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张含韵演唱的《酸酸甜甜就是我》的英文原版       ★★★ 【字体:


作者:admin    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-9-13     

  丹麦国宝乐团“水叮当”女主唱兰妮(Lene Nystrom)首张单飞专辑主打歌曲。1997年她以冠军单曲“Barbie Girl”(点击收听)红遍大街小巷,当时人们正期待著这一位如卡通人物般甜美可人的流行乐小公主诞生时,她却三番两次颠覆人们的看法。现在听的这首《美妙青春滋味》(pretty young thing)是超级女声张含韵演唱的《酸酸甜甜就是我》的英文原版。

Pretty Young Thing
Lene Nystrom

I wanna bruise your lips with a tender kiss
I wanna crush your heart. I wanna be your scar
And when you're touching me I hear a symphony
Oh oh oh baby. Come on now baby.

Someone get a priest. Maybe the police
I think that we should call the justice of the peace
You're a pretty young thing. Oh it's a damn cool thing
I gotta tell the world, in case they hxxen't heard
There never was a doubt. Oh baby, hush your mouth
You're a pretty young thing. Oh it's a damn cool thing

Let me hear my name. Baby say it again
I wanna take you on. I wanna be the one
And when you're closing in I hear violins
Oh oh oh baby. Come on now baby.

Someone get a priest. Maybe the police
I think that we should call the justice of the peace
You're a pretty young thing. Oh it's a damn cool thing
I gotta tell the world, in case they hxxen't heard
There never was a doubt. Oh baby, hush your mouth
You're a pretty young thing. Oh it's a damn cool thing

Oh pretty young thing. Don't need no diamond ring
I'll give you everything. I'll show you anything
Just shh! just shh! Don't say a word!

Someone get a priest. Maybe the police
I think that we should call the justice of the peace
You're a pretty young thing. Oh it's a damn cool thing
I gotta tell the world, in case they hxxen't heard
There never was a doubt. Oh baby, hush your mouth
You're a pretty young thing. Oh it's a damn cool thing

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文章录入:admin    责任编辑:admin 

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