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中英对照法律资源--国际工程招标说明书格式          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0>(6)其他业主认为对执行合同、价格和支付有潜在巨大影响的因素,包括标书中不平衡、不现实的单价的作用。<}0{> (f) such other factors as the Employer considers may have a potentially significant impact on contract execution, price and payments, including the effect of items or unit rates in the tender that are unbalanced or unrealistically priced.<0}

{0>(三)在评标中,每个投标者按条款十五(一)的规定要求的不同的起动贷款给业主造成的费用,按年贴息率9%计算,应加在投标者的投标价格上。<}0{>28.3 The monetary costs to the Employer of variations in the amount of mobilisation advances requested by tenderers pursuant to sub-clauses 15.1 (a), using a discount rate of ______ percent per annum, shall be added to the respective tenderer's tender price for comparison purposes only.<0}

{0>(四)业主和A公司保留接受或拒绝任何变更、偏差和替代报价的权利。<}0{>28.4 The Employer and ___________ Company reserves the right to accept or reject any variation, deviation or alternative offer. <0}{0>超出投标文件要求的变更、偏差、替代报价和其他因素,或将给业主带来非主动提出的利益的因素在评标中不予以考虑。<}0{>Variations, deviations, alternative offers and other factors which are in excess of the requirements of the tender documents or otherwise result in the accrual of unsolicited benefits to the Employer may not be taken into account in tender evaluation.<0}

{0>(五)在合同执行期内适用的价格调整条款在评标中不予以考虑。<}0{>28.5 Price adjustment provisions applying to the period of execution of the Contract shall not be taken into account in tender evaluation.<0}

{0>(六)如果成功投标者的报价与工程师对合同工程所需实际费用的估计相差很远,业主将要求成功投标者自己承担费用,把按条款三十四提交的履约保函增加,使业主能避免成功投标者今后在执行合同中因错误引起的损失。<}0{>28.6 If the tender of the successful tenderer is seriously unbalanced in relation to the Engineer's estimate of the real cost of work to be performed under the Contract, the Employer may require that the amount of the performance security set forth in Clause 34 be increased at the expense of the successful tenderer to a level sufficient to protect the Employer against financial loss in the event of subsequent default of the successful tenderer under the Contract.<0}

{0>二十九、国内投标者优惠<}0{>29. Preference for Domestic Tenderers<0}

{0>(一)国内投标者满足以下条件,即在评标过程中有资格享受7.5%的优惠:<}0{>29.1 Domestic tenderers shall satisfy the following criteria to be eligible for a _______% margin of preference in the comparison of their tenders with those of non-eligible tenderers:<0}

{0>(1)在中国注册;<}0{> (a) be registered within China ;<0}

{0>(2)中国国民占有大部分所有权;<}0{> (b) have majority ownership by nationals of China; and<0}

{0>(3)不将超过50%的合同工程(按价格算)分包给外国投标者。<}0{>(c) shall not subcontract more than ________% of the contract works (in terms of value) to foreign contractors.<0}

{0>(二)国内及外国公司联合或合资,只要满足以下条件,有资格享受优惠:<}0{> 29.2 Combinations and joint ventures between domestic and foreign firms shall be eligible for the margin of preference provided:<0}

{0>(1)国内合伙人满足上述资格标准;<}0{> (a) the domestic partner or partners individually satisfy the criteria for eligibility set out above ;<0}

{0>(2)根据安排,国内合伙人至少完成50%的合同工程(按价格算);<}0{> (b) the domestic partner or partners will, under the arrangements proposed, carry out at least ________% of the contract works, measured in terms of value.<0}

{0>(3)没有外方参与,在技术或金融方面国内合伙人没有资格进行合同工程。<}0{>(c) The domestic partner or partners would not be qualified for the Contract Works in question on technical or financial grounds without the foreign participation.<0}

{0>(三)实行优惠须遵守下列程序:<}0{>29.3 The following procedure will be used to give effect to the margin of preference:<0}

{0>(1)在按条款二十八全面评标后,合乎要求的标书被分成下列几组:<}0{>(a) After tenders have been evaluated fully in accordance with the provisions of Clause 28 hereinabove, responsive tenders will be classified into the following groups ;<0}

{0>甲组:国内投标者的标书,满足上述(一)的标准;和合资投标者的标书,满足上述(二)的标准;<}0{>(i) Group A: tenders offered by domestic tenderers meeting the criteria set forth in sub-clause 29.1 hereinabove and by joint ventures meeting the criteria set forth in sub-clause 29.2 hereinabove; and<0}

{0>乙组:其他投标者的标书。<}0{>(ii) Group B: tenders offered by other tenderers.<0}

{0>(2)在进一步评估、比较中,相当于投标价格7.5%的数额(按条款二十八调整后)将被加在B组标书的投标价格上。<}0{>(b) For the purpose of further evaluation and comparison of tenders only, an amount equal to _________ percent of the tender price (as adjusted pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of sub-clause 28.2) will be added to the Evaluated Tender Price of tenders classified in Group B.<0}


{0>授标<}0{>Award of Contract<0}


{0>三十、授标标准<}0{>30. Award Criteria<0}

{0>按条款三十一,业主和A公司将把合同交给标书符合投标文件的要求,且按条款二十八和二十九(如果适用)评价后价格最低的投标者,且该投标者有能力和资源来有效执行合同。<}0{>Subject to Clause 31, the Employer and ________ Company may award the Contract to the tenderer whose tender has been determined to be substantially responsive to the tendering documents and who has offered the lowest Evaluated Tender Price pursuant to Clause 28 and paragraph (b) of sub-clause 29.3 (if applicable), provided further that the tenderer has the capability and resources to carry out the Contract effectively (refer to sub-clause 3.5), <0}{0>业主和A公司不保证报价最低或任何标书将被接受。<}0{>but the employer and _________ Company gives no guarantee that the lowest or any tender will be accepted.<0}

{0>三十一、业主的权利<}0{>31. Employer's Rights<0}

{0>尽管有条款三十,业主保留以下权利:接受或拒绝任何标书;在授标前任何时候取消招标,拒绝所有标书,且对因此受影响的投标者不负任何责任,也无义务告知投标者他的行为动机。<}0{> Notwithstanding Clause 30, the Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any tender, and to annul the tendering process and reject all tenders, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected tenderer or tenderers or any obligation to inform the affected tenderer or tenderers of the grounds for the Employer's action.<0}

{0>三十二、授标通知<}0{>32. Notification of Award<0}


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