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中英对照法律资源--中国银行业监督管理委员会《贷款公司管理暂行规定》          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

d feather products, etc. shall be lowered to 11%;<0}
{0> 8. 部分石料、陶瓷、玻璃、珍珠、宝石、贵金属及其制品出口退税率下调至5%;<}0{> (8) The rate of export tax rebate for some stone materials, ceramic, glass, pearls, jewelries, precious metals and their products shall be lowered to 5%;<0}
{0> 9. 部分钢铁制品(石油套管除外)出口退税率下调至5%,《财政部 国家税务总局关于海洋工程结构物增值税实行退税的通知》(财税[2003]46号)规定的内销海洋工程结构物仍按原退税率执行;<}0{> (9) The rate of export tax rebate for some steel products (petroleum casing pipes excluded) shall be lowered to 5%, but the oceanographic engineering structures for domestic sale as stipulated in the "Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation Concerning the Application of VAT Rebate to Oceanographic Engineering Structures" (Cai Shui [2003] No. 46) shall still be governed by the original rate of tax rebate;<0}
{0> 10. 其他贱金属及其制品(除已经取消和本次取消出口退税商品以及铝箔、铝管、铝制结构体等)出口退税率下调至5%;<}0{> (10) The rate of export tax rebate for other base metals and their products (not including export rebates commodities which have been cancelled or which are being cancelled, as well as aluminum foils, aluminum pipes and aluminum structures, etc.) shall be lowered to 5%;<0}
{0> 11. 刨床、插床、切割机、拉床等出口退税率下调至11%,柴油机、泵、风扇、排气阀门及零件、回转炉、焦炉、缝纫机、订书机、高尔夫球车、雪地车、摩托车、自行车、挂车、升降器及其零件、龙头、钎焊机器等出口退税率下调至9%;<}0{> (11) The rate of export tax rebate for planers, slotting machines, cutting machines, and broaching machines, etc. shall be lowered to 11%, and the rate of export tax debate for diesel engines, pumps, fans, exhaust valves and the parts thereof, rotary furnaces, coke furnaces, sewing machines, staplers, golf carts, over-snow vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, trailers, elevators and the parts thereof, faucets, soldering machines, etc. shall be lowered to 9%;<0}
{0> 12. 家具出口退税率下调至11%或9%;<}0{> (12) The rate of export tax rebate for furniture shall be lowered to 11% or 9%;<0}
{0> 13. 钟表、玩具和其他杂项制品等出口退税率下调至11%;<}0{> (13) The rate of export tax rebate for clocks, watches, toys and other miscellaneous products, etc. shall be lowered to 11%;<0}
{0> 14. 部分木制品出口退税率下调至5%;<}0{> (14) The rate of export tax rebate for some wood products shall be lowered to 5%;<0}
{0> 15. 粘胶纤维出口退税率下调至5%。<}0{> (15) The rate of export tax rebate for viscose fiber shall be lowered to 5%.<0}
{0> 具体商品名称及税则号见附件2。<}0{> See Appendix 2 for the names and HS codes of the specific commodities.<0}
{0> 三、 下列商品改为出口免税<}0{> 3. The following commodities shall be duty free when exported:<0}
{0> 花生果仁、油画、雕饰板、邮票、印花税票等。<}0{> Peanut kernels, canvas, decorative carved boards, postage stamps, duty stamps, etc.<0}
{0> 具体商品名称及税则号见附件3。<}0{> See Appendix 3 for the names and HS codes of the specific commodities.<0}
{0> 四、 执行时间<}0{> 4. Implementation Time<0}
{0> 以上商品出口退税率调整自2007年7月1日起执行。具体执行时间,以海关“出口货物报关单(出口退税专用)”上注明的出口日期为准。<}0{> The export rebate rates which have been adjusted for the commodities mentioned above shall be enforced as of July 1, 2007. The specific implementation time shall be the date of export as indicated on the customs' "Declaration Form for the Export of Goods (specially used for export rebates)".<0}
{0> 出口企业在2007年7月1日之前已经签订的涉及取消出口退税的船舶出口合同,在2007年7月20日之前持出口合同(正本和副本)到主管出口退税的税务机关登记备案的,准予仍按原出口退税率执行完毕。对在2007年7月20日之前未办理备案手续的,一律按取消出口退税执行。<}0{> The original rebate rate shall be permitted to continue to apply to the export enterprise if it has signed a vessel export contract relating to cancelled export rebates before July 1, 2007, and brought the export contract (original copy and counterpart) to the taxation authority responsible for export rebate taxes for registration and archival filing before July 20, 2007, the export tax rebate treatment shall be considered as having been cancelled in case it fails to handle the procedures for archival filing before July 20, 2007.<0}
{0> 有对外承包工程资质的出口企业在2007年7月1日之前已经中标的长期对外承包工程或已经签订价格不能更改的长期对外承包工程合同所涉及的出口设备和建材,凡在2007年7月20日之前持有效中标证明(正本和副本)或已经签订的长期对外承包工程合同(正本和副本)及工程概算清单,到主管出口退税的税务机关登记备案的,准予仍按原出口退税率执行完毕。<}0{> For the export equipment and building materials involved in a long-term foreign contracted engineering project for which an export enterprise eligible for foreign contracted engineering won the bid before July 1, 2007 or in a contract for long-term foreign contracted engineering including an unchangeable price which the enterprise concluded before July 1, 2007, the original export tax rebate rate shall be permitted to continue applying to the enterprise if the effective bid-winning certificate (original copy and duplicate), or the concluded contract for long-term foreign contracted engineering (original copy and duplicate) and the list of engineering estimation had been bought by the enterprise to the taxation authority responsible for export tax rebates for registration and archival filing before July 20, 2007. <0}
{0>对在2007年7月20日之前未办理备案手续的,一律按调整后的出口退税率执行。<}0{>The adjusted export tax rebate policies shall apply if it fails to handle the procedures for archival filing before July 20, 2007.<0}
{0> 附件:<}0{> Appendixes:<0}
{0> 1. 取消出口退税的商品清单<}0{> 1. List of Commodities the Export Rebates of Which Are Cancelled (omitted)<0}
{0> 2. 调低出口退税率的商品清单<}0{> 2. List of Commodities the Export Rebate Rates of Which Are Lowered (omitted)<0}
{0> 3. 改为免税的商品清单<}0{> 3. List of Commodities Which Will be Duty Free (omitted)<0}
{0>国家工商行政管理总局外资局关于上报外资投资企业证照使用情况的通知<}0{>Circular of the Foreign Fund Department under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on Reporting license Use Status of Foreign-funded Enterprises<0}
{0>各省、自治区、直辖市工商行政管理局外资处:<}0{> All foreign fund offices under Administration for Industry and Commerce of each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government:<0}
{0> 目前,正值全国外商投资企业年检及换发新版营业执照,为统筹外资企业证照印制及发放,保障企业年检期间正常换照,请你们接到通知后,以省为单位统计上报下列情况:<}0{> As annual examination and exchange of new-version business license for foreign-funded enterprises are ongoing all over the country for now, you are required to report the following information to this Department in the unit of province immediately after receiving this Circular so as to make a plan as a whole of the printing and distribution of licenses of foreign-funded enterprises and guarantee license exchange can be done as usual during the annual examination period.<0}
{0> 一、 外商投资的法人企业、分支机构实有数及近两年的增长率;<}0{> (1) The actual number of foreign-funded enterprises with a status of legal person and branches thereof as well as the growth rate for the last two years.<0}
{0> 二、 外国(地区)企业常驻代表机构及外国企业来华从事生产经营活动企业实有数及近两年增长率;<}0{> (2) The actual number of enterprises from foreign countries (regions) and the permanent representative offices thereof that engage in production and operation in China as well as the growth rate for the last two years.<0}
{0> 三、 外资企业各类证照领取方式(省、区、市统一领取还是被授权局自领);<}0{> (3) The drawing methods for each kind of licenses of foreign-funded enterprises (drawing uniformly by each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government or self-drawing by an authorized administration).<0}
{0> 四、 各种证照使用过程中的废照率;<}0{> (4) Cancellation rate of each kind of license in the process of use.<0}
{0> 五、 新版营业执照库存情况。<}0{> (5) Stock situation of the new-version business license.<0}
{0> 请你们在4月30日前,将上述情况汇总后填入《外商投资企业证照使用情况统计表》,如为被授权局自领的,还应单独附上《外商投资企业证照使用情况统计表》一并以电子文档方式上报国家工商总局外资局。<}0{> You shall, prior to April 30, gather the aforesaid items and fill them in the Statistics of License Use of Foreign-funded Enterprises. In the case of self-drawing by authorized administration, the above-mentioned Statistics shall be attached separately, and then reported to the Foreign Fund Department under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce via electronic documents.<0}
{0> 邮 箱<}0{> E-mail:<0}
{0> 联系人:外资局综合处 王俊峰<}0{> Contact person: Wang Junfeng, Comprehensive Office under the Foreign Fund Department<0}
{0> 电 话:010-68057996 或 010-88650408<}0{> Tel: 010-68057996 or 010-88650408<0}
{0> 附件:《外商投资企业证照使用情况统计表》<}0{> Appendix: Statistics of License Use of Foreign-funded Enterprises (omitted)<0}
{0> 国家工商行政管理总局外资局<}0{> The Foreign Fund Department under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce<0}
{0>国家税务总局关于《中华人民共和国政府和沙特阿拉伯王国政府关于对所得和财产避免双重征税和防止偷漏税的协定》生效及执行的通知<}0{>Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on Entry into Force and Enforcement of the Agreement between the Government of People's Republic of China and the Government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Assets<0}
{0> 国税发[2007]第68号<}0{> Guo Shui Fa [2007] No.68<0}
{0> 各省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市国家税务局、地方税务局:<}0{> The state taxation bureaus and local taxation bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and the cities specifically designated in the state plan,<0}
{0> 我国政府和沙特阿拉伯王国政府关于对所得和财产避免双重征税和防止偷漏税的协定,已于2006年1月23日正式签署。<}0{> The Government of People's Republic of China and the Government of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have officially signed the Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income and Assets (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) on January 23, 2006.<0}
{0>业经双方外交主管部门分别于2006年3月30日和2006年8月9日互致照会,确认已经完成生效所必需的法律程序。<}0{>The foreign affairs departments of both governments have exchanged notes with each other on March 30, 2006 and August 9, 2006, respectively, confirming that the necessary legal procedures f

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