0}

{0>2. For purposes of applying Articles 1.2 and 2 of the SCM Agreement, subsidies provided to state-owned enterprises will be viewed as specific if, inter alia, state‑owned enterprises are the predominant recipients of such subsidies or state‑owned enterprises receive disproportionately large amounts of such subsidies.<}0{>2.就实施《SCM协定》第1条第2款和第2条而言,对国有企业提供的补贴将被视为专向性补贴,特别是在国有企业是此类补贴的主要接受者或国有企业接受此类补贴的数量异常之大的情况下。 <0}

{0>3. China shall eliminate all subsidy programmes falling within the scope of Article 3 of the SCM Agreement upon accession.<}0{>3.中国应自加入时起取消属《SCM协定》第3条范围内的所有补贴。 <0}

{0>11. Taxes and Charges Levied on Imports and Exports<}0{>11 对进出口产品征收的税费<0}

{0>1. China shall ensure that customs fees or charges applied or administered by national or sub-national authorities, shall be in conformity with the GATT 1994.<}0{>1.中国应保证国家主管机关或地方各级主管机关实施或管理的海关规费或费用符合GATT1994 <0}

{0>2. China shall ensure that internal taxes and charges, including value-added taxes, applied or administered by national or sub-national authorities shall be in conformity with the GATT 1994.  <}0{>2.中国应保证国家主管机关或地方各级主管机关实施或管理的国内税费,包括增值税,符合GATT1994 <0}

{0>3. China shall eliminate all taxes and charges applied to exports unless specifically provided for in Annex 6 of this Protocol or applied in conformity with the provisions of Article VIII of the GATT 1994.<}0{>3.中国应取消适用于出口产品的全部税费,除非本议定书附件6中有明确规定或按照GATT19948条的规定适用。 <0}

{0>4. Foreign individuals and enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises shall, upon accession, be accorded treatment no less favourable than that accorded to other individuals and enterprises in respect of the provision of border tax adjustments.<}0{>4.在进行边境税的调整方面,对于外国个人、企业和外商投资企业,自加入时起应被给予不低于给予其他个人和企业的待遇。 <0}

{0>12. Agriculture<}0{>12 农业<0}


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