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US Capitol 美国国会大厦         ★★★ 【字体:

US Capitol 美国国会大厦

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-26     

描述: 美国国会大厦

Between Constitution and Independence avenues at the eastern end of the Mall; closest Metro Capitol South or Union Station. Summer daily 9am–8pm; rest of year daily 9am–4.30pm. Tour information 202/225-6827, general information 202/224-3121. Admission free.

Visible from all over the city, and housing the nation's law-makers and tax-takers, the Senate and the House of Representatives, the US Capitol is one of the few places in the District where you can get a sense of the immense power wielded by the nation's elected officials – and watch them at work. The grand halls and public spaces are packed with monuments and statues of ex-politicians, while the current crop of legislators can be seen arguing over the finer points of law and policy in committee rooms and the ornate main chambers. When the lantern above the dome is lit, Congress is in session.

Begun in 1793 – George Washington, in Masonic garb, laid the cornerstone – the Capitol was repeatedly expanded over the ensuing years, and is now a confusing hybrid, hard to find your way around, though the omnipresent Capitol police officers keep you on the right track. There's free, walk-in access to the building all year (from the East Front), though between April and September you can expect to have to wait in line first, for up to two hours. Once inside, the free tours (every 15min, 9am–3.45pm) are basically just a walk around the building; US citizens who want to see inside the legislative chambers have to arrange "VIP tours" through their representatives, while foreigners can simply show their passports at the House or Senate appointments desks, both on the first floor. Nine presidents, most recently JFK (Nixon declined in advance), have lain in state before burial in the impressive Rotunda, which, capped by a 180ft dome, links the two halves of the Capitol – the Senate is in the north wing, the House in the south.

Armed Forces' bands perform for free four nights a week (June–Aug) on the East Terrace of the Capitol; the National Symphony Orchestra follows suit on the West Terrace on Memorial Day, July 4 and Labor Day.

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