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中英对照法律资源--铺设海底电缆管道管理规定          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

the date of receipt of the application.<0}

{0>第七条 铺设施工完毕后,所有者应当将海底电缆、管道的路线图、位置表等说明资料报送主管机关备案,并抄送港监机关。<}0{>Article 7 After the completion of the engineering project, the owners shall submit all the explanatory data, such as the route chart and position chart of the submarine cables and pipelines, to the competent authorities for the record, and send duplicates to the harbour superintendence organs.<0}

{0>在国家进行海洋开发利用、管理需要时,所有者有义务向主管机关进一步提供海底电缆、管道的准确资料。<}0{>When the State needs the relevant technical data for the exploitation of marine resources or for carrying out administration, the owners have the obligations to provide the competent authorities with further precise data concerning the submarine cables and pipelines.<0}

{0>第八条 海底电缆、管道的铺设和为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测活动,不得在获准作业区域以外的的海域作业,也不得在获准区域内进行未经批准的作业。<}0{>Article 8 The operations of laying submarine cables and pipelines and the investigations and surveying activities for the cable-and pipeline-laying engineering project shall not conducted beyond the approved sea areas; nor shall operations and activities other than these approved be conducted in the approved sea areas.<0}

{0>第九条 获准施工的海底电缆、管道在施工前或施工中如需变动,所有者应当及时向主管机关报告。<}0{>Article 9 In the event that changes or modifications in the approved operation plan for laying the submarine cables and pipelines are required before the operations start or during the operations, the owners shall report the case to the competent authorities in good time.<0}

{0>如该项变动重大,主管机关可采取相应措施,直到责令其停止施工。<}0{> If the changes or modifications are of sizable proportions, the competent authorities may take appropriate measures accordingly, up to ordering the owners to cease the operations.<0}

{0>第十条 海底电缆、管道的维修、改造、拆除和废弃,所有者应当提前向主管机关报告。<}0{>Article 10 With respect to such operations as maintenance, alteration, dismantling, or abandonment of the submarine cables and pipelines, the owners shall submit a report on the said operations to the competent authorities in advance.<0}

{0>路由变动较大的改造,依照本规定重新办理有关手续。<}0{> If a relatively big change is to be effected in the routes of the submarine cables and pipelines, the owners shall go through the relevant procedures of application once again.<0}

{0>外国船舶需要进入中国内海、领海进行海底电缆、管道的维修、改造、拆除活动时,除履行本条第一款规定的程序外,还应当依照中国法律的规定,报经中国有关机关批准。<}0{>When foreign vessels have the necessity to enter China's inland seas and territorial seas to carry out activities in the maintenance, alteration, or dismantling of submarine cables and pipelines, the owners shall, in addition to going through the procedures as prescribed in the first paragraph of this Article, submit an application to the administrative department concerned in China for approval, in accordance with the pertinent provisions of China's laws.<0}

{0>铺设在中国大陆架上的海底电缆、管道遭受损害,需要紧急修理时,外国维修船可在向主管机关报告的同时进入现场作业,但不得防害中国的主权权利和管辖权。<}0{>When the damaged submarine cables and pipelines laid on China's continental shelves need emergency repairs, foreign maintenance vessels may enter the site to start the emergency repairs simultaneously with a report submitted to the competent authorities. However the said operations shall not impair China's sovereign rights and jurisdiction.<0}

{0>第十一条 海底电缆、管道的路由调查、勘测和铺设、维修、拆除等施工作业,不得防害海上正常秩序。<}0{>Article 11 Operations such as the investigations and surveying activities for identifying the routes for laying submarine cables and pipelines, the laying, maintenance, and dismantling, must not hamper the normal order of marine navigation and transportation.<0}

{0>海底电缆、管道的铺设或者拆除工程的遗留物,应当妥善处理,不得防害海上正常秩序。<}0{> The bits and pieces left over from the engineering project of laying submarine cables and pipelines and from the dismantling project shall be disposed of carefully and must not hamper the normal order of marine navigation and transportation.<0}

{0>第十二条 铺设海底电缆、管道及其他海上作业,需要移动已铺设的海底电缆、管道时,应当先与所有者协商,并经主管机关批准后方可施工。<}0{>Article 12 When the laying of submarine cables and pipelines and other marine engineering operations require that those submarine cables and pipelines already laid be moved, prior consultations must be conducted with the owners of the aforesaid installations and an approval must be obtained from the competent authorities before the said engineering project starts.<0}

{0>第十三条 从事海上各种活动的作业者,必须保护已铺设的海底电缆、管道。<}0{>Article 13 Operators who are engaged in various activities at sea must protect the submarine cables and pipelines that have already been laid.<0}

{0>造成损害的应当依法赔偿。<}0{> Those who have caused damages to the said installations shall make compensations according to law.<0}

{0>其他海洋开发利用和已铺设的海底电缆、管道的正常使用发生纠纷时,由主管机关调解解决。<}0{>In the event that disputes arise over the exploitation of the seas and oceans and the normal functioning of submarine cables and pipelines, the disputes shall be mediated and handled by the competent authorities.<0}

{0>第十四条 主管机关有权对海底电缆、管道的铺设、维修、改造、拆除、废弃以及为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测活动进行监督和检查。<}0{>Article 14 The competent authorities shall have the power to supervise and inspect the laying, maintenance, alteration, dismantling and abandonment of submarine cables and pipelines as well as the relevant investigations and surveying activities conducted for the laying of submarine cables and pipelines.<0}

{0>对违反本规定的,主管机关可处以警告、罚款直至责令其停止海上作业。<}0{> The competent authorities may impose on violators of these Provisions such penalties as warning, fine, up to an order to cease their operations at sea.<0}

{0>前款所列处罚的具体办法,由主管机关商国务院有关主管部门制定。<}0{>The specific measures for imposing the penalties as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be formulated by the competent authorities in conjunction with other competent authorities concerned under the State Council.<0}

{0>第十五条 为海洋石油开发所铺设的超出石油开发区的海底电缆、管理的路由,应当在油(气)田总体开发方案审批前报主管机关,由主管机关商国家能源主管部门批准。<}0{>Article 15 The plan for determining the routes for laying submarine cables and pipelines beyond the petroleum exploitation zones in order to exploit marine petroleum resources shall be submitted to the competent authorities prior to the examination and approval of the overall plan for the exploitation of oil (and gas) fields; and the competent authorities shall give approval after consultation with the competent state authorities for energy resources.<0}

{0>在海洋石油开发区内铺设平台间或者平台与单点系泊间的海底电缆、管道,所有者应当在为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测和施工前,分别将本规定第五条、第六条规定提供的内容,报主管机关备案。<}0{>With respect to the laying of submarine cables and pipeli

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