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课程词汇         ★★★ 【字体:


作者:admin    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-4     

大学英语    college english
高等数学    advanced mathematics
体育        physical education
思想道德修养cultivation of ethnics
军事理论    military art theory
机械制图    mechanical graphing
计算机概论与上机操作introduction to computers & practice
大学物理    college physics
物理试验    physical experiment
线形代数    linear algebra
程序设计及算法语言program designing & algorithmic language
法律基础     fundamentals of law
复变函数与积分变换functions of complex variables & integral transformation
理论力学theoretical mechanics
电路理论theory of circuit
软件技术基础basis of software technique
电工实习    electrical engineering practice
CET-4       college english test(band 4)
材料力学    mechanics of materials
工程材料学  engineering materials
模拟电子技术analog electronics technique
管理概论    introduction to management
计算机图形学computer graphics
金工实习    metalworking practice
认识实习    cognition practice
概率论与数理统计probability theory & mathematical statistics
计算力学        computational mechanics
机械原理        principle of mechanics
互换性技术测量  exchangeability measurement technology
金属工艺学      metal technics
数字电路        digital circuit
机械工程控制基础basis mechanic engineering control
专业英语        specialty english
机械原理课程设计course exercise of mechanical principle
机械设计        mechanical designing
微机原理及应用 principle & application of microcomputer
机电传动控制   mechanical & electrical transmission control
机械制造基础   fundamental of mechanical manufacture
工程热力学     engineering thermodynamics
传热学         heat transfer
机械设计课程设计course exercise in mechanical design
生产实习        production practice
工程测试与信号处理engineering testing & signal processing CAD/CAM         CAD/CAM
微机控制系统    control system of microcomputer
机制工艺学      mechanical technology
宏观经济学      macro-economics
专业课程设计    course design of major
运筹学 option research
宏观经济学  macro economics
微观经济学  micro economics
生产管理    product and operation management
管理学      management
国际贸易    international trade
计算机图形学  computer graphics
计算机网络  computer network
软件工程    software engineering
辨证唯物主义 dialectical materialism
数字图像处理  digital image processing
科学社会主义 scientific socialism
财务会计  finanacial  accountancy

机械零件 : mechanical parts (components)
机械原理 : mechanical principle
传 热 学  :  heat-transfer theory
理论力学                       Theoretical mechanics        
电子线路实验                   Experiment in Electronical Circuitry                                          or          (Experiment in Electronical Circuit)                 
                   or          (Experiment in Electronics)        
电路实验                       Experiment in Circuitry                           
                  or          (Experiment in Circuit)        
互换性与技术测量           Interchangeability and Technical Measurement        
科技英语                      Scientific and Technical English                                              or          Scientific English        
电机与电器         or          Electrical Engine and Appliance

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