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Evict: 驱逐;赶出          【字体:

Evict: 驱逐;赶出

作者:soosun    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2006-8-24     

  10月31日,伊拉克临时政府总理阿拉维抵达邻国科威特访问,这是海湾战争后伊拉克总理首次访问科威特。外电报道如下:Iraq's interim president thanked Kuwait for its support in the U.S.-led war that toppled Saddam Hussein as he arrived Saturday for the first visit to the neighboring nation by an Iraqi head of state in four decades.

  Ghazi al-Yawer's visit was expected to open a fresh era for Baghdad and Kuwait City, whose long-strained ties were severed when Saddam's forces invaded Kuwait in 1990 and occupied it for seven months until evicted by U.S.-led forces. Relations resumed after the Americans ousted Saddam last year.

  Al-Yawer thanked Kuwait for its support in the war to topple Saddam. He also said "the Iraqi people had no say" in Saddam's invasion of Kuwait.

  Evict表示“驱逐;赶出”,尤指(按法律手续)逐出房客,收回租屋、租地等。例如:If you don't pay your rent you'll be evicted.(你如果不付房租,就会被赶出去。)

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