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中英对照法律资源--实施国际著作权条约的规定          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0>第十六条 表演、录音或者广播外国作品,适用伯尔尼公约的规定;有集体管理组织的,应当事先取得该组织的授权。<}0{>Article 16.In the case of public performance, recording and broadcasting of foreign works, the provisions of the Berne Convention shall apply. Where there is a collective administration organization, prior authorization of such organization shall be required. <0}

{0>第十七条 国际著作权条约在中国生效之日尚未在起源国进入公有领域的外国作品,按照著作权法和本规定规定的保护期受保护,到期满为止。<}0{>Article 17.Foreign works which, at the date on which the international copyright treaties enter into force in China, have not fallen into the public domain in their countries of origin shall be protected until the expiration of the term of protection as is prescribed in the Copyright Law and these Provisions.<0}

{0>前款规定不适用于国际著作权条约在中国生效之日前发生的对外国作品的使用。<}0{>The preceding paragraph shall not apply to the uses of foreign works that had taken place before the international copyright treaties entered into force in China.<0}

{0>中国公民或者法人在国际著作权条约在中国生效之日前为特定目的而拥有和使 用外国作品的特定复制本的,可以继续使用该作品的复制本而不承担责任;<}0{>A Chinese citizen or legal person who owned and used a particular copy of a foreign work for a particular purpose before the entry into force of the international copyright treaties in China may continue to make use of that copy of the work without liability:<0}

{0>但是,该复制本不得以任何不合理地损害该作品著作权人合法权益的方式复制和使用。<}0{> but such copy may not be reproduced nor used in any manner susceptible to prejudice unreasonably the legitimate rights and interests of the copyright owner.<0}

{0>前三款规定依照中国同有关国家签订的有关著作权的双边协定的规定实施。<}0{>The application of the foregoing three paragraphs shall be subject to the provisions of the bilateral agreements on copyright concluded by China with the countries concerned. <0}

{0>第十八条 本规定第五条、第十二条、第十四条、第十五条、第十七条适用于录音制品。<}0{>Article 18.Articles 5, 12, 14, 15 and 17 of these Provisions shall also apply to sound recordings. <0}

{0>第十九条 本规定施行前,有关著作权的行政法规本规定有不同规定的,适用本规定。<}0{>Article 19.Where preexisting administrative regulations relating to copyright conflict with these Provisions, these Provisions shall apply. <0}

{0>本规定与国际著作权条约有不同规定的,适用国际著作权条约。<}0{>Where these Provisions conflict with the international copyright treaties, the international copyright treaties shall apply. <0}

{0>第二十条 国家版权局负责国际著作权条约在中国的实施。<}0{>Article 20.The implementation in China of the international copyright treaties shall be the responsibility of the National Copyright Administration of China. <0}

{0>第二十一条 本规定由国家版权局负责解释。<}0{>Article 21.The interpretation of these Provisions shall be the responsibility of the National Copyright Administration of China. <0}

{0>第二十二条 本规定自一九九二年九月三十日起施行。<}0{>Article 22.These Provisions shall enter into force as of September 30. 1992.<0}

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