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[组图]Legends of the fall 《燃情岁月》(精讲之三)         ★★★ 【字体:

Legends of the fall 《燃情岁月》(精讲之三)

作者:admin    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-9-17     



Tristan: Hey, Stab! There's a friend of yours.

Samuel: I've got a dollar that says he brings her back.

Tristan: Ka! Ka! Whoa honey!

Colonel: No!

Tristan: Whoa! Whoa! Easy, easy, honey.

Alfred: Nice work!

Tristan: You guys look like a bunch of ice cream cones. Oh you would have.

Samuel: Ready? Here we come.

Alfred: Go easy on him, Susannah. 

Samuel: Alfred, you take over . I got to talk to Tristan.

Alfred: You've disgraced the Colonel's name.

Samuel: Nice shiner .

Tristan: Yeah. I hit her back.

Samuel: She's got me spinning.

Tristan: I'll bet.

Samuel: She's got these ideas and theories, and she's so...

Tristan: What?

Samuel: She's...

Tristan: What?

Samuel: Nothing. How did you break the mare?

Tristan: Oh no... she's what?

Samuel: Well, she's sort of passionate.


1. I've got a dollar that says he brings her back.

意思是:I make a dollar bet that he will bring her back.

2. Go easy on him

“不要把他逼得那么紧,对他宽容点”的意思。Easy 这个词有“宽容的”的意思,例如:an easy teacher 一位宽容的老师。

3. Take over


4. Shiner

记得很多喜剧里面,女生对男友的不听话非常恼怒,常常挥舞拳头给男友两个“大眼镜”。这样得来的“黑眼圈”就是 shiner。Shiner 还指因为碰伤、擦伤而在眼睛周围留下的伤痕。而因为睡眠不足造成的黑眼圈则叫做 circles under one's eyes。

5. She's got me spinning.

遇到一个美女,感到头晕目眩、天地失色?She's got me spinning. 就是这个意思。你可以拿这句话去奉承你的女友哦!

6. How did you break the mare?

Break 这里可不是“打断、破坏”的意思,而是“驯服”。例如:That dog is difficult to break. 那条狗很难被驯服。


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文章录入:admin    责任编辑:admin 

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