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中英对照法律资源--国际工程招标说明书格式          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0>(一)投标者可提供一份完全符合投标文件要求的基本标书。<}0{>15.1 The tenderer shall submit a basic tender which complies fully with the requirements of the tender documents. <0}{0>根据自己的意愿,投标者还可在以下几项上在基本标书之外提出供选择的方案:<}0{>The tenderer may, at his option, and in addition to the basic tender, offer tenders incorporating alternatives to any of the following items now specified:<0}

{0>(1)起动贷款<}0{> (a) Advance Loan for Mobilisation<0}

{0>在开始建设工程前,提供无息贷款,可相当于投标价格的10%。<}0{>An interest free advance loan will be made available to assist the Contractor before commencing construction of the Works. Offers may be made for such a loan of up to ________% of the Tender Sum. <0}{0>业主由此产生的费用或存款按条款二十八计算。<}0{>Evaluation will be made of the associated costs or savings accruing to the Employer in accordance with Clause 28.<0}

{0>(二)在基本标书之外还可提出供选择的方案。<}0{>15.2 Alternatives may be submitted in addition to basic tender.<0}{0>为了在评标中把供选择的方案考虑在内,每一方案应伴有价格细目表,说明与提交给业主的基本投标价格相比投标者估计会增加或减少的费用。<}0{> In order for alternatives to be considered in the process of tender evaluation, each alternative shall be accompanied by a detailed price breakdown indicating the tenderer's estimate of the additional or reduced cost in present value to the Employer (refer to subclause 28.3 hereof) compared to the basic Tender Sum. <0}{0>将对基本报价给予比较、评估。<}0{>Comparison and evaluation will be done for the basic offer <0}{0>评价最低的投标者的供选择方案将得到考虑。<}0{>and alternatives of the lowest evaluated tenderer will be given due consideration.<0}{0>如果供选择方案是业主可接受的,将写入合同。<}0{>If the alternative offers were to be accepted by the Employer, these will be incorporated into the Contract. <0}{0>未标价或未提供足够细节的供选择方案不予接受。<}0{>Alternative offers which are not priced, or which are not substantiated in sufficient detail, will be rejected.<0}

{0>(三)供选择的技术方案应伴有供全面评价的必要信息,包括设计计算、图纸、方法及原技术规范中未涉及的材料、工艺的规格,以及供选择方案的标价细目表和供选择方案的合同价格。<}0{>15.3 Offers of technical alternatives shall be accompanied by all information necessary for a complete evaluation, including design calculations, drawings, method statements and specifications for materials and workmanship where the alternative is not covered by the Specification, together with a breakdown of the alternative prices and the Total Alternative Contract Sum.<0}

{0>(四)只有对那些在基本报价基础上提供另外的财务、经济和技术好处的供选择方案,业主才在评标中给予考虑。<}0{>15.4 Only those alternative offers which appear to provide additional financial, economic or technical benefits over the basic offer will be considered by the Employer in tender evaluation (refer to Clause 28).<0}

{0>十六、标前会议<}0{>16. Pre-Tender Meeting<0}

{0>(一)建议投标者或其正式代表参加于__年__月__日__时在_____举行的标前会议。<}0{>16.1 The tenderer or his official representative is advised to attend a pre-tender meeting which will convene on ______________at ___________ at the ___________.<0}

{0>(二)会议旨在回答可能提出的问题,并使投标者有机会检查现场的情况。<}0{> 16.2 The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage and to allow tenderers to inspect the Site and to examine conditions.<0}

{0>(三)投标者书面或通过电传、电报提出的问题要求在会议前一周到达A公司。<}0{>16.3 Tenderers are requested to submit any questions in writing or by telex or telegram, to reach__________ not later than one week before the meeting.<0}

{0>(四)会议记录,包括提出的问题及答复的文本将迅速提供给与会者和全体索取了投标文件的具有资格的投标者。<}0{> 16.4 Minutes of the meeting, including copies of the questions raised and responses given, will be furnished expeditiously to all those attending the meeting, and subsequently to all pre-qualified tenderers who have picked up the tender documents. <0}

{0>(五)如果根据标前会议,要对条款六(一)所列投标文件进行修改,应由业主或其代理人A公司通过发行条款八规定的附录来进行,而不能通过标前会议记录来进行。<}0{>Any modification of the tender documents listed in sub-clause 6.1 which may become necessary as a result of the pre-tender meeting shall be made by the Employer or his agent ___________ exclusively through the issue of an Addendum pursuant to Clause 8, and not through the minutes of the pre-tender meeting.<0}

{0>十七、标书格式和签字<}0{>17. Format and Signing of Tenders<0}

{0>(一)投标者应准备条款十(一)规定的标书的一个原本和两个副本,并分别注明原本副本<}0{>17.1 The tenderer shall prepare one original and two duplicate copies of the documents comprising the tender as described in Clause 10.1 hereof, bound within the Volume 3, and clearly marked "Original Tender" and "Duplicate Tender" as appropriate. <0}{0>如果两者之间有不同,以原本为准。<}0{> In the event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall prevail.<0}

{0>(二)标书原本和两个副本应打字或用不能抹掉的墨水书就,并由一名或多名有权责成投标者遵守合同的人士签字。<}0{>17.2 The original and two duplicate copies of the tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorised to bind the tenderer to the Contract. <0}{0>与标书一起应有一份书面委托书用以证明授权。<}0{>Proof of authorisation shall be furnished in the form of a written Power of Attorney which shall accompany the tender. <0}{0>写有条目和修订内容的每一页标书都要有在标书上签字人士的缩写签名。<}0{> All pages of the tender where entries or amendments have been made shall be initialled by the person or persons signing the tender.<0}

{0>(三)全套标书不应有改动、行间书写或涂抹的地方,除非按议程的指示或为改正投标者的错误,但这种情况下改正的地方应有在标书上签字人士的缩写签名。<}0{> 17.3 The complete tender shall be without alterations, interlineations or erasures, except those to accord with the instructions of any Agenda issued, or as necessary to correct errors made by the tenderer, in which case such corrections shall be initialled by the person or persons signing the tender.<0}

{0>(四)每位投标者只能提交一份标书,不包括按条款十五提交的供选择方案。<}0{> 17.4 Only one tender may be submitted by each tenderer, not including alternative offers submitted pursuant to Clause 15 hereof. <0}{0>投标者对一个合同只能投一次标。<}0{>No tenderer may participate in the tender of another for the same contract in any relation whatsoever.<0}

{0>十八、标书封缄和标记<}0{>18. Sealing and Marking of Tenders<0}

{0>(一)投标者应把标书原本和两个副本分别各装入一个内信封和一个外信封,且在信封上注明原本副本<}0{>18.1 The tenderer shall seal the original and two duplicate tenders each in an inner and an outer envelope, duly marking the envelopes as "Original" and "Duplicate".<0}

{0>(二)(1)内外信封均应注明以下地址:<}0{>18.2 The inner and outer envelopes shall:<0}

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