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中英对照法律资源--中华人民共和国反垄断法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Antimonopoly execution authorities shall authorise the corresponded authorities of provincial government or government in an autonomous region or directly municipality to in charge of antimonopoly execution pursuant to this law, when needed. 第十一条 行业协会应当加强行业自律,引导本行业的经营者依法竞争,维护市场竞争秩序。 Article 11: Association of undertakings should intensify industrial self-discipline, guide undertakings to lawfully compete, safeguard the competition order in the market. 第十二条 本法所称经营者,是指从事商品生产、经营或者提供服务的自然人、法人和其他组织。 Article 12: An “undertaking” in this law refers to a legal person, other organization or natural person that engages in businesses of commodities (hereinafter “commodities” include services). 本法所称相关市场,是指经营者在一定时期内就特定商品或者服务(以下统称商品)进行竞争的商品范围和地域范围。 A “relevant market” in this law refers to the territorial area within which the undertakings compete against each other during a time period for relevant products. 第二章 垄断协议 Chapter 2: Monopoly Agreement 第十三条 禁止具有竞争关系的经营者达成下列垄断协议: Article 13: Any following agreements among the undertakings competed with each other shall be prohibited: (一)固定或者变更商品价格; (i) fix, or change prices of products; (二)限制商品的生产数量或者销售数量; (ii) limit the output or sales of the products; (三)分割销售市场或者原材料采购市场; (iii) allocate the sales markets or the raw material purchasing markets; (四)限制购买新技术、新设备或者限制开发新技术、新产品; (iv) limit the purchase new technology or new facilities, or the development of, new products or new technology; (五)联合抵制交易; (v) jointly boycott transactions; (六)国务院反垄断执法机构认定的其他垄断协议。 (vi) other agreements identified by antimonopoly execution authorities. 本法所称垄断协议,是指排除、限制竞争的协议、决定或者其他协同行为。 Agreements referred to this law are agreement, decision or concerted action which eliminate or restrict competition. 第十四 条禁止经营者与交易相对人达成下列垄断协议: Article 14: Any following agreements among undertaking and counterparty are prohibited: (一)固定向第三人转售商品的价格; (i) fix the price for resale; (二)限定向第三人转售商品的最低价格; (ii) restrict the lowest price for resale; (三)国务院反垄断执法机构认定的其他垄断协议。 (iii) another monopoly agreement identified by antimonopoly execution authorities. 第十五条 经营者能够证明所达成的协议属于下列情形之一的,不适用本法第十三条、第十四条的规定: Article 15: Agreements among undertakings with one of the following objectives shall be exempted from application of article 13, 14 if (一)为改进技术、研究开发新产品的; (i) agreements to improve technology, to research and develop new products. (二)为提高产品质量、降低成本、增进效率,统一产品规格、标准或者实行专业化分工的; (ii) agreements for the purpose of product quality upgrading, cost reduction and efficiency improvement, of unify standards, norms or specialise; (三)为提高中小经营者经营效率,增强中小经营者竞争力的; (iii) agreements by small and medium-sized enterprises to improve operational efficiency and to enhance their competitiveness; (四)为实现节约能源、保护环境、救灾救助等社会公共利益的; (v) agreements to cope with economic depression, to moderate serious decrease in sales volumes or distinct production surplus; (五)因经济不景气,为缓解销售量严重下降或者生产明显过剩的; (iv) agreements to achieve public interests, such as save energy, protect environment, relieve the victims of a disaster and so on; (六)为保障对外贸易和对外经济合作中的正当利益的; (vi) agreements to maintain legitimate interest in the cooperation with foreign economic entities and foreign trade; (七)法律和国务院规定的其他情形。 (vii) other situation stipulated by laws and the State Council. 属于前款第一项至第五项情形,不适用本法第十三条、第十四条规定的,经营者还应当证明所达成的协议不会严重限制相关市场的竞争,并且能够使消费者分享由此产生的利益。 Undertakings pursuant to (i) to (v), and therefore exempted from Article 13, 14, must additionally prove, that the agreements can enable consumers to share impartially the interests derived from the agreements, and will not entirely eliminate the competition in relevant market. 第十六条 行业协会不得组织本行业的经营者从事本章禁止的垄断行为。 Article 16: Association of industry shall be prohibited to organize undertakings to conduct monopoly activities being prohibited by this law. 第三章 滥用市场支配地位 Chapter 3: Abuse of a Dominant Market Position 第十七条 禁止具有市场支配地位的经营者从事下列滥用市场支配地位的行为: Article 17 Undertakings of a dominant market position shall not abuse their dominant market positions to conduct following conducts: (一)以不公平的高价销售商品或者以不公平的低价购买商品; (i) sell commodities at unfairly high prices or buy commodities at unfairly low prices; (二)没有正当理由,以低于成本的价格销售商品; (ii) sell commoditiews at prices below cost without legitimate reasons; (三)没有正当理由,拒绝与交易相对人进行交易; (iii) refuse to trade with counterparty without legitimate reasons; (四)没有正当理由,限定交易相对人只能与其进行交易或者只能与其指定的经营者进行交易; (iv) require its counterparty to trade exclusively with it or trade exclusively with the appointed undertakings without legitimate reasons; (五)没有正当理由搭售商品,或者在交易时附加其他不合理的交易条件; (v) tie products or require as unreasonable conditions for trading without legitimate reasons; (六)没有正当理由,对条件相同的交易相对人在交易价格等交易条件上实行差别待遇; (vi) apply dissimilar prices or other transaction terms to equivalent counterparties; (七)国务院反垄断执法机构认定的其他滥用市场支配地位的行为。 (vii) other conducts identified as abuse of a dominant position by antimonopoly execution authorities 本法所称市场支配地位,是指经营者在相关市场内具有能够控制商品价格、数量或者其他交易条件,或者能够阻碍、影响其他经营者进入相关市场能力的市场地位。 For the purposes of this law, “dominant market position” refers to the undertaking(s) having the ability to control the price, quantity or other trading conditions of products in relevant market, or to hinder or affect other undertakings to enter the relevant market. 第十八条 认定经营者具有市场支配地位,应当依据下列因素: Article 18: The following factors will be taken into consideration in finding dominant market position: (一)该经营者在相关市场的市场份额,以及相关市场的竞争状况; (i) market share in relevant market, and the competition situation of the relevant market; (二)该经营者控制销售市场或者原材料采购市场的能力; (ii) ability to control the sales markets or the raw material purchasing markets;

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