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中英对照法律资源--上海市体育竞赛管理办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

案的执行)举办人应当按照经登记的体育竞赛规程、规则和实施方案组织体育竞赛,并对报名参赛运动员的资格进行审查。 <Westbank> Article 15 Implementation of Contest Regulations, Rules and Plans The sponsor must organize the sports contest and examine the qualification of entrants according to the registered regulations, rules and implementation plans of the sports contests. 第十六条(竞赛秩序和安全防范)举办人和参赛运动员、教练员、裁判员应当遵守体育道德,确保公平竞赛,不得弄虚作假、营私舞弊,不得利用体育竞赛进行赌博活动。 <Westbank> Article 16 Contest Order and Security Precaution The sponsor, contestants, coaches and referees must observe physical cultural ethics and ensure fair contest. No fraud or malpractice is allowed. It is forbidden to make use of sports contests for gambling activities. 举办人应当采取安全保卫措施,维护体育竞赛的正常秩序。 <Westbank> The sponsor must take safety and security measures to maintain normal order of sports contests. 第十七条(竞赛时间、地点的更改)体育竞赛的时间和地点向社会公布后,举办人不得随意更改,因特殊原因确需更改的,应当报原竞赛登记部门核准,并提前发布公告。 <Westbank> Article 17 Change of Contest Time and Venue After the time and venue of a sports contest being made public, the sponsor must not make any change thereof at random. If a change is badly needed for special reasons, the sponsor must report to the original contest registry for approval, whereon an announcement in advance. 第十八条(竞赛和参赛者冠名规定)冠以上海市行政区域名举办体育竞赛或者参赛的,应当报市体委批准。 <Westbank> Article 18 Provision of Name Precedence to Contests and Contestants Having the name of Shanghai municipal administrative area precede the names of sports contests or contestants must be reported to the MPCSC for approval. 冠以区、县行政区域名举办体育竞赛或者参赛的,应当报区、县体育行政部门批准。 <Westbank> Having the names of district or county administrative areas precede the names of sports contests or contestants must be reported to the district or county physical cultural administrative department for approval. 第十九条(广告管理)体育竞赛广告的内容必须真实、健康,不得误导、欺骗参赛者和消费者。 <Westbank> Article 19 Management of Advertisements The contents of advertisements for sports contests must be truthful and healthy.It is forbidden to mislead or deceive contestants and consumers. 举办人委托他人设计、制作、发布体育竞赛广告,应当委托具有合法经营资格的广告经营者和广告发布者。 <Westbank> When commissioning the design, production and release of advertisements for sports contests, the sponsor must commission the advertisers and releasers of advertisements with legal operational qualification. 第二十条(人身保险)举办拳击、马拉松、攀岩、跳伞、滑翔、热气球、汽车、摩托车和对抗剧烈、超大强度或者危险性较大的其他体育竞赛,举办人应当为参赛者办理人身保险。 <Westbank> Article 20 Personal Insurance When conducting boxing, marathon, rock scaling, parachuting, gliding, hot-air ballooning, car-racing, motor-cycling and other sports contests with acute antagonism, extreme intensity or greater danger, the sponsor must take out personal insurance for contestants. 第二十一条(抽奖公证和依法纳税)在体育竞赛中举行抽奖活动,应当办理公证。 <Westbank> Article 21 Notarization of Lottery Draw and Tax Payment According to Law Lottery draws held in sports contests must be notarized. 举办体育竞赛的收入,应当依法纳税。 <Westbank> Taxes on proceeds from sports contests must be paid according to law. 第二十二条(募捐性收入的处理)举办募捐性体育竞赛,举办人应当将竞赛经费收支预算报市体委批准。 <Westbank> Article 22 Donation Management When conducting donative sports contests, the sponsor must report the revenue and expenditure budget of contest funds to the MPCSC for approval. 举办募捐性体育竞赛的收入,除按照经批准的竞赛经费收支预算,支付必要的成本开支外,必须全部交付受捐人。 <Westbank> All of the revenue from donative sports contests, excluding the payment of necessary cost expenditure according to the approved revenue and expenditure budget of contest funds, must be handed over to the donee.  其他任何单位和个人不得从中提取报酬。其中,举办社会福利募捐性体育竞赛,应当经民政部门核准。 <Westbank> Any other unit or individual must not draw any remuneration from the revenue. Conducting social-welfare donative sports contests must be approved by the civil affairs department. 第二十三条(竞赛情况报告)举办人应当在体育竞赛结束之日起30日内,向体育行政部门提交竞赛情况总结、成绩册和具有审计资格的机构出具的竞赛经费收支审计报告。 <Westbank> Article 23 Report on Contests The sponsor must submit a overall contest summary, report a record of results and an auditing report on the revenue and expenditure of contest funds made by an agency with auditing qualification to the physical cultural administrative department within 30 days from the closing date of sports contest. 第二十四条(委托举办)举办人可以自行举办体育竞赛,也可以委托符合规定资格条件的体育机构举办。 <Westbank> Article 24 Commission for Sports Contests The sponsor may conduct sports contests either in person or by proxy through a duly qualified physical cultural institution. 举办人委托体育机构举办体育竞赛的,当事人应当订立合同,明确各自的权利和义务。 <Westbank> In the proxy situation above mentioned, the parties concerned must conclude a contract to define each other''s rights and obligations. 第二十五条(检查)举办人应当遵守国家和本市的法律、法规和规章,接受体育行政部门的检查。体育行政部门的执法人员进行检查时,应当出示行政执法证件。 <Westbank> Article 25 Inspection The sponsor must observe all kinds of legal norms enacted by the State or this Municipality, subject to inspection by physical cultural administrative departments. Making an inspection, the law enforcers of the said departments must produce administrative law enforcement certificates . 第四章法律责任 <Westbank> Chapter IV Legal Liability  第二十六条(体育行政部门实施的处罚) <Westbank> Article 26 Penalties Enforced by Physical Cultural Administrative Departments  对违反本办法有关规定的单位和个人,由市体委或者区、县体育行政部门按照下列规定给予处罚: <Westbank> The MPCSC or district or county physical cultural administrative department shall punish the units or individual persons who are in violation of relevant provisions of these Procedures as follows:  (一)对未按规定申报登记,擅自举办体育竞赛的,责令停止违法活动,并处以2000元以上1万元以下罚款;情节严重的,处以1万元以上3万元以下罚款。 <Westbank> 1. Those who fail to apply for registration accordingly and organize sports contests without authority shall be ordered to stop illegal activities and be fined between 2,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan, or, in serious cases, between RMB 10,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan. (二)对未按规定办理变更登记或者注销登记,擅自变更体育竞赛的名称、内容、举办主体或者取消体育竞赛的,责令限期改正,并处以2000元以上1万元以下罚款;情节严重的,处以1万元以上3万元以下罚款。 <Westbank> 2. Those who fail legally to cancel a registration, or alter the name, contents or the sponsor of a sports contest or cancel a sports contest without authority shall be ordered to comply within a time limit and be fined between RMB 2,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan, or, in serious cases, shall carry fines of between RMB 10,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan. (三)对不按照经登记的体育竞赛规程、规则和实施方案组织体育竞赛的,责令限期改正,并可以处以500元以上2000元以下罚款;情节严重的,处以5000元以上1万元以下罚款。 <Westbank> 3. Those who fail to organize sports contests according to the registered regulations, rules and implementation schemes of sports contests shall be ordered to comply within a time limit and may be fined between RMB 500 yuan and 2,000 yuan, or, in serious cases, between RMB 5,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan. (四)对擅自更改已向社会公布的体育竞赛时间或者地点的,给予警告,并可以处以500

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