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[图文] Lesson 78          【字体:

[图文] Lesson 78

作者:佚名    文章来源:不详    点击数:    更新时间:2006-9-1     


  Teaching Objectives:


  1.Remember the 4—skill words

  2.The simple past tense


  1.Enhance the students’ 4 skills especially, the reading ability.

  2.Encourage the students to write diaries in English

  The moral purpose: Students should help each other.

  Analysis of teaching material:

  Important points:

  New words: page, the summer palace, herself, turn on/off, after a while, not…any more, make faces, whole.

  Revise the simple past tense.

  How to keep a diary in English.

  Ways of breaking through:

  Question and answer practices.

  Imitating and analyzing.

  Difficult points:

  Understand the meaning of the whole text

  Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Warming up:

  Morning report: Ask several students to say only one sentence about a happy thing or a sad thing.e.g.

  1.Yesterday, my father bought me a new bike.

  2.On March.2nd. I had a big birthday party.

  Last Sunday, I had a good time in Wang Xiang park.

  The day before yesterday, I passed the exam.

  Last Monday, I was ill.

  On March.15th, I lost my lovely pen.

  My pet dog died the day before yesterday. etc.

  Then ask: How can you remember all of the past things?

  Expected answer: To keep a diary is a good way.

  Step2 Pre—read

  1.Show students a page of an English diary. Explain how to begin writing a diary in English. Then show students a page of the Chinese diary. Let students know the difference.

  e.g. Monday   March 4th  2002     200234 星期一 天气:晴

  2 Students’ book , page27. part 1. have students discuss the questions in small groups, then share their answers.

  Step3 Presentation

  Ask: “What’s the main idea of the diary?” Give students three minutes to skim the text for the main idea. (Ling Feng takes care of the baby.)

  Ask the questions in workbook page92 exercise.1. Ask several students to share their answers. Teach the new words: page, the Summer Palace, herself, turn on/off, after a while, not--- any more, make faces, whole. Etc.

  Step4 Practice

  Show students 8 sentences about the baby’s action. Then ask students to arrange the right order of these sentences.

  1.She woke up.

  2.She began to cry.

  3.She stopped crying and listened to the music.

  4.She cried again.

  5.She was asleep.

  6.She watched and listened; she didn’t cry any more.

  7.She laughed happily.

  8.She cried harder and harder.

  Check the answer: 5 1 2 8 3 4 6 7.

  Ask: How did Ling Feng look after the baby?” Ask students to make a similar clue of Ling Feng’ action.

  Expected answer:

  1. He talked to the baby.

  2.He turned on the radio.

  3.He turned off the radio.

  4.He started to sing.

  5.He made faces, jumped like a monkey.

  Step5 Act

  Ask students to practise in pairs (3 students each). One explains the action, the other two do Ling Feng’s and the baby’s action.

  Step6 Post task

  Say: This Sunday, I have something to do. I have no time to look after my baby. Can you help me take care of my 5—year—old daughter?

  Ask students to discuss how to arrange that day. Ask some groups to share their answers and see which is the best group.

  Step 7 Exercises in class

  1. There were no people on the street in the night. It’s very quiet.

  A. not any        B. few         C. not

  2. At first he didn’t dare to answer the teacher’s questions in class. He didn’t know the answer.

  A. At last            B .At the beginning       C. In the end

  3. All the afternoon Ling Feng was busy making the baby happy. He was very tired.

  A.The all afternoon  B.The whole afternoon  C.Whole the afternoon

  4. The daughter takes good care of her sick father. So she can’t come.

  A. worries about     B. look about       C. looks after. . . well

  5.The baby is asleep. We must keep quiet.

  A. sleeping          B. awake              C. crying

  Keys: 1.A  2.B  3.B  4.C 5.A

  Step 8 Homework

  1.Finish off the workbook exercise.

  2. Retell Ling Feng’s diary.

  3.Write a diary as Wb Lesson 78, Ex.3 requires.

  Writing on blackboard

Lesson 78

A Page From A Student’s Diary

The summer palace,    after a while    leave her by herself  at first at last

Didn’t cry any more ,   turn on/off     make faces  whole  harder and harder

take good care of. . . = look after. . .well



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