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[图文] Lesson 79          【字体:

[图文] Lesson 79

作者:佚名    文章来源:不详    点击数:    更新时间:2006-9-1     


  Teaching Objectives:


  1.Remember the four skills words: eg. Wonderful

  2.Be able to use the different model verbs: can…

  3.Talk and arrange their holiday plan in English.


  1..Enhance the students’ listening speaking, reading and writing skills by learning this lesson.

  2.Improving their abilities of solving the problems:

  e.g. Arrange their May 1st Holiday.

  The moral purpose

  After discussing how to arrange their holiday, encourage them to solve any difficulties by themselves.

  Analysis of Teaching Materials

  Important points

  1.The Future Tense about: be going to; will

  2.The Model Verbs: must, mustn’t, have to, has to, had to; can, can’t; could, couldn’t; may; need.

  Difficult points

  1.Arrange their holiday by talking about themselves.

  2.The using of different model verbs.

  Ways of breaking through

  1. Using the old knowledge and their life round them to learn the important words and grammar.

  2. Using the teaching methodologies such as “Task-basic learning” with the help of the colour pictures and useful situation, classify the task and give different students different evaluations.

  3.Encouraging the students of different levels to try their best in class

  Teaching procedures

  Step 1.Revision

  Revise the different model verbs.

  Play a game to revise the verb phrases

  T: make    Ss: make a cake / kite / plane/ …

  T: play     Ss: play computer / football/ …

  What can you do now?

  What can’t you do now?

  They may answer: I can make a kite / read English… 

  I can’t drive a bus / play computer…

  What could you do four years ago?

  What couldn’t you do four years ago?

  They may answer: I could walk / sing some songs /…

  I couldn’t understand English/how to ride a bike...

  Could you speak English four years ago?

  Can you speak now?

  Do you want to learn English well?

  So what should you do?

  What must we do in class?

  What mustn’t we in class?

  What do we need to do after class? ( Talk with the students.)

  But to be a good student only learning English well is not enough. How can you be a good student?

  What must we do at school / home?

  What mustn’t we do ?

  What need we do?

  What do we have to do?

  (Give the students several minutes to discuss, let them use the different modal verbs.)

  Revise the difference between have to and must.

  Show the students two pictures about two students, one is lazy, the other one works hard.

  What do I have to do?

  Expected answers: I have to do my homework / read English every day /…

  What must I do?

  Expected answers: I must finish my homework in time / read English every day

  Step 2.Read and Act

  We need to do a lot of things during the school days. Now Summer Holidays will begin. What needn’t we do in Summer Holidays? What are you going to do then?

  Expected answers: I may go to visit Beijing

  I may go to summer English Camp.

  2. Students listen to the tape and answer:

  What cities is Emma going to visit?

  What will Hu Min do?

  3. Read by themselves.

  4. Show the students the calendar ( May 1st,2002)., get them to make simple dialogues by using the following sentences:

  May Day is coming.

  What are you going to do on May Day?

  I’m going to….

  I’d like to…

  We will…

  What about you?

  I wish you have a good time.

  5.After the acting, teacher praises in time: Wonderful, Well Done.

  Step 3. Revision

  Practise the using of modal verbs by talking about the trip.

  What do we need do before the trip?

  Excepted answers: We need (to) take enough money/

  pack sports clothes and shoes /

  take a map.

  2.How can you get there?( by bike , by bus, by plane, walk)

  3.What must / mustn’t we on the way?

  We must help each other / give our seats to old people/…

  We mustn’t push others / throw waste about / …

  4.What can we do when we reach there?

  What may happen during the trip?

  If it rains what will we have to do?

  If you are late for the bus what will you have to do?

  Step 4 Puzzle dialogues

  Students work out the right answers.

  Students practise the sentences by themselves.

  Step 5 Games: Boast

  I can eat a horse.

  I can fly to the moon.

  2. Can you make a similar proverb:

  e.g. A tree can’t make a forest.

  Step 6 Exercises in class


     A                                   B

  1. Excuse me. Do you speak English?    a. Thank you.

  2. You’re a teacher, aren’t you?     b. Only a little.

  3. What’s the matter with you?        c .No, I’m not.

  4. What does the man do?               d. He s a doctor.

  5. Shall we get some meat?             e. Yes, do please.

  6. Sit down, please.                   f. I’ve got a headache.

  Keys: 1.b  2.c  3.f  4.d  5.e  6.a


  1. My mother is ill, so I ________ look after her at home and ________(not) go to the evening Party.

  2. You________(not) play on the road. It’s too dangerous.

  3. —_________ I return the book in a week?

    —No, you _________ (not) .

  4. Li Ming is late today. He _________ be ill, but I’m not sure.

  5. You _______ try your best not to make the same mistake.

  Key: l. have to, can’t  2.mustn’t  3.Must,needn’t  4.may  5.should

  Step 7 Homework

  1.Finish off the workbook exercises.

  2.Write a story according to Ex.3.

  3. Make a dialogue about holiday plans.

  Writing on blackboard


Revise modal verbs: may, should, must, can, need

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