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[图文]Sudoku         ★★★ 【字体:


作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-11-29     

還真的很有挑戰性的說。 所以後來也買了一本回來玩。 ^^

The popular 1)epidemic
Sudoku is a good example of a meme--a 2)mental 3)virus that spreads from person to person, 4)sweeping through countries, feeding on our 5)collective brain energy. Fortunately, this meme is good for us. It is a simple 6)puzzle anyone can enjoy. It has been 7)recommended as a classroom exercise to 8)boost 9)logic skills in children. Doing Sudoko may even slow the progress of Alzheimer's. You have 10)probably played it already, and you probably think it comes from Japan. You would be wrong about that.
1) epidemic (n.) 流行,傳染病
People are worried that another epidemic will happen.
2) mental (a.) 精神的,心理的,腦力的
Doing math(數學) is a mental challenge(挑戰) for most people.
3) virus (n.) 病毒
He felt very sick after catching the flu(流感) virus.
4) sweep (v.) 掃,掠過
The popularity(流行) of the new TV show swept the country.
5) collective (a.) 集體的,共同的
If we use our collective knowledge(知識), we can do almost anything.
6) puzzle (n.) 猜謎,智力競賽,難題
Do you like doing puzzles?
7) recommend (v.) 推薦,建議
I recommend you visit France(法國) on your holidays. 
boost (v.) 推動,促進
Many people like to drink coffee to boost their energy in the morning.
9) logic (n.) 邏輯
I can't see the logic in their decision.
10) probably (adv.) 大概,很可能
The weatherman(氣象預報員) said it will probably rain tomorrow.
Sudoku's story begins in 1783 when Leonhard Euler, a Swiss 11)mathematician, invented "Latin 12)Squares." He drew a 13)grid in which every number (or 14)symbol) appeared just once in each 15)row or 16)column. His game was kind of 17)boring, but in 1979, someone at Dell Puzzle Magazines in Manhattan came up with the idea of dividing the 9x9 grid into nine 18)sections, as in a standard Sudoku puzzle. It was named "Number Place," and Dell has published it under that name ever since. It wasn't until about 1999 that readers began sending letters saying they liked it.
數獨的故事開始於 1783 年,當時一名瑞士數學家里恩哈.優勒發明了「拉丁方塊」。他畫了個方格表,裡面每個數字(或符號)在每一個橫排或縱列中都只出現一次。他這個遊戲有點無聊,但是 1979 年美國曼哈頓的戴爾謎題雜誌公司有位員工想出一個點子:把這種 9 乘 9 的方格表劃分為 9 區,就像標準數獨謎題的作法。它取名為「數字位置」,戴爾就一直以這個名稱出版這種遊戲。直到大約 1999 年才開始有讀者來信表達他們的喜愛。
11) mathematician (n.) 數學家
I'm not smart enough to be a mathematician.
12) square (n.) 方塊,方形物
The game board(棋盤) is divided into dozens of squares.
13) grid (n.) 格子
Albert drew a large grid on his paper.
14) symbol (n.) 象徵,符號
What does this symbol mean?
15) row (n.) 橫排
Betty planted a row of flowers near her front door.
16) column (n.) 縱列
The teacher told the students to draw(畫) four columns on a piece of paper.
17) boring (a.) 乏味的,無聊的
I hate to watch boring TV shows.
1Cool section (n.) 段,節
I don't think we are allowed(允許) in this section of the building.
But back in 1984, the meme had already started to 19)mutate and spread faster--this time, in Japan. There, the publishing company Nikoli made two small 20)adjustments and renamed the puzzle. In Japanese, su means a number and doku means 21)singular or 22)unique. The game became very popular, possibly because the Japanese 23)alphabet is 24)ill-suited to crosswords. Still, the 25)global epidemic that would 26)burst out of England was yet to begin.
但是在 1984 年,這種文化基因已經開始突變並且快速散播──這回是在日本。日本出版公司 Nikoli 將這種填字遊戲稍微做了兩項調整並重新命名。在日文中,su 代表「數字」,doku 代表「單獨」或「獨一」。這個遊戲變得很受歡迎,可能是因為日本字母並不適合玩填字遊戲。不過,這種將從英國爆發而傳遍全球的大流行尚未開始。
19) mutate (v.) 突變
Viruses(病毒) often mutate and become more dangerous.
20) adjustment (n.) 調整,校正
I had to make some adjustments to my holiday plans.
21) singular (a.) 單一的
George is quite a singular man.
22) unique (a.) 獨一無二的
Simon has created(創造) a unique piece of art.
23) alphabet (n.) 字母
The Chinese language does not have an alphabet.
24) ill-suited (a.) 不適合的
Because Randy is shy(害羞), he is ill-suited to be a salesman(推銷員).
25) global (a.) 全世界的,全球的
Microsoft and IBM are global companies with offices in many countries.
26) burst (v.) 爆發
The children were frightened when the balloon(氣球) burst.
In 1997, New Zealander Wayne Gould saw the puzzle in a Tokyo bookshop. He spent six years developing a computer program to create Sudoku puzzles quickly. He knew crosswords and other puzzles were very popular in British newspapers, so he took Sudoku to The Times of London, which 27)launched it on November 12, 2004 (calling it Su Doku).
1977 年,紐西蘭人韋恩.高德在東京一家書店看到這種填字遊戲。他花了 6 年開發出一種電腦程式可以快速設計數獨謎題。他知道英國報紙上的填字遊戲和其它猜謎遊戲非常受歡迎,因此他把數獨帶到倫敦的《泰晤士報》,這家報紙於是在 2004 年 11 月 12 日出版了這種遊戲(稱之為 Su Doku)。
27) launch (v.) 推出,發行
The company launched its new product(產品) yesterday.
"I 28)turned up 29)unannounced at The Times, like an 30)old-fashioned 31)traveling salesman, and got my foot in the door," he explained. "They published the puzzle the following month, and it 32)took off." Three days later, a second paper began to publish the puzzle. By springtime it was on the 33)front pages of all the major daily newspapers, and it was 34)boosting their sales. Sudoku was 35)dubbed "the fastest growing puzzle in the world."
「我不請自來地出現在《泰晤士報》,就像個老式的旅行推銷員,伸出一隻腳硬擠到門內」,他解釋道。「他們在隔月就刊出了這種猜謎遊戲,一砲而紅。」3 天後,第二家報紙開始發行這種猜謎遊戲。到了春天它已經佔據所有大型日報的頭版,也提高了那些報紙的銷量。數獨被稱為「全世界成長最快速的猜謎遊戲」。
2Cool turn up 出現
Grace didn't turn up at the party.
29) unannounced (a.) 未經通報
The test was difficult because it was unannounced.
30) old-fashioned (a.) 老式的,過時的
Mary and John are an old-fashioned couple(夫婦).
31) traveling salesman 旅行推銷員
Before becoming manager of the company, Ben worked as a traveling salesman.
32) take off 起飛
For some reason, the new TV show never took off.
33) front page (報紙的)頭版
The most important stories are put on the front page of the newspaper.
34) boost (v.) 提高,促進,增加
The new salesman(推銷員) boosted sales because he was so good.
35) dub (v.) 授予……稱號
Penny dubbed her boat Kitty.
Just why is Sudoku so popular? It requires 36)patience and 37)logical ability, two qualities seemingly in short supply these days. But the puzzles are strangely satisfying, with their yin and yang of complexity and simplicity. In short, they are very, very Zen.
36) patience (n.) 耐心,毅力
I wish I had more patience, but I don't.
37) logical (a.) 推理的,邏輯的
Jenny is a very logical woman.

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